修饰符和类型 | 方法 | 描述 |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Double> | averagingDouble?(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>?mapper) | 返回求输入Double类型元素平均值的Collector |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Double> | averagingInt?(ToIntFunction<? super T>?mapper) | 返回求输入Interger类型元素平均值的Collector |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Double> | averagingLong?(ToLongFunction<? super T>?mapper) | 返回求输入Long类型元素平均值的Collector |
static <T,?A,?R,?RR> Collector<T,?A,?RR> | collectingAndThen?(Collector<T,?A,?R>?downstream,?Function<R,?RR>?finisher) | 调整收集器在完成收集后应用额外的转换逻辑 |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Long> | counting() | 返回一个接受T类型元素的Collector ,用于统计T元素的个数 |
static <T,?A,?R> Collector<T,??,?R> | filtering?(Predicate<? super T>?predicate,?Collector<? super T,?A,?R>?downstream) | 通过对每个输入元素应用Predicate ,使收集器适应于一个接受相同类型T的元素,并只在Predicate 返回true时进行累积。 ? |
static <T,?U,?A,?R> Collector<T,??,?R> | flatMapping?(Function<? super T,?? extends?Stream<? extends U>>?mapper,Collector<? super U,?A,?R>?downstream) | 通过在累积之前对每个输入元素应用Function 映射函数,将一个接受U类型元素的收集器调整为一个接受T类型元素。 ? |
static <T,?K> Collector<T,??,?Map<K,?List<T>>> | groupingBy?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?classifier) | Returns a?Collector ?implementing a "group by" operation on input elements of type?T , grouping elements according to a classification function, and returning the results in a?Map . |
static <T,?K,?D,?A,?M extendsMap<K,?D>> Collector<T,??,?M> | groupingBy?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?classifier,Supplier<M>?mapFactory,?Collector<? super T,?A,?D>?downstream) | Returns a?Collector ?implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type?T , grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream?Collector . |
static <T,?K,?A,?D> Collector<T,??,?Map<K,?D>> | groupingBy?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?classifier,?Collector<? super T,?A,?D>?downstream) | Returns a?Collector ?implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type?T , grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream?Collector . |
static <T,?K> Collector<T,??,?ConcurrentMap<K,?List<T>>> | groupingByConcurrent?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?classifier) | Returns a concurrent?Collector ?implementing a "group by" operation on input elements of type?T , grouping elements according to a classification function. |
static <T,?K,?A,?D,?M extendsConcurrentMap<K,?D>> Collector<T,??,?M> | groupingByConcurrent?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?classifier,Supplier<M>?mapFactory,?Collector<? super T,?A,?D>?downstream) | Returns a concurrent?Collector ?implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type?T , grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream?Collector . |
static <T,?K,?A,?D> Collector<T,??,?ConcurrentMap<K,?D>> | groupingByConcurrent?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?classifier,Collector<? super T,?A,?D>?downstream) | Returns a concurrent?Collector ?implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type?T , grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream?Collector . |
staticCollector<CharSequence,??,?String> | joining() | Returns a?Collector ?that concatenates the input elements into a?String , in encounter order. |
staticCollector<CharSequence,??,?String> | joining?(CharSequence?delimiter) | Returns a?Collector ?that concatenates the input elements, separated by the specified delimiter, in encounter order. |
staticCollector<CharSequence,??,?String> | joining?(CharSequence?delimiter,?CharSequence?prefix,CharSequence?suffix) | Returns a?Collector ?that concatenates the input elements, separated by the specified delimiter, with the specified prefix and suffix, in encounter order. |
static <T,?U,?A,?R> Collector<T,??,?R> | mapping?(Function<? super T,?? extends U>?mapper,?Collector<? super U,?A,?R>?downstream) | Adapts a?Collector ?accepting elements of type?U ?to one accepting elements of type?T ?by applying a mapping function to each input element before accumulation. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Optional<T>> | maxBy?(Comparator<? super T>?comparator) | Returns a?Collector ?that produces the maximal element according to a given?Comparator , described as an?Optional<T> . |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Optional<T>> | minBy?(Comparator<? super T>?comparator) | Returns a?Collector ?that produces the minimal element according to a given?Comparator , described as an?Optional<T> . |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Map<Boolean,?List<T>>> | partitioningBy?(Predicate<? super T>?predicate) | Returns a?Collector ?which partitions the input elements according to a?Predicate , and organizes them into a?Map<Boolean, List<T>> . |
