????????Pieper准则是Pieper.D.L于1968年在其论文“THE KINEMATICS OF MANIPULATORS UNDER COMPUTER CONTROL”中提出的用于判别机械臂逆运动学问题是否存有封闭解的准则,是存在封闭逆解的充分条件,具体内容为:

? ? ? ? 具体求解过程可以为:

????????The kinematics of manipulators is studied. A model is presented which allows for the systematic description of new and existing manipulators. Six degree-of-freedom manipulators are studied. Several solutions to the problem of finding the manipulator configuration leading to a specified position and orientation are presented. Numerical as well as explicit solutions are given. The problem of positioning a multilink digital arm is also discussed. Given the solution to the position problem, a set of heuristics is developed for moving a six degree-of-freedom manipulator from an initial position to a final position through a space containing obstacles. This results in a computer program shown to be able to direct a manipulator around obstacles.