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[数据结构与算法]5G NR Type II CSI Codebook简介

5G NR Type II CSI Codebook简介

5G NR Type II Codebook相较于Type I Codebook拥有更高的复杂度和更高的精度。和LTE的Advanced CSI Codebook类似,都有做Linear Combination,但是LTE只从一群Beam Group中挑出两个彼此正交的beam来完成Linear Combination。而5G NR type II CSI Codebook则可以从一群Beam Group中挑选出2/3/4个彼此正交的Beam来完成Linear Combination。另外,除了挑选beam外,每个beam都会有一个对应的幅度和相位调整,幅度调整可以是Wideband与subband同时调整,也可以是Wideband单独调整,但是相位只能由subband调整。因此,更多的beam组合、整合幅度调整和相位调整,使得NR type II CSI Codebook拥有更高的复杂度和精度。

5G NR Type II CSI Codebook的一些基础限制

  • 目前NR Type II CSI Codebook的layer数,即rank数最高只支持2。
  • Linear Combination支持的Beam的数量为2/3/4,并且彼此正交
  • 幅度调整(Amplitude scaling)可以分为Wideband+Subband或Wideband only。
  • 相位调整是在Subband上操作,相位的选择可以为QPSK(2bit)或者8-PSK(3bit)。

简单概述: NR Type II CSI for rank 1 and 2

? \huge \cdot ? PMI Codebook (PMI: Precoder Matrix Index)的两种预编码结构:

  1. rank=1
    W = [ w ~ 0 , 0 w ~ 1 , 0 ] = W 1 W 2 , ?? W ?is?normalized?to?1 (1) \boldsymbol W = \left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde \boldsymbol w_{0,0} \\ \tilde \boldsymbol w_{1,0} \\ \end{array} \right] = \boldsymbol W_1 \boldsymbol W_2, \ \ \boldsymbol W \text{ is normalized to 1} \tag{1} W=[w~0,0?w~1,0??]=W1?W2?,??W?is?normalized?to?1(1)

  2. rank=2
    W = [ w ~ 0 , 0 w ~ 0 , 1 w ~ 1 , 0 w ~ 1 , 1 ] = W 1 W 2 , ??columns?of? W ?is?normalized?to? 1 2 (2) \boldsymbol W = \left[ \begin{array}{c} &\tilde \boldsymbol w_{0,0} & \tilde \boldsymbol w_{0,1} \\ &\tilde \boldsymbol w_{1,0} & \tilde \boldsymbol w_{1,1} \\ \end{array} \right] = \boldsymbol W_1 \boldsymbol W_2, \ \ \text{columns of } \boldsymbol W \text{ is normalized to } \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} \tag{2} W=[?w~0,0?w~1,0??w~0,1?w~1,1??]=W1?W2?,??columns?of?W?is?normalized?to?2 ?1?(2)

? \huge \cdot ? Wighted Linear Combination of several beams

w ~ r , l = ∑ i = 0 L b k 1 ( i ) k 2 ( i ) ? p r , l , i W B ? p r , l , i S B ? c r , l , i (3) \tilde \boldsymbol w_{r,l} = \sum_{i=0}^{L} \boldsymbol b_{k^{(i)}_1 k^{(i)}_2} \cdot p^{WB}_{r,l,i} \cdot p^{SB}_{r,l,i} \cdot c_{r,l,i} \tag{3} w~r,l?=i=0L?bk1(i)?k2(i)???pr,l,iWB??pr,l,iSB??cr,l,i?(3)

???? \text{ } \ \ \text{ } ????对上式的理解要注意以下几点:

