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软件:Quartus II

Altera公司的综合性CPLD/FPGA开发软件,原理图、VHDL、VerilogHDL以及AHDL(Altera Hardware 支持Description Language)等多种设计输入形式,内嵌自有的综合器以及仿真器,可以完成从设计输入到硬件配置的完整PLD设计流程。

语言: VHDL(Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language 超高速集成电路硬件描述语言)

一种用于电路设计的高级语言。出现在在80年代的后期,最初是由美国国防部开发出来供美军用来提高设计的可靠性和缩减开发周期的一种使用范围较小的设计语言 。VHDL主要用于描述数字系统的结构,行为,功能和接口。除了含有许多具有硬件特征的语句外,VHDL的语言形式、描述风格以及语法是十分类似于一般的计算机高级语言






1. 指令格式分类







2. 指令的分组及节拍

? 指令的基本执行周期为: 读取指令 -->分析指令–> 执行指令


  1. 完成通用寄存器之间的数据运算或传送

  2. 完成一次内存读写操作

在编码的时候以指令操作码的最高2位来区分 A、B组指令,最高两位为”11”则为B组,否则为A组。

? 在控制器方面我们选用了组合逻辑控制器方案。使用节拍来标记每条指令的执行步骤。由指令而定,在我们的系统种不同的执行步骤只有5个,故使用3位节拍。









  1. 程序计数器:保存指令在内存中的地址

  2. 指令寄存器,保存从内存读来的指令内容,在指令执行过程中提供指令本身的主要信息

  3. 节拍发生器,用于标记出每条指令的各执行步骤的相对次序关系

  4. 控制逻辑,它根据指令内容和指令的执行步骤及其他一些条件信号,形成并提供出计算机各部件当前时刻要用到的控制信号

1. 取指令逻辑



2. 指令译码逻辑




3. 指令执行逻辑



4. 存储器访问逻辑

在指令执行阶段之后, CPU 指令处理将进入到存储器访问阶段。

在本节设计的CPU 中,通过LDRR、STRR指令来访问存储器。读写由CONTROLLER给出的wr信号来控制,数据地址为ALU的计算结果alu_out[7…0]。

5. 结果写回逻辑




(1) ALU


(2) 数据选择器BUS_MUX

组合逻辑器件,其输入包括:源寄存器数据,目标寄存器数据,带符号位扩展的偏移地址,PC,以及从内存读取的立即数、跳转地址等数据。在3位控制信号的控制下它进行ALU 模块A、B端输入的选择

(3) 器件T1


(4) 标志寄存器FLAG_REG


(5) T2


(6) 程序计数器PC


(7) 地址寄存器AR和指令寄存器IR


(8) 寄存器、寄存器组和寄存器的选择


(9) 节拍发生器TIMER


(10) 控制逻辑


(11) T3


(12) REG_OUT










(1) controller

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity controller is

port(timer:          in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

  instruction:       in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  c,z,v,s:         in std_logic;

  dest_reg,sour_reg:    out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

  offset:         out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

  sst,sci,rec:       out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

  alu_func,alu_in_sel:   out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

  en_reg,en_pc,wr:     out std_logic);

end controller;

architecture behave of controller is


?    process(timer,instruction,c,z,v,s)

?    variable temp1,temp2 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ;

?    variable temp3,temp4 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ;

?    variable alu_out_sel: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?    begin

?      for I in 3 downto 0 loop

?         temp1(I):=instruction(I+4);

?         temp2(I):=instruction(I);

?      end loop;

?      for I in 1 downto 0 loop

?         temp3(I):=instruction(I+2);

?         temp4(I):=instruction(I);

?      end loop;

?       case timer is


?         when "100"=>

?              dest_reg<="00";

?              sour_reg<="00";

?              offset<="0000";

?              sci<="00";       --c=0

?              sst<="11";          --null

?              alu_out_sel:="00";

?              alu_in_sel<="000";  -- SR DR

?              alu_func<="000";       -- A+B+Cin

?              wr<='1';         --读

?              rec<="00";   


?           when "000"=>

?              dest_reg<="00";

?              sour_reg<="00";

?              offset<="0000";

