声明 (Declarations) | 0x2800 | Primary Service | 主要服务 |
声明 (Declarations) | 0x2801 | Secondary Service | 二级服务 |
声明 (Declarations) | 0x2802 | Include | 包括 |
声明 (Declarations) | 0x2803 | Characteristic | 特征 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2900 | Characteristic Extended Properties | 特征扩展属性 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2901 | Characteristic User Description | 特征用户描述 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2902 | Client Characteristic Configuration | 客户端特征配置 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2903 | Server Characteristic Configuration | 服务器特征配置 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2904 | Characteristic Presentation Format | 特征描述格式 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2905 | Characteristic Aggregate Format | 特征汇总格式 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2906 | Valid Range | 有效范围 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2907 | External Report Reference | 外部报告参考 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2908 | Report Reference | 报告参考 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x2909 | Number of Digitals | 数字数量 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x290A | Value Trigger Setting | 值触发设置 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x290B | Environmental Sensing Configuration | 环境感应配置 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x290C | Environmental Sensing Measurement | 环境传感测量 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x290D | Environmental Sensing Trigger Setting | 环境感应触发设置 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x290E | Time Trigger Setting | 时间触发设置 |
描述符 (Descriptor) | 0x290F | Complete BR-EDR Transport Block Data | 完整的 BR-EDR 传输块数据 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1800 | Generic Access | 通用访问 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1801 | Generic Attribute | 通用属性 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1802 | Immediate Alert | 即时警报 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1803 | Link Loss | 链路丢失 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1804 | Tx Power | 发射功率 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1805 | Current Time | 当前时间 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1806 | Reference Time Update | 参考时间更新 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1807 | Next DST Change | 下一个 DST 更改 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1808 | Glucose | 葡萄糖 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1809 | Health Thermometer | 健康温度计 |
服务 (Service) | 0x180A | Device Information | 设备信息 |
服务 (Service) | 0x180D | Heart Rate | 心率 |
服务 (Service) | 0x180E | Phone Alert Status | 电话警报状态 |
服务 (Service) | 0x180F | Battery | 电池 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1810 | Blood Pressure | 血压 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1811 | Alert Notification | 警报通知 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1812 | Human Interface Device | 人机接口设备 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1813 | Scan Parameters | 扫描参数 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1814 | Running Speed and Cadence | 跑步速度和节奏 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1815 | Automation IO | 自动化 IO |
服务 (Service) | 0x1816 | Cycling Speed and Cadence | 骑行速度和踏频 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1818 | Cycling Power | 自行车动力 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1819 | Location and Navigation | 位置和导航 |
服务 (Service) | 0x181A | Environmental Sensing | 环境传感 |
服务 (Service) | 0x181B | Body Composition | 身体构成 |
服务 (Service) | 0x181C | User Data | 用户数据 |
服务 (Service) | 0x181D | Weight Scale | 计重秤 |
服务 (Service) | 0x181E | Bond Management | 债券管理 |
服务 (Service) | 0x181F | Continuous Glucose Monitoring | 连续血糖监测 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1820 | Internet Protocol Support | 互联网协议支持 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1821 | Indoor Positioning | 室内定位 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1822 | Pulse Oximeter | 脉搏血氧仪 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1823 | HTTP Proxy | HTTP 代理 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1824 | Transport Discovery | 运输发现 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1825 | Object Transfer | 对象转移 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1826 | Fitness Machine | 健身机 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1827 | Mesh Provisioning | 网格配置 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1828 | Mesh Proxy | 网状代理 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1829 | Reconnection Configuration | 重连配置 |
服务 (Service) | 0x183A | Insulin Delivery | 胰岛素输送 |
服务 (Service) | 0x183B | Binary Sensor | 二进制传感器 |
服务 (Service) | 0x183C | Emergency Configuration | 应急配置 |
服务 (Service) | 0x183E | Physical Activity Monitor | 体力活动监视器 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1843 | Audio Input Control | 音频输入控制 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1844 | Volume Control | 音量控制 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1845 | Volume Offset Control | 音量偏移控制 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1846 | Coordinated Set Identification Service | 协调集识别服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1847 | Device Time | 设备时间 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1848 | Media Control Service | 媒体控制服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1849 | Generic Media Control Service | 通用媒体控制服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x184A | Constant Tone Extension | 恒定音调扩展 |
服务 (Service) | 0x184B | Telephone Bearer Service | 电话承载服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x184C | Generic Telephone Bearer Service | 通用电话承载服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x184D | Microphone Control | 麦克风控制 |
服务 (Service) | 0x184E | Audio Stream Control Service | 音频流控制服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x184F | Broadcast Audio Scan Service | 广播音频扫描服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1850 | Published Audio Capabilities Service | 发布的音频功能服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1851 | Basic Audio Announcement Service | 基本音频播报服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1852 | Broadcast Audio Announcement Service | 广播音频公告服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1853 | Common Audio Service | 通用音频服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1854 | Hearing Access Service | 听力服务 |