static <T,?D,?A> Collector<T,??,?Map<Boolean,?D>> | partitioningBy?(Predicate<? super T>?predicate,?Collector<? super T,?A,?D>?downstream) | Returns a?Collector ?which partitions the input elements according to a?Predicate , reduces the values in each partition according to another?Collector , and organizes them into a?Map<Boolean, D> ?whose values are the result of the downstream reduction. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Optional<T>> | reducing?(BinaryOperator<T>?op) | Returns a?Collector ?which performs a reduction of its input elements under a specified?BinaryOperator . |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?T> | reducing?(T?identity,?BinaryOperator<T>?op) | Returns a?Collector ?which performs a reduction of its input elements under a specified?BinaryOperator ?using the provided identity. |
static <T,?U> Collector<T,??,?U> | reducing?(U?identity,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?mapper,BinaryOperator<U>?op) | Returns a?Collector ?which performs a reduction of its input elements under a specified mapping function and?BinaryOperator . |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?DoubleSummaryStatistics> | summarizingDouble?(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>?mapper) | Returns a?Collector ?which applies an?double -producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?IntSummaryStatistics> | summarizingInt?(ToIntFunction<? super T>?mapper) | Returns a?Collector ?which applies an?int -producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?LongSummaryStatistics> | summarizingLong?(ToLongFunction<? super T>?mapper) | Returns a?Collector ?which applies an?long -producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Double> | summingDouble?(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>?mapper) | Returns a?Collector ?that produces the sum of a double-valued function applied to the input elements. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Integer> | summingInt?(ToIntFunction<? super T>?mapper) | Returns a?Collector ?that produces the sum of a integer-valued function applied to the input elements. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Long> | summingLong?(ToLongFunction<? super T>?mapper) | Returns a?Collector ?that produces the sum of a long-valued function applied to the input elements. |
static <T,?C extendsCollection<T>> Collector<T,??,?C> | toCollection?(Supplier<C>?collectionFactory) | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates the input elements into a new?Collection , in encounter order. |
static <T,?K,?U> Collector<T,??,?ConcurrentMap<K,?U>> | toConcurrentMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper) | Returns a concurrent?Collector ?that accumulates elements into a?ConcurrentMap ?whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T,?K,?U> Collector<T,??,?ConcurrentMap<K,?U>> | toConcurrentMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper,?BinaryOperator<U>?mergeFunction) | Returns a concurrent?Collector ?that accumulates elements into a?ConcurrentMap ?whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T,?K,?U,?M extendsConcurrentMap<K,?U>> Collector<T,??,?M> | toConcurrentMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper,?BinaryOperator<U>?mergeFunction,Supplier<M>?mapFactory) | Returns a concurrent?Collector ?that accumulates elements into a?ConcurrentMap ?whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?List<T>> | toList() | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates the input elements into a new?List . |
static <T,?K,?U> Collector<T,??,?Map<K,?U>> | toMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper) | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates elements into a?Map ?whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T,?K,?U> Collector<T,??,?Map<K,?U>> | toMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper,?BinaryOperator<U>?mergeFunction) | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates elements into a?Map ?whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T,?K,?U,?M extendsMap<K,?U>> Collector<T,??,?M> | toMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper,?BinaryOperator<U>?mergeFunction,Supplier<M>?mapFactory) | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates elements into a?Map ?whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Set<T>> | toSet() | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates the input elements into a new?Set . |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?List<T>> | toUnmodifiableList() | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates the input elements into an?unmodifiable List?in encounter order. |
static <T,?K,?U> Collector<T,??,?Map<K,?U>> | toUnmodifiableMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper) | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates the input elements into an?unmodifiable Map, whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T,?K,?U> Collector<T,??,?Map<K,?U>> | toUnmodifiableMap?(Function<? super T,?? extends K>?keyMapper,?Function<? super T,?? extends U>?valueMapper,?BinaryOperator<U>?mergeFunction) | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates the input elements into an?unmodifiable Map, whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. |
static <T>?Collector<T,??,?Set<T>> | toUnmodifiableSet() | Returns a?Collector ?that accumulates the input elements into an?unmodifiable Set. |