?              sci<="01";       -- c=1

?              sst<="11";       --null

?              alu_out_sel:="10";  --输入pc

?              alu_in_sel<="100";  -- 0 pc

?              alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin

?              wr<='1';        --读

?              rec<="01";          --输出pc


?           when "001"=>

?              dest_reg<="00";   

?              sour_reg<="00";

?              offset<="0000";

?              sci<="00";       --c=0

?              sst<="11";          --null

?              alu_out_sel:="00";  

?              alu_in_sel<="000"; --SR DR

?              alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin

?              wr<='1';

?              rec<="10";          --读入IR


?           when "011"=>

?              wr<='1';

?              rec<="00";              

?              case temp1 is


?                  when "0000"=> --ADD dr sr

?                  dest_reg<=temp3;

?                  sour_reg<=temp4;

?                  offset<="0000";

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="00";          --正常

?                  alu_out_sel:="01";  --输入寄存器

?                  alu_in_sel<="000"; --sr dr

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin



?                  when "0001"=> --AND dr sr

?                  dest_reg<=temp3;

?                  sour_reg<=temp4;

?                  offset<="0000";

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="00";          --正常

?                  alu_out_sel:="01";  --输入寄存器

?                  alu_in_sel<="000"; --sr dr

?                  alu_func<="010";      --A与B


?                  when "0010"=> --CMP dr sr

?                  dest_reg<=temp3;

?                  sour_reg<=temp4;

?                  offset<="0000";

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="00";          --正常

?                  alu_out_sel:="00";

?                  alu_in_sel<="000"; --sr dr

?                  alu_func<="001";      --B-A-Cin


?                  when "0011"=> --MVRR dr sr

?                  dest_reg<=temp3;

?                  sour_reg<=temp4;

?                  offset<="0000";

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="11";          --null

?                  alu_out_sel:="01";  --输入寄存器

?                  alu_in_sel<="001"; --sr 0

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin


?                  when "0100"=> --DEC dr

?                  dest_reg<=temp3;

?                  sour_reg<=temp4;

?                  offset<="0000";

?                  sci<="01";       --c=1

?                  sst<="00";          --正常

?                  alu_out_sel:="01";  --输入寄存器

?                  alu_in_sel<="010"; --0 dr

?                  alu_func<="001";      --B-1


?                  when "0101"=> --SHL dr

?                  dest_reg<=temp3;

?                  sour_reg<=temp4;

?                  offset<="0000";

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="00";          --正常

?                  alu_out_sel:="01";  --输入寄存器

?                  alu_in_sel<="010"; --0 DR

?                  alu_func<="101";      --左移


?                  when "0110"=> --ADC dr sr

?                  dest_reg<=temp3;

?                  sour_reg<=temp4;

?                  offset<="0000";

?                  sci<="10";       --c

?                  sst<="00";          --正常

?                  alu_out_sel:="01";  --输入寄存器

?                  alu_in_sel<="000"; --dr sr

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin


?                  when "0111"=>    --JR addr

?                  dest_reg<="00";

?                  sour_reg<="00";

?                  offset<=temp2;    

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="11";          --null

?                  alu_out_sel:="10";  --输入pc

?                  alu_in_sel<="011"; --offset pc

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin


?                  when "1000"=> --JRC addr

?                  dest_reg<="00";

?                  sour_reg<="00";

?                  offset<=temp2;

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="11";          --null

?                  alu_out_sel:=c&"0"; --c=1时输入pc

?                  alu_in_sel<="011"; --offset pc

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin


?                  when "1001"=> --JRNZ addr

?                  dest_reg<="00";

?                  sour_reg<="00";

?                  offset<=temp2;    

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="11";          --null

?                  alu_out_sel:=(not z)&"0"; --z=1时输入pc

?                  alu_in_sel<="011"; --offset pc

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin


?                  when "1010"=> --CLC

?                  dest_reg<="00";

?                  sour_reg<="00";

?                  offset<=temp2;

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="01";          --c=0

?                  alu_out_sel:="00";

?                  alu_in_sel<="000"; --sr dr

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin


?                  when "1011"=> --STC

?                  dest_reg<="00";

?                  sour_reg<="00";

?                  offset<=temp2;

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  sst<="10";          --c=1

?                  alu_out_sel:="00";

?                  alu_in_sel<="000"; --sr dr

?                  alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin


?                  when others=>

?                  null;

