飞光飞光,劝尔一杯酒。吾不识青天高,黄地厚, 唯见月寒日暖,来煎人寿。食熊则肥,食蛙则瘦。 神君何在,太一安有。天东有若木,下置衔烛龙。 吾将斩龙足,嚼龙肉。使之朝不得回,夜不得伏。 自然老者不死,少者不哭。何为服黄金,吞白玉。 谁似任公子,云中骑碧驴。刘彻茂陵多滞骨,嬴政梓棺费鲍鱼。 ——李贺《苦昼短》
But why, some say, the moon Why choose this as our goal And they may well ask Why climb the highest mountain Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic Why does Rice play Texas We choose to go to the moon We choose to go to the moon We choose to go to the moon In this decade and do the other things Not because they are easy But because they are hard Because that goal will serve to organize And measure the best Of our energies and skills Because that challenge is one That we are willing to accept One we are unwilling to postpone And one which we intend to win ——来自肯尼迪1962年的登月计划演说(摘自We Choose To Go To The Moon-There‘s a Light)
我的旗帜列成一队, 相互没有纠缠。 我的歌声列成一队。 我正集合鲜花, 动员松柏, 把天空铺展为华盖。 我爱,我生活, 我在词语里诞生, 在早晨的旌旗下召集蝴蝶, 培育果实; 我和雨滴 在云朵和它的摇铃里、在海洋过夜。 我向星辰下令, 我停泊瞩望, 我让自己登基, 做风的君王。 ——阿多尼斯《风的君王》
一群小小的鱼 游进我的血液 我等待着 血液和身体的变化 由于鱼 我的血管变得蔚蓝 我的皮膚 也变成大海的颜色 一个体内藏着鱼 藏着大海的人 心灵 也变得像大海无边无际 我仿佛感到 眼睛深不可测 睫毛上 栖息着一群海鸥 ——王宜振《血液的鱼》