  1. beam的数量 L L L是可以设置的: L ∈ { 2 , 3 , 4 } L \in \{2,3,4\} L{2,3,4}。注意,若令 N 1 N_1 N1?为水平方向的双极化天线数,令 N 2 N_2 N2?为竖直方向的双极化天线数,那么总的极化天线数为 P C S I ? R S = 2 N 1 N 2 P_{CSI-RS}=2N_1N_2 PCSI?RS?=2N1?N2? P C S I ? R S P_{CSI-RS} PCSI?RS? L L L的关系为:
    L = 2 ?when? P C S I ? R S = 4 L ∈ { 2 , 3 , 4 } ?when? P C S I ? R S > 4 (4) \begin{aligned} L=2 &\text{ when } P_{CSI-RS} = 4 \\ L\in\{2,3,4\} &\text{ when } P_{CSI-RS} > 4 \\ \end{aligned} \tag{4} L=2L{2,3,4}??when?PCSI?RS?=4?when?PCSI?RS?>4?(4)

  2. b k 1 ( i ) k 2 ( i ) \boldsymbol b_{k^{(i)}_1 k^{(i)}_2} bk1(i)?k2(i)??是过采样的2D DFT beam。

  3. r = 0 , 1 r=0,1 r=0,1表示极化方向, l = 0 , 1 l=0,1 l=0,1表示第几个layer (rank),要注意区分 i i i l l l i i i表示第 i i i个beam, l l l表示rank。

  4. p r , l , i W B p^{WB}_{r,l,i} pr,l,iWB? : Wideband beam amplitude scaling factor for beam i i i on polarization r r r and layer l l l.

  5. p r , l , i S B p^{SB}_{r,l,i} pr,l,iSB?: Subband beam amplitude scaling factor for beam i i i on polarization r r r and layer l l l.

  6. c r , l , i c_{r,l,i} cr,l,i?: Beam combining coefficient (phase) for beam i i i on polarization r r r and layer l l l. 可以设置为QPSK(2 bit)或者8-PSK(3 bit)。

补充一点,式(3)可以看出, L L L个DFT beam与polarization r r r 无关,与layer l l l 也无关,选定的beam是什么就用什么,幅度、相位等等再具体做调整。另外,这里我还想强调一点,但这只是我的理解,读者感兴趣的话可以想一想。一般地,矩阵 W 1 \boldsymbol W_1 W1?表示信道的 long-term frequency-independent characteristics,字面上不太好看出来,但是我理解的就是该通信系统所处的信道环境,比如反射、散射物的位置在较长时间内认为不发生变化,那么根据实际的物理环境,我们认为在这较长的时间范围,从发送端打出去的beam,在方向上几乎是保持不变的。

这里给出一个示例,多个beam的线性组合反馈,包括幅度调整(WB Only)和相位调整

Wideband中的Beam选取(Wideband Only)

这部分我们将说明如何从Beam Group中挑选出 L L L 个正交的Beam,挑选出来的这些beam的索引由 i 11 i_{11} i11? i 1 , 2 i_{1,2} i1,2?决定:

  • i 11 i_{11} i11?: 决定Beam Group中哪些Beam是正交的
  • i 12 i_{12} i12?: 从 i 11 i_{11} i11?所决定的那些彼此正交的Beam中挑选出 L L L

Unconstrained beam selection from the orthogonal basis
我们先给出一个oversampled DFT beam的例子,令 O 1 , O 2 O_1, O_2 O1?,O2?分别为水平、竖直方向的过采样数,下图是一个 ( N 1 , N 2 , O 1 , O 2 ) = ( 2 , 2 , 4 , 4 ) (N_1, N_2, O_1, O_2) = (2, 2, 4, 4) (N1?,N2?,O1?,O2?)=(2,2,4,4)的例子

图中黄色的四个方格表示4个正交的beam, k 1 , k 2 k_1,k_2 k1?,k2?分别表示水平和竖直方向上的beam索引(坐标),我们对图中的一些参数做具体的解释

