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[游戏开发]UGameplayStatics接口:BlueprintSuggestProjectileVelocity & SuggestProjectileVelocity-建议弹射速度


bool UGameplayStatics::BlueprintSuggestProjectileVelocity(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FVector& OutTossVelocity, FVector StartLocation, FVector EndLocation, float LaunchSpeed, float OverrideGravityZ, ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption::Type TraceOption, float CollisionRadius, bool bFavorHighArc, bool bDrawDebug)
	// simple pass-through to the C++ interface
	return UGameplayStatics::SuggestProjectileVelocity(WorldContextObject, OutTossVelocity, StartLocation, EndLocation, LaunchSpeed, bFavorHighArc, CollisionRadius, OverrideGravityZ, TraceOption, FCollisionResponseParams::DefaultResponseParam, TArray<AActor*>(), bDrawDebug);


	 * Calculates an launch velocity for a projectile to hit a specified point.
	 * @param TossVelocity		(output) Result launch velocity.
	 * @param StartLocation		Intended launch location
	 * @param EndLocation		Desired landing location
	 * @param LaunchSpeed		Desired launch speed
	 * @param OverrideGravityZ	Optional gravity override.  0 means "do not override".
	 * @param TraceOption		Controls whether or not to validate a clear path by tracing along the calculated arc
	 * @param CollisionRadius	Radius of the projectile (assumed spherical), used when tracing
	 * @param bFavorHighArc		If true and there are 2 valid solutions, will return the higher arc.  If false, will favor the lower arc.
	 * @param bDrawDebug		When true, a debug arc is drawn (red for an invalid arc, green for a valid arc)
	 * @return					Returns false if there is no valid solution or the valid solutions are blocked.  Returns true otherwise.
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Game|Components|ProjectileMovement", DisplayName="SuggestProjectileVelocity", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject"))
	static bool BlueprintSuggestProjectileVelocity(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FVector& TossVelocity, FVector StartLocation, FVector EndLocation, float LaunchSpeed, float OverrideGravityZ, ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption::Type TraceOption, float CollisionRadius, bool bFavorHighArc, bool bDrawDebug);

	/** Native version, has more options than the Blueprint version. */
	static bool SuggestProjectileVelocity(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FVector& TossVelocity, FVector StartLocation, FVector EndLocation, float TossSpeed, bool bHighArc = false, float CollisionRadius = 0.f, float OverrideGravityZ = 0, ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption::Type TraceOption = ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption::TraceFullPath, const FCollisionResponseParams& ResponseParam = FCollisionResponseParams::DefaultResponseParam, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore = TArray<AActor*>(), bool bDrawDebug = false);


* 计算弹丸击中指定点的发射速度。
* @param TossVelocity(输出)结果发射速度。
* @param StartLocation 预期启动位置
* @param EndLocation 期望的着陆位置
* @param LaunchSpeed 所需的启动速度
* @param OverrideGravityZ 可选的重力覆盖。 0 表示“不覆盖”。
* @param TraceOption 控制是否通过沿计算的弧线追踪来验证畅通路径
* @param CollisionRadius 弹丸的半径(假定为球形),在追踪时使用
* @param bFavorHighArc 如果为真并且有 2 个有效的解决方案,将返回更高的弧。 如果为假,将有利于较低的弧度。
* @param bDrawDebug 当为真时,绘制一个调试弧(红色为无效弧,绿色为有效弧)
* @return 如果没有有效的解决方案或有效的解决方案被阻止,则返回 false。 否则返回真。


/** 原生版本,比蓝图版本有更多的选项。 */



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