?              end case;


?           when "101"=>

?              alu_func<="000";      --A+B+Cin

?              wr<='1';

?              sst<="11";          --null

?              dest_reg<=temp3;

?              sour_reg<=temp4;

?              offset<="0000";

?              case temp1 is

?                  when "1100" | "1111"=>  --JMPA addr/MVRD dr,data

?                  sci<="01";       --c=1

?                  alu_out_sel:="10";  --输入pc

?                  alu_in_sel<="100"; --0 pc

?                  rec<="01";          --输出pc


?                  when "1101"=>    --LDRR dr,sr   DR<-[SR]

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  alu_out_sel:="00";

?                  alu_in_sel<="001"; --sr 0

?                  rec<="11";          --输出alu_out


?                  when "1110"=> --STRR dr,sr   [DR]<-SR

?                  sci<="00";       --c=0

?                  alu_out_sel:="00";

?                  alu_in_sel<="010"; --0 dr

?                  rec<="11";          --输出alu_out


?                  when others=>

?                  null;

?              end case;


?           when "111"=>

?              dest_reg<=temp3;

?              sour_reg<=temp4;

?              offset<="0000";

?              sci<="00";           --c=0

?              sst<="11";              --null

?              alu_func<="000";         --A+B+Cin

?              rec<="00";              --null

?              case temp1 is

?                  when "1101" | "1111"=>  --LDRR dr,sr   DR<-[SR]/MVRD dr,data

?                  alu_out_sel:="01";         --输入寄存器

?                  alu_in_sel<="101";        --0 DATA

?                  wr<='1';               


?                  when "1100"=>           --JMPA addr

?                  alu_out_sel:="10";         --输入pc

?                  alu_in_sel<="101";        --0 DATA

?                  wr<='1';


?                  when "1110"=>       --STRR dr,sr   [DR]<-SR

?                  alu_out_sel:="00";     

?                  alu_in_sel<="001";        --sr 0

?                  wr<='0';               --写


?                  when others=>

?                  null;

?              end case;


?           when others=>

?           null;


?       end case;

?       en_reg<=alu_out_sel(0);

?       en_pc<=alu_out_sel(1);

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity timer is


  clk   : in std_logic;

  reset  : in std_logic;

  ins   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  output  : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));

end timer;

architecture behave of timer is

?    type state_type is(s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);

?    signal state:state_type;


?    process(clk,reset,ins)

?    begin

?       if reset='0' then state<=s0;

?       elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then

?           case state is

?              when s0=>

?                  state<=s1;

?              when s1=>

?                  state<=s2;

?              when s2=>

?                  if ins(7)='1' and ins(6)='1' then

?                  state<=s4;

?                  else state<=s3;

?                  end if;

?              when s3=>

?                  state<=s1;

?              when s4=>

?                  state<=s5;

?              when s5=>

?                  state<=s1;

?           end case;

?    end if;

?    end process;

?    process(state)

?    begin

?       case state is

?           when s0=>

?           output<="100";

?           when s1=>

?           output<="000";

?           when s2=>

?           output<="001";

?           when s3=>

?           output<="011";

?           when s4=>

?           output<="101";

?           when s5=>

?           output<="111";

?       end case;

?    end process;

end behave;   


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity alu is

port(cin:in std_logic;

  alu_a,alu_b:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  alu_func:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

  alu_out:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  c,z,v,s:out std_logic);

end alu;

architecture behave of alu is


?    process(alu_a,alu_b,cin,alu_func)

?    variable temp1,temp2,temp3 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;

?    begin

?       temp1 := "0000000"&cin;

?       case alu_func is

?           when "000"=>

?           temp2 := alu_b+alu_a+temp1;

?           when "001"=>

?           temp2 := alu_b-alu_a-temp1;

?           when "010"=>

?           temp2 := alu_a and alu_b;

?           when "011"=>

?           temp2 := alu_a or alu_b;

?           when "100"=>

?           temp2 := alu_a xor alu_b;

?           when "101"=>

?           temp2(0) := '0';

?           for I in 7 downto 1 loop

?           temp2(I) := alu_b(I-1);

?           end loop;

?           when "110"=>

?           temp2(7) := '0';