  • 水平方向的Beam索引 ( 1 s t 1^{st} 1st dimension)
    水平方向的Beam索引我们用 k i ( 1 ) k^{(1)}_i ki(1)?表征,表示所选取的第 i i i个beam的横坐标,具体可写为
    k i ( 1 ) = O 1 ? n 1 ( i ) + q 1 , ?? i = 0 , ? ? , L ? 1 (5) k^{(1)}_i = O_1 \cdot n^{(i)}_1 + q_1, \ \ i=0,\cdots,L-1 \tag{5} ki(1)?=O1??n1(i)?+q1?,??i=0,?,L?1(5)

  • 竖直方向的Beam索引 ( 2 n d 2^{nd} 2nd dimension)
    竖直方向的Beam索引我们用 k i ( 2 ) k^{(2)}_i ki(2)?表征,表示所选取的第 i i i个beam的纵坐标,具体可写为
    k i ( 2 ) = O 2 ? n 2 ( i ) + q 2 , ?? i = 0 , ? ? , L ? 1 (6) k^{(2)}_i = O_2 \cdot n^{(i)}_2 + q_2, \ \ i=0,\cdots,L-1 \tag{6} ki(2)?=O2??n2(i)?+q2?,??i=0,?,L?1(6)

进一步,我们对参数 n 1 , n 2 n_1, n_2 n1?,n2? q 1 , q 2 q_1, q_2 q1?,q2?做具体解释。

首先,我们要明确,当我们确定相关的天线数 N 1 , N 2 N_1,N_2 N1?,N2?时,我们实际上就已经可以确定(知道)一组正交的DFT beams,实际上就是图中黄色的4个beam,可以理解为最基本的4个正交beam,这也意味着,我们可以把 n 1 ( i ) . n 2 ( i ) n^{(i)}_1.n^{(i)}_2 n1(i)?.n2(i)?理解为是基准的正交beam的索引,由 i 12 i_{12} i12? 表征,
n 1 ( i ) = 0 , ? ? , N 1 ? 1 ; ?? n 2 ( i ) = 0 , ? ? , N 2 ? 1. ?? ( orthogonal?beam?indices,? i 12 ) (7) n^{(i)}_1 = 0, \cdots, N_1-1; \ \ n^{(i)}_2 = 0, \cdots, N_2-1. \ \ ( \text{orthogonal beam indices, } i_{12}) \tag{7} n1(i)?=0,?,N1??1;??n2(i)?=0,?,N2??1.??(orthogonal?beam?indices,?i12?)(7)

然后,当我们理解基准正交DFT beams后,我们再来看参数 q 1 , q 2 q_1, q_2 q1?,q2?,这两个参数的理解相对比较简单,由上图可以知道,它们所表征的就是基准正交DFT beams的旋转(rotation), q 1 q_1 q1?表示水平方向beam的旋转, q 2 q_2 q2?表示竖直方向beam的旋转,具体为
q 1 = 0 , ? ? , O 1 ? 1 ; ?? q 2 = 0 , ? O 2 ? 1. ?? ( rotation?factors , i 11 ) (8) q_1 = 0,\cdots,O_1-1; \ \ q_2 = 0,\cdots O_2 - 1. \ \ (\text{rotation factors}, i_{11}) \tag{8} q1?=0,?,O1??1;??q2?=0,?O2??1.??(rotation?factors,i11?)(8)

这里给出 ( N 1 , N 2 ) (N_1,N_2) (N1?,N2?) ( O 1 , O 2 ) (O_1,O_2) (O1?,O2?)的一些参数配置



  • 幅度调整对应的索引
    (1) Wideband Amplitude: i 14 i_{14} i14?表征宽带幅度调整的索引,独立于每个Beam、每个Polarization与layer,每个 i 14 i_{14} i14?有8种选择(对应3个bit)。这8种幅度可取的集合为:
    { 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 , 1 8 , 1 1 6 , 1 3 2 , 1 6 4 , 0 } (9) \{1, \frac{1}{\sqrt 2}, \frac{1}{\sqrt 4}, \frac{1}{\sqrt 8}, \frac{1}{\sqrt 16}, \frac{1}{\sqrt 32}, \frac{1}{\sqrt 64}, 0 \} \tag{9} {1,2 ?1?,4 ?1?,8 ?1?,1 ?61?,3 ?21?,6 ?41?,0}(9)

