ShowTouchKeyboard();打开 键盘 HideTouchKeyboard();关闭键盘 这个方式打开有个坑:打开虚拟键盘后,没法直接切换输入法,必须先输入一个字母才可以切换。 ----------------------------分割线------------------------- using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; /// /// 虚拟键盘管理类 /// public class JianPanCtl { [DllImport(“user32”)] static extern IntPtr FindWindow(String sClassName, String sAppName); [DllImport(“user32”)] static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, int wParam, int lParam); /// /// 显示屏幕键盘 /// public static void ShowTouchKeyboard() { try { ExternalCall(“C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ink\tabtip.exe”, null, false); } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(e); } } /// /// 隐藏屏幕键盘 /// public static void HideTouchKeyboard() { try { uint WM_SYSCOMMAND = 274; int SC_CLOSE = 61536; IntPtr ptr = FindWindow(“IPTip_Main_Window”, null); PostMessage(ptr, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0); } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(e); } } private static Process ExternalCall(string filename, string arguments, bool hideWindow) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = filename; startInfo.Arguments = arguments; // if just command, we don’t want to see the console displayed if (hideWindow) { startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); process.Refresh(); return process; } }