?           for I in 6 downto 0 loop

?           temp2(I) := alu_b(I+1);

?           end loop;

?           when others=>

?           temp2 := "00000000";

?       end case;

?       alu_out <= temp2;

?       if temp2 = "00000000" then z<='1';

?       else z<='0';

?       end if;

?       if temp2(7) = '1' then s<='1';

?       else s<='0';

?       end if;

?       case alu_func is

?           when "000" | "001"=>

?           if (alu_a(7)= '1' and alu_b(7)= '1' and temp2(7) = '0') or

?             (alu_a(7)= '0' and alu_b(7)= '0' and temp2(7) = '1') then

?           v<='1';

?           else v<='0';

?           end if;

?           when others=>

?           v<='0';

?       end case;

?       case alu_func is

?           when "000"=>

?           temp3 := "11111111"-alu_b-temp1;

?           if temp3<alu_a then

?           c<='1';

?           else c<='0';

?           end if;

?           when "001"=>

?           if alu_b<alu_a then

?           c<='1';

?           else c<='0';

?           end if;

?           when "101"=>

?           c <= alu_b(7);

?           when "110"=>

?           c <= alu_b(0);

?           when others=>

?           c<='0';

?       end case;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity alu is

port(cin:in std_logic;

  alu_a,alu_b:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  alu_func:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

  alu_out:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  c,z,v,s:out std_logic);

end alu;

architecture behave of alu is


?    process(alu_a,alu_b,cin,alu_func)

?    variable temp1,temp2,temp3 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;

?    begin

?       temp1 := "0000000"&cin;

?       case alu_func is

?           when "000"=>

?           temp2 := alu_b+alu_a+temp1;

?           when "001"=>

?           temp2 := alu_b-alu_a-temp1;

?           when "010"=>

?           temp2 := alu_a and alu_b;

?           when "011"=>

?           temp2 := alu_a or alu_b;

?           when "100"=>

?           temp2 := alu_a xor alu_b;

?           when "101"=>

?           temp2(0) := '0';

?           for I in 7 downto 1 loop

?           temp2(I) := alu_b(I-1);

?           end loop;

?           when "110"=>

?           temp2(7) := '0';

?           for I in 6 downto 0 loop

?           temp2(I) := alu_b(I+1);

?           end loop;

?           when others=>

?           temp2 := "00000000";

?       end case;

?       alu_out <= temp2;

?       if temp2 = "00000000" then z<='1';

?       else z<='0';

?       end if;

?       if temp2(7) = '1' then s<='1';

?       else s<='0';

?       end if;

?       case alu_func is

?           when "000" | "001"=>

?           if (alu_a(7)= '1' and alu_b(7)= '1' and temp2(7) = '0') or

?             (alu_a(7)= '0' and alu_b(7)= '0' and temp2(7) = '1') then

?           v<='1';

?           else v<='0';

?           end if;

?           when others=>

?           v<='0';

?       end case;

?       case alu_func is

?           when "000"=>

?           temp3 := "11111111"-alu_b-temp1;

?           if temp3<alu_a then

?           c<='1';

?           else c<='0';

?           end if;

?           when "001"=>

?           if alu_b<alu_a then

?           c<='1';

?           else c<='0';

?           end if;

?           when "101"=>

?           c <= alu_b(7);

?           when "110"=>

?           c <= alu_b(0);

?           when others=>

?           c<='0';

?       end case;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity flag_reg is

?    port(sst:             in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?       c,z,v,s,clk,reset:      in std_logic;

?       flag_c,flag_z,flag_v,flag_s: out std_logic);

end flag_reg;

architecture behave of flag_reg is


?    process(clk,reset)

?    begin

?       if reset = '0' then

?           flag_c<='0';

?           flag_z<='0';

?           flag_v<='0';

?           flag_s<='0';

?       elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then

?           case sst is

?              when "00"=>

?              flag_c<=c;

?              flag_z<=z;

?              flag_v<=v;

?              flag_s<=s;

?              when "01"=>

?              flag_c<='0';

?              when "10"=>

?              flag_c<='1';

?              when "11"=>

?              null;

?           end case;

?       end if;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity reg is

?    port(d:      in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       clk,reset,en: in std_logic;

