A component is a TS?class which angular depend upon to create objects. You can build your own declarative components into bite-sized, reusable pieces.
Data binding
Data binding allows you to move your data from the JS code to the view, without having to write the glue code yourself.
Dependency injection
Modular services can be created and be injected anywhere you want, improves testability and reusability.
Angular CLI
Command-line interface (CLI) tool to make it easier to bootstrap and develop your Angular applications
Run the app:?
- In development mode: CLI?compiles the changes as it happens and refreshes our UI?
ng serve
- In production mode: CLI creates an optimal compiled build, served via static files
Angular Structure
- Root HTML -- responsible for deciding which files are to be loaded
- In the?src?folder
- Clean and pristine -- no references to any scripts or?dependencies
<app-root> ?element in the HTML, which is?the marker for loading our application code
- Loading is done by ng-serve command --?combines all the vendor libraries, our application code, the styles, and inline templates into bundles, then inject dynamically into root HTML when page is loaded.