工程github地址:GitHub - NVIDIAGameWorks/Blast: A modular destruction SDK designed for performance and flexibility, replacing APEX destruction
? ? ? ? 首先我们需要知道它用在哪里,这个Nvidia Flast主要是一套模拟破碎效果的方案,这里给出一些Nvidia的示例图:
? ?
运行场景test可以看到具体效果,在Unity的Hierarchy面板中可以看到主要的代码一共就两个,一个控制摄像机移动的代码挂载Main Camera物体下,另一个控制整个场景主要逻辑的代码demo被挂载在Demo的空物体上。其他预制都是场景中演示时需要用到的物体,包括一个directional Light灯光以及一个Plane用于放置生成出来的“City”的平板,一个用于演示施加受力点的HitSphere小球游戏物体。
? ? ? ? 抛开控制摄像机的常规移动逻辑代码不谈,这里Demo主要的逻辑放在Demo物体下的Demo代码中,而Demo的实现看起来也十分简单易懂,只有一个在Awake生命周期里实现生成模拟的“City”的代码方法generateCity以及一个在Update里实时检测Hit施加力的代码方法 applyRadialDamage。施加力的代码比较简单这里就不赘述了,源码如下所示:
private IEnumerator applyRadialDamage(Vector3 position, float minRadius, float maxRadius, float compressive, float explosive = 3000.0f)
var hits = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, maxRadius);
foreach (var hit in hits)
var rb = hit.GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody>();
var family = hit.GetComponentInParent<CubeFamily>();
if (rb != null && family != null)
family.ApplyRadialDamage(rb, position, minRadius, maxRadius, compressive);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
hits = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, maxRadius);
foreach (var hit in hits)
var rb = hit.GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody>();
if (rb != null)
rb.AddExplosionForce(explosive, position, maxRadius, 3.0f);
private void Update()
bool isActive = false;
if (true)
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
hitSphere.transform.position = hit.point;
isActive = true;
_hitSphereSize += Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * 10.0f;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
StartCoroutine(applyRadialDamage(hitSphere.transform.position, 0.0f, _hitSphereSize, 10.0f));
hitSphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(_hitSphereSize, _hitSphereSize, _hitSphereSize);
private float _hitSphereSize = 25.0f;
const int BUILDING_TYPE_COUNT = 5;
Vector3 BUILDING_MIN_SIZE = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);
Vector3 BUILDING_MAX_SIZE = new Vector3(50, 200, 50);
List<CubeAsset> buildingTypes = new List<CubeAsset>(BUILDING_TYPE_COUNT);
从变量命名就能得知它所代表的含义,从上往上第一个指的是City的类型,也就是说生成的Hourse类型有且只有五种,第二、三个指的是Building的尺寸范围区间,这里使用Vector3 用来代表Building的长高宽,第四个List这里用到了第一个常量表示五个类型的具体表现形式。
for (int i = 0; i < BUILDING_TYPE_COUNT; ++i)
CubeAsset.Settings settings = new CubeAsset.Settings();
settings.depths.Add(new CubeAsset.DepthInfo(new Vector3(1, 1, 1), NvBlastChunkDesc.Flags.NoFlags));
settings.depths.Add(new CubeAsset.DepthInfo(new Vector3(1, 2, 1), NvBlastChunkDesc.Flags.NoFlags));
settings.depths.Add(new CubeAsset.DepthInfo(new Vector3(2, 3, 2), NvBlastChunkDesc.Flags.NoFlags));
settings.depths.Add(new CubeAsset.DepthInfo(new Vector3(2, 2, 2), NvBlastChunkDesc.Flags.SupportFlag));
settings.extents = new Vector3(Random.Range(BUILDING_MIN_SIZE.x, BUILDING_MAX_SIZE.x), Random.Range(BUILDING_MIN_SIZE.y, BUILDING_MAX_SIZE.y), Random.Range(BUILDING_MIN_SIZE.z, BUILDING_MAX_SIZE.z));
settings.staticHeight = 10.0f;
CubeAsset cubeAsset = CubeAsset.generate(settings);
public static CubeAsset generate(Settings settings)
CubeAsset asset = new CubeAsset();
asset.extents = settings.extents;
List<NvBlastChunkDesc> solverChunks = new List<NvBlastChunkDesc>();
List<NvBlastBondDesc> solverBonds = new List<NvBlastBondDesc>();
// initial params
List<uint> depthStartIDs = new List<uint>();
List<Vector3> depthSlicesPerAxisTotal = new List<Vector3>();
uint currentID = 0;
Vector3 extents = settings.extents;
// Iterate over depths and create children
for (int depth = 0; depth<settings.depths.Count; depth++)
