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[游戏开发]3D Modeling for Unity: The Complete Guide

3D Modeling for Unity: The Complete Guide

Software for 3D Modeling for Unity

There are 3 major tools on the market which you can choose from:

  • Blender
  • 3Ds Max
  • Maya

The Process of Creating a 3D Model for Unity 创建Unity3D模型的流程

Modeling 建模

  • Box modeling is a 3D modeling technique where you take a simple shape like a cube, cylinder, or sphere as a starting point and work along the modeling process until the model is complete. Using simple shapes as building blocks is a good way of making your work more efficient and straightforward.

  • NURBS (non-uniform rational basis spline) modeling is a mathematical modeling method that’s generating and representing curves and surfaces. The NURBS modeling technique helps 3D artists to use the so-called curve modeling. A 3D artist can draw rough lines and the software will automatically create smooth shapes. The following method can be used for quick prototyping of models by creating basic shapes of an object.

  • Digital sculpting is a modeling technique where a 3D artist uses a digital brush to manipulate a 3D object. The process is similar to using clay in real life. But in this case, an artist is using a software editor to work with a digital object. The method allows models to be built extremely quickly, however, it also makes models very polygon-intensive and heavy so that further optimization is required.

  • Procedural modeling (程序化建模) is a method of modeling where a 3D artist is using mathematical formulas, algorithms, and sets of rules to build 3D models or environments. Procedural modeling is used with randomized object details such as trees, landscapes, mountains, fire, water, and other substances.


  • Image-based modeling or photogrammetry is a new way of modeling which is based on rendering models from images. An expert takes 360° photos of an object, then uploads them into the software which generates a model. The software creates a 3D model based on the imagery. The cleaner the shots the cleaner the model is. Often, the model requires further manipulations and retopology to make it visually appealing, smooth, and comfortable to work with.

Retopology 重新拓扑

Retopology is the process of converting high-poly models into low-poly ones. This step is an integral part of the post-modeling process that helps make models easy to work with in Unity.

UV mapping

UV mapping is the process of projecting a 2D image to a 3D model’s surface for texturing. In other words, an artist takes a 3D model, unfolds it, and creates a 2D image which is easier to paint textures upon.

2D 图像投影到 3D 模型表面以进行纹理化的过程

工具:Roadkill, Ultimate Unwrap 3D、Blender、Maya

Rigging 骨骼绑定

Rigging is a 3D modeling method of adding bones to a 3D character or an object for creating flexible and movable parts for animation.

骨骼绑定是一种将骨骼添加到 3D 角色或对象的 3D 建模方法,用于创建动画的灵活和可移动部件。

Skinning 蒙皮

Skinning binds the 3D mesh with the bones (rigging) so that you can move vertices and use your model to the fullest capacity in animation.

Texturing 纹理

Texturing is the final stage of the modeling process. To achieve the best texturing results using with materials and textures an artist has to make sure that the model has been rigged, skinned, retopologized and UV mapped successfully.


3D Modeling for Unity: The Complete Guide

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