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[游戏开发]3.3.4 Trading Strategies

1. Single Option Strategies

Covered Call(Long Stock + Short Call)

  • S T < X S_T<X ST?<X
    • Short call: c c c
    • Long stock: S T ? S 0 S_T-S_0 ST??S0?
    • 合计 c + S T ? S 0 c+S_T-S_0 c+ST??S0?
  • S T ≥ X S_T \geq X ST?X
    • Short call: c ? ( S T ? X ) c-(S_T-X) c?(ST??X)
    • Long stock: S T ? S 0 S_T-S_0 ST??S0?
    • 合计 c + X ? S 0 c +X-S_0 c+X?S0?

Protective Put(Long Stock + Long Put)

  • S T ≥ X S_T \geq X ST?X
    • Long call: ? p -p ?p
    • Long stock: S T ? S 0 S_T-S_0 ST??S0?
    • 合计 S T ? S 0 ? p S_T-S_0-p ST??S0??p
  • S T < X S_T < X ST?<X
    • Short call: ( X ? S T ) ? p (X-S_T)-p (X?ST?)?p
    • Long stock: S T ? S 0 S_T-S_0 ST??S0?
    • 合计 X ? S 0 ? p X-S_0-p X?S0??p

Principal Protected Notes(PPNs)
Principal protected note: a security created from a single option such that the investor benefits from any gain of a specified portfolio without the risk of losses.

  • Long a three-year zero-coupon bond that will pay USD 10,000 in three years.
  • Long a three-year call option on a portfolio, which is currently worth USD 10,000 with a strike price of USD 10,000.

2. Spread Trading Strategies

画图的时候记得strike price与option price的关系

Bull Call Spread

  • Long 1 C a l l 1 Call_1 Call1? at X 1 X_1 X1? + Short 1 C a l l 2 Call_2 Call2? at X 2 X_2 X2?
  • X 1 < X 2 X_1<X_2 X1?<X2?

Bull Put Spread

  • Long 1 p u t 1 put_1 put1? at X 1 X_1 X1? + Short 1 p u t 2 put_2 put2? at X 2 X_2 X2?,
  • X 1 < X 2 X_1<X_2 X1?<X2?

Bear Call Spread

  • Short 1 C a l l 1 Call_1 Call1? at X 1 X_1 X1? + Long 1 C a l l 2 Call_2 Call2? at X 2 X_2 X2?
  • X 1 < X 2 X_1<X_2 X1?<X2?

Bear Put Spread

  • Short 1 p u t 1 put_1 put1? at X 1 X_1 X1? + Long 1 p u t 2 put_2 put2? at X 2 X_2 X2?
  • X 1 < X 2 X_1<X_2 X1?<X2?
    Box Spread
  • Bull call spread + Bear put spread
    • Strike prices and Times to maturity used for the bull spread are the same as those used for the bear spread.
  • Under a no arbitrage assumption, the present value of the pay off will equal the net premium paid.

Butterfly Spread(with call options)
Butterfly Spread(with put options)

Calendar Spread(with call/put option)

  • Short 1 T 1 T_1 T1? call/put + Long 1 T 2 T_2 T2? call/put
  • T 1 < T 2 T_1<T_2 T1?<T2?
  • Calendar spread has a long and a short position with exercise price, but the maturity of long position is longer than that of short position.

3. Combined Strategies


  • Long 1 call + long 1 put, both at X


  • Long 1 call at X 2 X_2 X2?+ long 1 put at X 1 X_1 X1?, usually X 1 < X 2 X_1<X_2 X1?<X2?
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