服务 (Service) | 0x1855 | TMAS Service | TMAS 服务 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A00 | Device Name | 设备名称 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A01 | Appearance | 外观 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A02 | Peripheral Privacy Flag | 周边隐私标志 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A03 | Reconnection Address | 重连地址 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A04 | Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters | 外设首选连接参数 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A05 | Service Changed | 服务改变 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A06 | Alert Level | 警报级别 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A07 | Tx Power Level | 发射功率电平 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A08 | Date Time | 日期 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A09 | Day of Week | 星期 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A0A | Day Date Time | 日期 日期 时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A0C | Exact Time 256 | 准确时间 256 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A0D | DST Offset | 夏令时偏移 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A0E | Time Zone | 时区 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A0F | Local Time Information | 当地时间信息 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A11 | Time with DST | 夏令时时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A12 | Time Accuracy | 时间精度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A13 | Time Source | 时间源 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A14 | Reference Time Information | 参考时间信息 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A16 | Time Update Control Point | 时间更新控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A17 | Time Update State | 时间更新状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A18 | Glucose Measurement | 血糖测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A19 | Battery Level | 电池电量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A1C | Temperature Measurement | 温度测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A1D | Temperature Type | 温度类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A1E | Intermediate Temperature | 中间温度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A21 | Measurement Interval | 测量间隔 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A22 | Boot Keyboard Input Report | 引导键盘输入报告 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A23 | System ID | 系统编号 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A24 | Model Number String | 型号字符串 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A25 | Serial Number String | 序列号字符串 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A26 | Firmware Revision String | 固件版本字符串 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A27 | Hardware Revision String | 硬件修订字符串 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A28 | Software Revision String | 软件修订字符串 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A29 | Manufacturer Name String | 制造商名称字符串 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A2A | IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List | IEEE 11073-20601 监管认证数据列表 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A2B | Current Time | 当前时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A31 | Scan Refresh | 扫描刷新 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A32 | Boot Keyboard Output Report | 引导键盘输出报告 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A33 | Boot Mouse Input Report | 启动鼠标输入报告 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A34 | Glucose Measurement Context | 血糖测量上下文 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A35 | Blood Pressure Measurement | 血压测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A36 | Intermediate Cuff Pressure | 中间袖带压力 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A37 | Heart Rate Measurement | 心率测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A38 | Body Sensor Location | 身体传感器位置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A39 | Heart Rate Control Point | 心率控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A3F | Alert Status | 警报状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A40 | Ringer Control Point | 振铃控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A41 | Ringer Setting | 铃声设置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A42 | Alert Category ID Bit Mask | 警报类别 ID 位掩码 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A43 | Alert Category ID | 警报类别 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A44 | Alert Notification Control Point | 警报通知控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A45 | Unread Alert Status | 未读警报状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A46 | New Alert | 新警报 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A47 | Supported New Alert Category | 支持的新警报类别 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A48 | Supported Unread Alert Category | 支持的未读警报类别 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A49 | Blood Pressure Feature | 血压功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A4A | HID Information | 隐藏信息 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A4B | Report Map | 报告地图 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A4C | HID Control Point | HID 控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A4D | Report | 报告 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A4E | Protocol Mode | 协议模式 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A4F | Scan Interval Window | 扫描间隔窗口 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A50 | PnP ID | 即插即用 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A51 | Glucose Feature | 葡萄糖功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A52 | Record Access Control Point | 记录访问控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A53 | RSC Measurement | RSC 测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A54 | RSC Feature | RSC 功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A55 | SC Control Point | SC控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A5A | Aggregate | 总计的 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A5B | CSC Measurement | CSC 测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A5C | CSC Feature | CSC 功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A5D | Sensor Location | 传感器位置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A5E | PLX Spot-Check Measurement | PLX 抽查测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A5F | PLX Continuous Measurement | PLX 连续测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A60 | PLX Features | PLX 特点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A63 | Cycling Power Measurement | 循环功率测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A64 | Cycling Power Vector | 自行车动力矢量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A65 | Cycling Power Feature | 骑行动力功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A66 | Cycling Power Control Point | 骑行功率控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A67 | Location and Speed | 位置和速度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A68 | Navigation | 导航 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A69 | Position Quality | 职位质量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A6A | LN Feature | LN 功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A6B | LN Control Point | LN 控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A6C | Elevation | 海拔 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A6D | Pressure | 压力 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A6E | Temperature | 温度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A6F | Humidity | 湿度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A70 | True Wind Speed | 真风速 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A71 | True Wind Direction | 真风向 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A72 | Apparent Wind Speed | 表观风速 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A73 | Apparent Wind Direction | 表观风向 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A74 | Gust Factor | 阵风因子 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A75 | Pollen Concentration | 花粉浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A76 | UV Index | 紫外线指数 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A77 | Irradiance | 辐照度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A78 | Rainfall | 雨量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A79 | Wind Chill | 风寒 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A7A | Heat Index | 热度指数 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A7B | Dew Point | 露点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A7D | Descriptor Value Changed | 描述符值已更改 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A7E | Aerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit | 有氧心率下限 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A7F | Aerobic Threshold | 有氧阈值 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A80 | Age | 年龄 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A81 | Anaerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit | 无氧心率下限 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A82 | Anaerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit | 无氧心率上限 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A83 | Anaerobic Threshold | 厌氧阈值 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A84 | Aerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit | 有氧心率上限 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A85 | Date of Birth | 出生日期 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A86 | Date of Threshold Assessment | 阈值评估日期 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A87 | Email Address | 电子邮件地址 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A88 | Fat Burn Heart Rate Lower Limit | 燃脂心率下限 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A89 | Fat Burn Heart Rate Upper Limit | 燃脂心率上限 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A8A | First Name | 名 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A8B | Five Zone Heart Rate Limits | 五区心率限制 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A8C | Gender | 性别 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A8D | Heart Rate Max | 最大心率 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A8E | Height | 高度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A8F | Hip Circumference | 臀围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A90 | Last Name | 姓 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A91 | Maximum Recommended Heart Rate | 最大推荐心率 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A92 | Resting Heart Rate | 静息心率 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A93 | Sport Type for Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds | 有氧和无氧阈值的运动类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A94 | Three Zone Heart Rate Limits | 三区心率限制 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A95 | Two Zone Heart Rate Limits | 两区心率限制 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A96 | VO2 Max | 最大摄氧量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A97 | Waist Circumference | 腰围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A98 | Weight | 重量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A99 | Database Change Increment | 数据库更改增量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A9A | User Index | 用户索引 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A9B | Body Composition Feature | 身体成分特征 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A9C | Body Composition Measurement | 身体成分测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A9D | Weight Measurement | 重量测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A9E | Weight Scale Feature | 体重秤功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2A9F | User Control Point | 用户控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA0 | Magnetic Flux Density - 2D | 磁通密度 - 2D |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA1 | Magnetic Flux Density - 3D | 磁通密度 - 3D |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA2 | Language | 语言 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA3 | Barometric Pressure Trend | 气压趋势 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA4 | Bond Management Control Point | 债券管理控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA5 | Bond Management Feature | 债券管理功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA6 | Central Address Resolution | 中心地址解析 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA7 | CGM Measurement | CGM 测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA8 | CGM Feature | CGM 功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AA9 | CGM Status | CGM 状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AAA | CGM Session Start Time | CGM 会议开始时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AAB | CGM Session Run Time | CGM 会话运行时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AAC | CGM Specific Ops Control Point | CGM 特定操作控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AAD | Indoor Positioning Configuration | 室内定位配置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AAE | Latitude | 纬度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AAF | Longitude | 经度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB0 | Local North Coordinate | 当地北坐标 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB1 | Local East Coordinate | 当地东坐标 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB2 | Floor Number | 楼层号 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB3 | Altitude | 高度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB4 | Uncertainty | 不确定 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB5 | Location Name | 地点名称 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB6 | URI | URI |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB7 | HTTP Headers | HTTP 标头 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB8 | HTTP Status Code | HTTP 状态码 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AB9 | HTTP Entity Body | HTTP 实体主体 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ABA | HTTP Control Point | HTTP 控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ABB | HTTPS Security | HTTPS 安全 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ABC | TDS Control Point | TDS 控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ABD | OTS Feature | OTS 功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ABE | object name | 对象名称 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ABF | object type | 