Fundamental NLP tasks
Synatactic tasks(句法分析任务)
Word Level
- Morphological analysis(形态分析)
- Word segmentation(词的分割)
- Tokenization(标识化)
- POS Tagging(词类)
- Part-of-speech(POS)
Sentence level
Constituent parsing(成分语法)—— 成分短语将短语标签分配给成分,也被称为短语结构语法  -
Dependency parsing(依存语法)—— 依存语法用head words 和 dependent words来分析句子  -
CCG parsing(组合范畴语法)—— 标签具有丰富的信息  例如,bought这个单词,标签是(S/NP)/NP,是一个动词,它需要向右找一个单词a book(NP),组成一个动词短语,bought a book;然后再向左找一个NP,组成一句话 -
Supertagging 浅层句法分析任务,解析前的一个预处理步骤
- CCG supertagging(用CCG组合范畴语法给句子打标签)
- Syntactic chunking(和成分语法类似,不过是把句子切分为短语块)
Semantic tasks(语义分析任务)
Word level
Word sense disambiguation(词义消岐WSD) Never trouble troubles till trouble troubles you. I saw a man saw a saw with a saw. -
Metaphor(隐喻) Love is a battlefield. Bob is a couch potato -
Sense relations between words 同义词,反义词,上下位词,组成 部分  -
Sentence level
Text entailment(自然语言推理)
natural langeage inference
Discourse tasks(篇章分析)
- Discourse: multiple sub-topics and coherence relations
- Discourse parsing: Analyze the coherence relations between sub-topics in a discourse.
Information Extraction tasks
Text Generation tasks
Other Applications