Many Widgets——A handy plugin for Cocos Creator 3.x
Many Widgets
This is a handy plugin that helps you create cocos creator widgets with special functions.
Supported Cocos Creator version: 3.x.
Up to now:
- Typer
- Bullet Screen
- Rolling Number
- Combo Box
- Moving Background
- Zoom View
Just click the the use button and you will get a label with typing effect. 
Bullet Screen:
Sometimes there are more steps after clicking the use button. However, these steps, for example—adding components, are just easy. 
Combo Box:
Combo box is not very often seen in games, unless you want to use Cocos Creator for other kinds of apps. 
You may find the demo link and How to use sections in the plugin panel. 
Problems and Suggestions:
If you find any problems, please leave a message. And you suggestions would also be highly appreciated.
This is my email address: