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[开发测试]Codeforces Round #738 (Div. 2) D2. Mocha and Diana (Hard Version)

This is the hard version of the problem. The only difference between the two versions is the constraint on n n n. You can make hacks only if all versions of the problem are solved.

A forest is an undirected graph without cycles (not necessarily connected).

Mocha and Diana are friends in Zhijiang, both of them have a forest with nodes numbered from 1 1 1 to n n n, and they would like to add edges to their forests such that:

  • After adding edges, both of their graphs are still forests.
  • They add the same edges. That is, if an edge ( u , v ) (u, v) (u,v) is added to Mocha’s forest, then an edge ( u , v ) (u, v) (u,v) is added to Diana’s forest, and vice versa.

Mocha and Diana want to know the maximum number of edges they can add, and which edges to add.


The first line contains three integers n n n, m 1 m_1 m1? and m 2 m_2 m2? ( 1 ≤ n ≤ 1 0 5 1 \le n \le 10^5 1n105, 0 ≤ m 1 , m 2 < n 0 \le m_1, m_2 < n 0m1?,m2?<n) — the number of nodes and the number of initial edges in Mocha’s forest and Diana’s forest.

Each of the next m 1 m_1 m1? lines contains two integers u u u and v v v ( 1 ≤ u , v ≤ n 1 \le u, v \le n 1u,vn, u ≠ v u \neq v u?=v) — the edges in Mocha’s forest.

Each of the next m 2 m_2 m2? lines contains two integers u u u and v v v ( 1 ≤ u , v ≤ n 1 \le u, v \le n 1u,vn, u ≠ v u \neq v u?=v) — the edges in Diana’s forest.


The first line contains only one integer h h h, the maximum number of edges Mocha and Diana can add.

Each of the next h h h lines contains two integers u u u and v v v ( 1 ≤ u , v ≤ n 1 \le u, v \le n 1u,vn, u ≠ v u \neq v u?=v) — the edge you add each time.

If there are multiple correct answers, you can print any one of them.



3 2 2
1 2
2 3
1 2
1 3



然后考虑加边的策略,首先先按这种策略加边:枚举所有点,如果在两个图中均可以向节点 1 1 1 连边则直接连边。这样处理的结果是一定是下图所示类型:在这里插入图片描述
可以发现,此时可以继续加的边只能是蓝色和绿色点集之间的边,进而可以得出对于两图中不包含节点 1 1 1 的连通分量只能向外连至多一条边,并且不包含节点 1 1 1 的连通分量数量较少的图一定能连成一棵树。由此可以通过双指针 O ( n ) O(n) O(n) 将剩余部分连完。并查集操作近似看做常数,总时间复杂度为 O ( n ) O(n) O(n)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;
const int N = 1e5 + 10;

struct Union_Find {
    int fa[N], rnk[N];

    inline void init(int n) { iota(fa + 1, fa + 1 + n, 1); }

    int get(int x) { return x == fa[x] ? x : (fa[x] = get(fa[x])); }

    inline void merge(int x, int y) {
        x = get(x), y = get(y);
        if (x == y) return;
        if (rnk[x] < rnk[y]) swap(x, y);
        fa[y] = x;
        if (rnk[x] == rnk[y]) rnk[x]++;

    inline bool same(int x, int y) { return get(x) == get(y); }
} U1, U2;

int n, m1, m2, ans;

int main() {
    scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m1, &m2);
    U1.init(n), U2.init(n);
    for (int i = 1, x, y; i <= m1; i++)
        scanf("%d%d", &x, &y), U1.merge(x, y);
    for (int i = 1, x, y; i <= m2; i++)
        scanf("%d%d", &x, &y), U2.merge(x, y);
    printf("%d\n", ans = n - 1 - max(m1, m2));
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        if (U1.same(1, i) || U2.same(1, i)) continue;
        printf("1 %d\n", i), ans--;
        U1.merge(1, i), U2.merge(1, i);
    for (int i = 2, j = 1; ans; i++) {
        if (U1.same(1, i)) continue;
        while (U2.same(1, j)) j++;
        printf("%d %d\n", i, j), ans--;
        U1.merge(1, i), U2.merge(1, j);
    return 0;
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加:2021-08-18 12:59:46  更:2021-08-18 13:01:22 
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