Vector3 slicesPerAxis = settings.depths[depth].slicesPerAxis;
Vector3 slicesPerAxisTotal = (depth == 0) ? slicesPerAxis : Vector3.Scale(slicesPerAxis, (depthSlicesPerAxisTotal[depth - 1]));
extents.x /= slicesPerAxis.x;
extents.y /= slicesPerAxis.y;
extents.z /= slicesPerAxis.z;
for (uint z = 0; z< (uint)slicesPerAxisTotal.z; ++z)
uint parent_z = z / (uint)slicesPerAxis.z;
for (uint y = 0; y< (uint)slicesPerAxisTotal.y; ++y)
uint parent_y = y / (uint)slicesPerAxis.y;
for (uint x = 0; x< (uint)slicesPerAxisTotal.x; ++x)
uint parent_x = x / (uint)slicesPerAxis.x;
uint parentID = depth == 0 ? uint.MaxValue :
depthStartIDs[depth - 1] + parent_x + (uint)depthSlicesPerAxisTotal[depth - 1].x * (parent_y + (uint)depthSlicesPerAxisTotal[depth - 1].y * parent_z);
Vector3 position;
position.x = ((float)x - (slicesPerAxisTotal.x / 2) + 0.5f) * extents.x;
position.y = ((float)y - (slicesPerAxisTotal.y / 2) + 0.5f) * extents.y;
position.z = ((float)z - (slicesPerAxisTotal.z / 2) + 0.5f) * extents.z;
NvBlastChunkDesc chunkDesc;
chunkDesc.c0 = position.x;
chunkDesc.c1 = position.y;
chunkDesc.c2 = position.z;
chunkDesc.volume = extents.x * extents.y * extents.z;
chunkDesc.flags = (uint)settings.depths[depth].flag;
chunkDesc.userData = currentID++;
chunkDesc.parentChunkIndex = parentID;
bool isStatic = false;
if (settings.depths[depth].flag == NvBlastChunkDesc.Flags.SupportFlag)
isStatic = position.y - (extents.y - asset.extents.y) / 2 <= settings.staticHeight;
// x-neighbor
if (x > 0 && (settings.bondFlags & BondFlags.X_BONDS) != 0)
Vector3 xNeighborPosition = position - new Vector3(extents.x, 0, 0);
uint neighborID = chunkDesc.userData - 1;
fillBondDesc(solverBonds, chunkDesc.userData, neighborID, position, xNeighborPosition, extents, extents.y* extents.z);
// y-neighbor
if (y > 0 && (settings.bondFlags & BondFlags.Y_BONDS) != 0)
Vector3 yNeighborPosition = position - new Vector3(0, extents.y, 0);
uint neighborID = chunkDesc.userData - (uint)slicesPerAxisTotal.x;
fillBondDesc(solverBonds, chunkDesc.userData, neighborID, position, yNeighborPosition, extents, extents.z* extents.x);
// z-neighbor
if (z > 0 && (settings.bondFlags & BondFlags.Z_BONDS) != 0)
Vector3 zNeighborPosition = position - new Vector3(0, 0, extents.z);
uint neighborID = chunkDesc.userData - (uint)slicesPerAxisTotal.x * (uint)slicesPerAxisTotal.y;
fillBondDesc(solverBonds, chunkDesc.userData, neighborID, position, zNeighborPosition, extents, extents.x* extents.y);
asset.chunks.Add(new BlastChunkCube(position, extents, isStatic));
// Prepare solver asset desc
asset.solverAssetDesc.chunkCount = (uint)solverChunks.Count;
asset.solverAssetDesc.chunkDescs = solverChunks.ToArray();
asset.solverAssetDesc.bondCount = (uint)solverBonds.Count;
asset.solverAssetDesc.bondDescs = solverBonds.ToArray();
// Reorder chunks
uint[] chunkReorderMap = new uint[asset.solverAssetDesc.chunkCount];
NvBlastExtUtilsWrapper.ReorderAssetDescChunks(asset.solverAssetDesc, chunkReorderMap);
BlastChunkCube[] chunksTemp = asset.chunks.ToArray();
for (uint i = 0; i < chunkReorderMap.Length; ++i)
asset.chunks[(int)chunkReorderMap[i]] = chunksTemp[i];
return asset;
NvBlastExtUtilsWrapper.ReorderAssetDescChunks(asset.solverAssetDesc, chunkReorderMap);
? ? ? ? 当然这个Demo只演示了简单的Box的破碎效果并不涉及复杂网格的破碎效果,但究其原理必定也是树状结构数据传入到底层的dll里再对最终的破碎效果进行模拟的。
? ? ? ? 以上只是本人对demo代码的理解,如有不对的地方还望指正,后续有补充的地方本人还会保持更新。
? ? ? ? Nvidia似乎不止于做过Flast,还做过其他模拟的并且都以开源的形式释放出来以供他人使用:Access GameWorks Source on Github | NVIDIA Developer
? ? ? ? 在我琢磨着如何实现复杂模型时突然发现原来早有人研究过这个Flast并将它运用到了Unity里,这里附上大佬做过的完全体成品的Unity插件,在此附上链接以供他人参考使用:
Nvidia Blast - Unity Forum?