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[游戏开发]The difference between array and vector

Today I want to use the pre and in order result of a tree to achieve a binary tree. It is completely? honest that I cannot use the recursion to obtain that result. Therefore, I find a code in CSDN which achieve a tree successfully. However, in that code , I find a unfamiliar data type name vector. OUT of curiosity, I would to know the difference between them and I was luckily to find this link?(17条消息) c++向量和数组的区别_一本正经的聊数据结构(2):数组与向量_weixin_39638188的博客-CSDN博客

From this artical, I know that there are two drawbacks? in array. The first one is the array cannot be used wihout the fixed length which means that when you define a array, you must tell the computer how meny elements in the array. The second one is that the elements in array must be the same data types. To handle these two drawbacks, the vector came to the stage. anyway, I am increasingly curious about the field or world in programming. wish tomorrwo is a good day.?

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加:2021-09-12 13:27:58  更:2021-09-12 13:28:20 
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