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   -> 游戏开发 -> 马斯克关于生命意义的思考 -> 正文阅读



Elon Musk : When I was kid, I was wondering kind of what’s the meaning of life? Like why we were here? What’s it all about?

埃隆·马斯克:当我还小的时候,我就开始思考类似于 “生命的意义是什么?”、“我们为什么在这?”、“我们活着是为了什么?” 这样的问题。

And then I came to a conclusion that what really matters is try to understand the right questions to ask. And the more that we can increase the scope and scale of human consciousness, the better we are able to ask these questions.


And … so I think the certain things that are necessary to ensure that the future is good. And … some of those things are in the long term having long term sustainable transport and sustainable energy generation. And to be a space exploring civilization.

并且…… 所以我认为,我们需要确保未来是美好的。 其中一些就是长期的,有长期的可持续运输和可持续的能源生产。成为一个星际探索文明。

And for humanity to be out there among the stars is important for the long term survival of humanity. And, that’s one reason, kind of like life insurance for life collectively. Life as we know it. But then the part that I find personally most motivating is that it creates a sense of adventure, and it makes people excited about the future.


If you consider two futures, one where we are forever confined to earth until eventually something terrible happens. Or another future where we are out there on many planets, maybe even going beyond the solar system.


I think that space invasion is incredibly exiting and inspiring. And there need to be reasons to get up in the morning. You know, life can’t be about solving problems. Otherwise, what’s the point? There’s got to be things that people find inspiring and make life worth living.


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