对象类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC0 | object size | 物体大小 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC1 | object first created | 首次创建的对象 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC2 | object last modified | 对象上次修改 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC3 | object ID | 对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC4 | object properties | 对象属性 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC5 | object actioncontrol point | 对象动作控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC6 | object list control point | 对象列表控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC7 | object list filter | 对象列表过滤器 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC8 | object changed | 对象改变 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AC9 | Resolvable Private Address Only | 仅可解析的私有地址 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ACA | Unspecified | 未指定 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ACB | Directory Listing | 目录列表 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ACC | Fitness Machine Feature | 健身机功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ACD | Treadmill Data | 跑步机数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ACE | Cross Trainer Data | 交叉训练器数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ACF | Step Climber Data | 阶梯登山者数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD0 | Stair Climber Data | 爬楼梯数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD1 | Rower Data | 赛艇数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD2 | Indoor Bike Data | 室内自行车数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD3 | Training Status | 培训状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD4 | Supported Speed Range | 支持的速度范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD5 | Supported Inclination Range | 支持的倾斜范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD6 | Supported Resistance Level Range | 支持的阻力水平范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD7 | Supported Heart Rate Range | 支持的心率范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD8 | Supported Power Range | 支持的功率范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2AD9 | Fitness Machine Control Point | 健身机控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ADA | Fitness Machine Status | 健身机状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2ADB | Mesh Provisioning Data In | Mesh Provisioning 数据输入 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2ADC | Mesh Provisioning Data Out | Mesh Provisioning 数据输出 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2ADD | Mesh Proxy Data In | 网格代理数据输入 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2ADE | Mesh Proxy Data Out | Mesh 代理数据输出 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE0 | Average Current | 平均电流 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE1 | Average Voltage | 平均电压 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE2 | Boolean | 布尔值 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE3 | Chromatic Distance From Planckian | 普朗克色距 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE4 | Chromaticity Coordinates | 色度坐标 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE5 | Chromaticity in CCT And Duv Values | CCT 和 Duv 值中的色度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE6 | Chromaticity Tolerance | 色度容差 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE7 | CIE 13.3-1995 Color Rendering Index | CIE 13.3-1995 显色指数 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE8 | Coefficient | 系数 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AE9 | Correlated Color Temperature | 相关色温 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AEA | Count 16 | 计数 16 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AEB | Count 24 | 计数 24 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AEC | Country Code | 国家代码 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AED | Date UTC | 日期 UTC |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AEE | Electric Current | 电流 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AEF | Electric Current Range | 电流范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF0 | Electric Current Specification | 电流规格 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF1 | Electric Current Statistics | 电流统计 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF2 | Energy | 活力 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF3 | Energy In A Period Of Day | 一天中的能量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF4 | Event Statistics | 事件统计 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF5 | Fixed String 16 | 固定字符串 16 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF6 | Fixed String 24 | 固定字符串 24 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF7 | Fixed String 36 | 固定字符串 36 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF8 | Fixed String 8 | 固定字符串 8 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AF9 | Generic Level | 通用级别 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AFA | Global Trade Item Number | 全球贸易项目编号 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AFB | Illuminance | 照度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AFC | Luminous Efficacy | 光效 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AFD | Luminous Energy | 光能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AFE | Luminous Exposure | 发光曝光 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0X2AFF | Luminous Flux | 光通量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B00 | Luminous Flux Range | 光通量范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B01 | Luminous Intensity | 发光强度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B02 | Mass Flow | 质量流量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B03 | Perceived Lightness | 感知亮度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B04 | Percentage 8 | 百分比 8 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B05 | Power | 力量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B06 | Power Specification | 电源规格 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B07 | Relative Runtime In A Current Range | 当前范围内的相对运行时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B08 | Relative Runtime In A Generic Level Range | 通用级别范围内的相对运行时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B09 | Relative Value In A Voltage Range | 一个电压范围内的相对值 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B0A | Relative Value In An Illuminance Range | 照度范围内的相对值 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B0B | Relative Value In A Period Of Day | 一天中的相对价值 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B0C | Relative Value In A Temperature Range | A温度范围内的相对值 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B0D | Temperature 8 | 温度 8 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B0E | Temperature 8 In A Period Of Day | 一天中的温度 8 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B0F | Temperature 8 Statistics | 温度 8 统计 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B10 | Temperature