Creating basic closures
let driving = {
print("I'm driving in my car")
Accepting parameters in a closure
let driving = { (place: String) in
print("I'm going to \(place) in my car")
Returning values from a closure
let drivingWithReturn = { (place: String) -> String in
return "I'm going to \(place) in my car"
let message = drivingWithReturn("London")
Closures as parameters
let driving = {
print("I'm driving in my car")
func travel(action: () -> Void) {
print("I'm getting ready to go.")
print("I arrived!")
travel(action: driving)
Trailing closure syntax
func travel(action: () -> Void) {
print("I'm getting ready to go.")
print("I arrived!")
travel() {
print("I'm driving in my car")
travel {
print("I'm driving in my car")
Using closures as parameters when they accept parameters
func travel(action: (String) -> Void) {
print("I'm getting ready to go.")
print("I arrived!")
travel { (place: String) in
print("I'm going to \(place) in my car")
Using closures as parameters when they return values
func travel(action: (String) -> String) {
print("I'm getting ready to go.")
let description = action("London")
print("I arrived!")
travel { (place: String) -> String in
return "I'm going to \(place) in my car"
Shorthand parameter names
func travel(action: (String) -> String) {
print("I'm getting ready to go.")
let description = action("London")
print("I arrived!")
travel { (place: String) -> String in
return "I'm going to \(place) in my car"
travel { place -> String in
return "I'm going to \(place) in my car"
travel { place in
return "I'm going to \(place) in my car"
travel { place in
"I'm going to \(place) in my car"
travel {
"I'm going to \($0) in my car"
Closures with multiple parameters
func travel(action: (String, Int) -> String) {
print("I'm getting ready to go.")
let description = action("London", 60)
print("I arrived!")
travel {
"I'm going to \($0) at \($1) miles per hour."
Returning closures from functions
func travel() -> (String) -> Void {
return {
print("I'm going to \($0)")
let result = travel()
let result2 = travel()("London")
Capturing values
func travel() -> (String) -> Void {
return {
print("I'm going to \($0)")
let result = travel()
func travel() -> (String) -> Void {
var counter = 1
return {
print("\(counter). I'm going to \($0)")
counter += 1
You’ve made it to the end of the sixth part of this series, so let’s summarize:
- You can assign closures to variables, then call them later on.
- Closures can accept parameters and return values, like regular functions.
- You can pass closures into functions as parameters, and those closures can have parameters of their own and a return value.
- If the last parameter to your function is a closure, you can use trailing closure syntax.
- Swift automatically provides shorthand parameter names like $0 and $1, but not everyone uses them.
- If you use external values inside your closures, they will be captured so the closure can refer to them later.