    (2) Subband Amplititude: i 22 i_{22} i22?表征子带上幅度调整的索引,独立于每个Beam、每个Polarization与layer,每个 i 2 i_{2} i2?有2种选择(对应1个bit)。这2种幅度可取的集合为:
    { 1 , 1 2 } (10) \{1, \frac{1}{\sqrt 2}\} \tag{10} {1,2 ?1?}(10)

  • 相位调整对应的索引
    subband phase: i 21 i_{21} i21?: 表征子带上相位调整的索引,独立于每个Beam、每个Polarization与layer,可分为8-PSK(3 bit)和QPSK(2 bit)。
    QPSK:? { e j π n 2 , ? n = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } 8-PSK:? { e j π n 4 , ? n = 0 , 1 , ? ? , 7 } (11) \begin{aligned} \text{QPSK: } &\{e^{j \frac{\pi n}{2}}, \ n=0,1,2,3\} \\ \text{8-PSK: } & \{ e^{j\frac{\pi n}{4}} , \ n=0,1,\cdots,7 \} \end{aligned} \tag{11} QPSK:?8-PSK:??{ej2πn?,?n=0,1,2,3}{ej4πn?,?n=0,1,?,7}?(11)

上面所提及的“独立于每个Beam、每个Polarization与layer”是指系统要分别独立地为每个beam i i i,每个polarization r r r, 每个layer l l l 提供幅度和相位,并且不同的 ( r , l , i ) (r,l,i) (r,l,i)所对应的幅度或相位值都可能不一样,相互之间没有联系。

i 13 i_{13} i13?: 2L个beam中(这里说2L个beam是考虑双极化天线)最强的beam,该beam的所有系数,包括幅度和相位都为1。


我们把(Wideband amplitude: i 14 i_{14} i14?, Subband amplitude: i 22 i_{22} i22?, Subband phase: i 21 i_{21} i21?)量化为 ( X , Y , Z ) (X, Y, Z) (X,Y,Z) bits的形式(这里指多少个bit)

  • 注意,对每一个 layer,the leading (strongest) coefficient ( i 13 i_{13} i13?)对应于所有 2 L 2L 2L个beams中最强的beam,事实上,对于这个beam,并不需要额外反馈什么,因为我们知道它所对应的系数为1。即
    ( X , Y , Z ) = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ?The?leading?(strongest)?coefficient? = 1 \begin{aligned} (X, Y, Z) = (0, 0, 0) \\ \text{ The leading (strongest) coefficient } = 1 \end{aligned} (X,Y,Z)=(0,0,0)?The?leading?(strongest)?coefficient?=1?

  • WB+SB amplitude
    ( X , Y ) = ( 3 , 1 ) (X,Y)=(3,1) (X,Y)=(3,1) and Z ∈ { 2 , 3 } Z \in \{2, 3\} Z{2,3} for the first [ min ? ( K ? 1 , M l ) ] [\min(K-1, M_l)] [min(K?1,Ml?)] leading (strongest) coefficients out of ( 2 L ? 1 ) (2L-1) (2L?1) coefficients, and ( X , Y , Z ) = ( 3 , 0 , 2 ) (X, Y, Z) = (3, 0, 2) (X,Y,Z)=(3,0,2) for the remaining [ 2 L ? min ? ( K , M l + 1 ) ] [2L - \min(K,M_l+1)] [2L?min(K,Ml?+1)] coefficients.