Range | 温度范围 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B11 | Temperature Statistics | 温度统计 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B12 | Time Decihour 8 | 时间十进制 8 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B13 | Time Exponential 8 | 时间指数 8 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B14 | Time Hour 24 | 时间 24 小时 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B15 | Time Millisecond 24 | 时间 毫秒 24 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B16 | Time Second 16 | 时间秒 16 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B17 | Time Second 8 | 时间秒 8 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B18 | Voltage | 电压 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B19 | Voltage Specification | 电压规格 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B1A | Voltage Statistics | 电压统计 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B1B | Volume Flow | 体积流量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B1C | Chromaticity Coordinate | 色度坐标 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B1D | RC Feature | 遥控功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B1E | RC Settings | 遥控设置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B1F | Reconnection Configuration Control Point | 重连配置控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B20 | IDD Status Changed | IDD 状态已更改 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B21 | IDD Status | 国际直拨电话状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B22 | IDD Annunciation Status | IDD 通告状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B23 | IDD Features | 国际直拨电话功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B24 | IDD Status Reader Control Point | IDD 状态读取器控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B25 | IDD Command Control Point | IDD 命令控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B26 | IDD Command Data | IDD 命令数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B27 | IDD Record Access Control Point | IDD 记录访问控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B28 | IDD History Data | IDD 历史数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B29 | Client Supported Features | 客户端支持的功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B2A | Database Hash | 数据库哈希 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B2B | BSS Control Point | BSS 控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B2C | BSS Response | BSS 响应 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B2D | Emergency ID | 紧急身份证 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B2E | Emergency Text | 紧急文本 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B34 | Enhanced Blood Pressure Measurement | 增强型血压测量 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B35 | Enhanced Intermediate Cuff Pressure | 增强的中间袖带压力 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B36 | Blood Pressure Record | 血压记录 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B38 | BR-EDR Handover Data | BR-EDR 移交数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B39 | Bluetooth SIG Data | 蓝牙 SIG 数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B3A | Server Supported Features | 服务器支持的功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B3B | Physical Activity Monitor Features | 体力活动监视器功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B3C | General Activity Instantaneous Data | 一般活动瞬时数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B3D | General Activity Summary Data | 一般活动摘要数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B3E | CardioRespiratory Activity Instantaneous Data | 心肺活动瞬时数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B3F | CardioRespiratory Activity Summary Data | 心肺活动汇总数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B40 | Step Counter Activity Summary Data | 计步器活动摘要数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B41 | Sleep Activity Instantaneous Data | 睡眠活动瞬时数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B42 | Sleep Activity Summary Data | 睡眠活动汇总数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B43 | Physical Activity Monitor Control Point | 体力活动监测控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B44 | Current Session | 当前会话 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B45 | Session | 会议 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B46 | Preferred Units | 首选单位 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B47 | High Resolution Height | 高分辨率高度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B48 | Middle Name | 中间名字 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B49 | Stride Length | 步幅 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B4A | Handedness | 惯用手 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B4B | Device Wearing Position | 设备佩戴位置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B4C | Four Zone Heart Rate Limits | 四区心率限制 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B4D | High Intensity Exercise Threshold | 高强度运动门槛 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B4E | Activity Goal | 活动目标 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B4F | Sedentary Interval Notification | 久坐间隔通知 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B50 | Caloric Intake | 热量摄入 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B51 | TMAP Role characteristic | TMAP 角色特征 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B77 | Audio Input State | 音频输入状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B78 | Gain Settings Attribute | 增益设置属性 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B79 | Audio Input Type | 音频输入类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B7A | Audio Input Status | 音频输入状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B7B | Audio Input Control Point | 音频输入控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B7C | Audio Input Description | 音频输入说明 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B7D | Volume State | 卷状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B7E | Volume Control Point | 音量控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B7F | Volume Flags | 卷标志 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B80 | Offset State | 偏移状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B81 | Audio Location | 音频位置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B82 | Volume Offset Control Point | 音量偏移控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B83 | Audio Output Description | 音频输出说明 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B84 | Set Identity Resolving Key Characteristic | 设置身份解析关键特征 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B85 | Size Characteristic | 尺寸特征 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B86 | Lock Characteristic | 锁定特性 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B87 | Rank Characteristic | 排名特征 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B8E | Device Time Feature | 设备时间功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B8F | Device Time Parameters | 设备时间参数 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B90 | Device Time | 设备时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B91 | Device Time Control Point | 设备时间控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B92 | Time Change Log Data | 时间变化日志数据 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B93 | Media Player Name | 媒体播放器名称 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B94 | Media Player Icon Object ID | 媒体播放器图标对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B95 | Media Player Icon URL | 媒体播放器图标 URL |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B96 | Track Changed | 更改曲目 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B97 | Track Title | 曲目标题 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B98 | Track Duration | 跟踪时长 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B99 | Track Position | 跟踪位置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B9A | Playback Speed | 播放速度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B9B | Seeking Speed | 寻求速度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B9C | Current Track Segments Object ID | 当前轨道段对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B9D | Current Track Object ID | 当前跟踪对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B9E | Next Track Object ID | 下一曲目对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2B9F | Parent Group Object ID | 父组对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA0 | Current Group Object ID | 当前组对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA1 | Playing Order | 播放顺序 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA2 | Playing Orders Supported | 支持下单 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA3 | Media State | 媒体状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA4 | Media Control Point | 媒体控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA5 | Media Control Point Opcodes Supported | 支持的媒体控制点操作码 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA6 | Search Results Object ID | 搜索结果对象 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA7 | Search Control Point | 搜索控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BA9 | Media Player Icon Object Type | 媒体播放器图标对象类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BAA | Track Segments Object Type | 跟踪段对象类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BAB | Track Object Type | 跟踪对象类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BAC | Group Object Type | 组对象类型 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BAD | Constant Tone Extension Enable | 恒定音调扩展启用 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BAE | Advertising Constant Tone Extension Minimum Length | 广告恒定音调扩展最小长度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BAF | Advertising Constant Tone Extension Minimum Transmit Count | 广告恒定音调扩展最小传输计数 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB0 | Advertising Constant Tone Extension Transmit Duration | 广告恒定音调扩展传输持续时间 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB1 | Advertising Constant Tone Extension Interval | 广告恒音延长间隔 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB2 | Advertising Constant Tone Extension PHY | 广告恒定音调扩展 PHY |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB3 | Bearer Provider Name | 承载提供者名称 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB4 | Bearer UCI | 承载 UCI |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB5 | Bearer Technology | 承载技术 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB6 | Bearer URI Schemes Supported List | 承载 URI 方案支持列表 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB7 | Bearer Signal Strength | 承载信号强度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB8 | Bearer Signal Strength Reporting Interval | 承载信号强度报告间隔 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BB9 | Bearer List Current Calls | 承载列表当前呼叫 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BBA | Content Control ID | 内容控制 ID |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BBB | Status Flags | 状态标志 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BBC | Incoming Call Target Bearer URI | 来电目标承载URI |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BBD | Call State | 呼叫状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BBE | Call Control Point | 呼叫控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BBF | Call Control Point Optional Opcodes | 调用控制点可选操作码 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC0 | Termination Reason | 终止原因 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC1 | Incoming Call | 来电 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC2 | Call Friendly Name | 呼叫友好名称 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC3 | Mute | 静音 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC4 | Sink ASE | 沉ASE |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC5 | Source ASE | 源 ASE |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC6 | ASE Control Point | ASE 控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC7 | Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point | 广播音频扫描控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC8 | Broadcast Receive State | 广播接收状态 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BC9 | Sink PAC | 接收器 PAC |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BCA | Sink Audio Locations | 接收器音频位置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BCB | Source PAC | 来源 PAC |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BCC | Source Audio Locations | 源音频位置 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BCD | Available Audio Contexts | 可用的音频上下文 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BCE | Supported Audio Contexts | 支持的音频上下文 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BCF | Ammonia Concentration | 氨浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD0 | Carbon Monoxide Concentration | 一氧化碳浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD1 | Methane Concentration | 甲烷浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD2 | Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration | 二氧化氮浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD3 | Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds Concentration | 非甲烷挥发性有机化合物浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD4 | Ozone Concentration | 臭氧浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD5 | Particulate Matter - PM1 Concentration | 颗粒物 - PM1 浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD6 | Particulate Matter - PM2.5 Concentration | 颗粒物 - PM2.5 浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD7 | Particulate Matter - PM10 Concentration | 颗粒物 - PM10 浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD8 | Sulfur Dioxide Concentration | 二氧化硫浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BD9 | Sulfur Hexafluoride Concentration | 六氟化硫浓度 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BDA | Hearing Aid Features | 助听器功能 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BDB | Hearing Aid Preset Control Point | 助听器预设控制点 |
特征和对象类型(GATT Characteristic and Object Type) | 0x2BDC | Active Preset Index | 主动预设索引 |