?       q:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end reg;

architecture behave of reg is


?    process(clk,reset,en)

?    begin

?       if reset = '0' then      

?     q <= "00000000";

?    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then

?     if en = '1' then

?           q <= d;

?        end if;

?    end if;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity reg_mux is

?    port(reg_0:  in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       reg_1:  in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?        reg_2:  in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?        reg_3:  in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?        dest_reg:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?        sour_reg:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?        reg_sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?        en:   in std_logic;

?        en_0:  out std_logic;

?       en_1:  out std_logic;

?        en_2:  out std_logic;

?        en_3:  out std_logic;

?        dr:   out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       sr:   out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       reg_out: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end reg_mux;

architecture behave of reg_mux is


?    process(dest_reg,sour_reg,reg_sel,reg_0,reg_1,

?        reg_2,reg_3,en)

?    variable temp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

?    begin

?       case dest_reg is

?       when "00"=>

?           dr<=reg_0;

?           temp := "0001";

?       when "01"=>

?           dr<=reg_1;

?           temp := "0010";

?       when "10"=>

?           dr<=reg_2;

?           temp := "0100";

?       when "11"=>

?           dr<=reg_3;

?           temp := "1000";

?       end case;

?       if en = '0' then

?           temp := "0000";

?       end if;

?       en_0 <= temp(0);

?       en_1 <= temp(1);

?       en_2 <= temp(2);

?       en_3 <= temp(3);

?       case sour_reg is

?       when "00"=>

?           sr<=reg_0;

?       when "01"=>

?           sr<=reg_1;

?       when "10"=>

?           sr<=reg_2;

?       when "11"=>

?           sr<=reg_3;

?       end case;

?       case reg_sel is

?       when "00"=>

?           reg_out<=reg_0;

?       when "01"=>

?           reg_out<=reg_1;

?       when "10"=>

?           reg_out<=reg_2;

?       when "11"=>

?           reg_out<=reg_3;

?       end case;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity t1 is

?    port(flag_c:in std_logic;

?       sci:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?       alu_cin:out std_logic);

end t1;

architecture behave of t1 is


?    process(sci,flag_c)

?    begin

?       case sci is


?       when "00"=>

?       alu_cin<='0';


?       when "01"=>

?       alu_cin<='1';


?       when "10"=>

?       alu_cin<=flag_c;


?       when others=>

?       alu_cin<='0';


?       end case;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity t2 is

port(offset_4:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

  offset_8:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end t2;

architecture behave of t2 is


?    process(offset_4)

?    begin

?    if offset_4(3) = '1' then offset_8 <= "1111" & offset_4;

?    else offset_8 <= "0000" & offset_4;

?    end if;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity t3 is

port(wr     : in std_logic;

  alu_out   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  output   : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end t3;

architecture behave of t3 is


?    process(wr,alu_out)

?    begin

?       case wr is

?       when '1'=>

?           output<="ZZZZZZZZ";

?       when '0'=>

?           output<=alu_out;

?       end case;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity ir is

?    port(mem_data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       rec:    in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?       clk,reset: in std_logic;

?       q:     out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end ir;

architecture behave of ir is


?    process(clk,reset)

?    begin

?       if reset = '0' then      

?     q <= "00000000";

?    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then

?           case rec is

?              when "10"=>

?              q <= mem_data;

?              when others=>

?              null;

?           end case;    

?    end if;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity pc is

?    port(alu_out:  in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       en:    in std_logic;

?       clk,reset: in std_logic;

?       q:     out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end pc;

architecture behave of pc is


?    process(clk,reset)

?    begin

?       if reset = '0' then      

?           q <= "00000000";

?    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then

?           if en = '1' then

?              q <= alu_out;

?           end if;

?    end if;

?    end process;

end behave;


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity ar is

?    port(alu_out:  in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       pc:    in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

?       rec:    in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

?       clk,reset: in std_logic;

?       q:     out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end ar;

architecture behave of ar is


?    process(clk,reset)

?    begin

?       if reset = '0' then      

?     q <= "00000000";

?    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then

?           case rec is

?              when "01"=>

?              q <= pc;

?              when "11"=>

?              q <= alu_out;

?              when others=>

?               null;

?           end case;    

?    end if;

?    end process;

end behave;
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