    其中, M l M_l Ml? is the number of elements of i 14 i_{14} i14? that satisfy i 14 > 0 i_{14} > 0 i14?>0
    K K K L L L的对应关系如下图所示

  • WB-Only amplitude, i.e. Y = 0 Y=0 Y=0
    ( X , Y ) = ( 3 , 0 ) ?and? Z ∈ { 2 , 3 } (X,Y) = (3,0) \text{ and } Z \in \{2,3\} (X,Y)=(3,0)?and?Z{2,3}

PMI Indices小结

  • 一般认为PMI Codebook具有下面两种结构
    (1) rank=1
    W = [ w ~ 0 , 0 w ~ 1 , 0 ] = W 1 W 2 , ?? W ?is?normalized?to?1 \boldsymbol W = \left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde \boldsymbol w_{0,0} \\ \tilde \boldsymbol w_{1,0} \\ \end{array} \right] = \boldsymbol W_1 \boldsymbol W_2, \ \ \boldsymbol W \text{ is normalized to 1} W=[w~0,0?w~1,0??]=W1?W2?,??W?is?normalized?to?1

    (2) rank=2
    W = [ w ~ 0 , 0 w ~ 0 , 1 w ~ 1 , 0 w ~ 1 , 1 ] = W 1 W 2 , ??columns?of? W ?is?normalized?to? 1 2 \boldsymbol W = \left[ \begin{array}{c} &\tilde \boldsymbol w_{0,0} & \tilde \boldsymbol w_{0,1} \\ &\tilde \boldsymbol w_{1,0} & \tilde \boldsymbol w_{1,1} \\ \end{array} \right] = \boldsymbol W_1 \boldsymbol W_2, \ \ \text{columns of } \boldsymbol W \text{ is normalized to } \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} W=[?w~0,0?w~1,0??w~0,1?w~1,1??]=W1?W2?,??columns?of?W?is?normalized?to?2 ?1?

  • 上式所描述的分块向量 w ~ r , l \tilde \boldsymbol w_{r,l} w~r,l?可以表示为下面加权线性组合的形式
    w ~ r , l = ∑ i = 0 L b k 1 ( i ) k 2 ( i ) ? p r , l , i W B ? p r , l , i S B ? c r , l , i ??wighted?combination?of?L?beams \tilde \boldsymbol w_{r,l} = \sum_{i=0}^{L} \boldsymbol b_{k^{(i)}_1 k^{(i)}_2} \cdot p^{WB}_{r,l,i} \cdot p^{SB}_{r,l,i} \cdot c_{r,l,i} \ \ \text{wighted combination of L beams} w~r,l?=i=0L?bk1(i)?k2(i)???pr,l,iWB??pr,l,iSB??cr,l,i???wighted?combination?of?L?beams

  • 索引的描述


上图中,我们可以把 ( k 1 ( i ) , k 2 ( i ) ) (k^{(i)}_1, k^{(i)}_2) (k1(i)?,k2(i)?)理解为是beam的横纵坐标。

Type II Codebook小结

  • 使用beam的数量
    • L = 2 , 3 , 4 L=2,3,4 L=2,3,4 对应到(Number of strongest beam K=4,4,6,注意这里有考虑到双极化)
  • 幅度调整
    • WB+SB: SB have 2 selections for the strongest min ? ( K ? 1 , M l ) \min(K-1, M_l) min(K?1,Ml?) (1bit) beams, and one selection for the remaining 2 L ? min ? ( K , M l + 1 ) 2L -\min(K, M_l+1) 2L?min(K,Ml?+1) beams (0 bit).
    • WB only
      (Note: W l W_l Wl? is the number of elements of i 14 i_{14} i14? (Wideband amplitude) that satisfy i 14 ≥ 0 i_{14} \geq 0 i14?0 )
  • 相位调整
    • 8-PSK: for the strongest min ? ( K ? 1 , M l ) \min(K-1, M_l) min(K?1,Ml?) (3bit) beams, and QPSK for the remaining 2 L ? min ? ( K , M l + 1 ) 2L -\min(K, M_l+1) 2L?min(K,Ml?+1) beams (2 bit).
    • QPSK
  • 支持的layer数
    • #. layer = 1,2


[3] E. Onggosanusi et al., “Modular and High-Resolution Channel State Information and Beam Management for 5G New Radio,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 48-55, March 2018, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700761.

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