1 指令集
Mnemonic | Operands | Brief description | Flags | See |
ADC, ADCS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Add with Carry | N,Z,C,V | ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB | ADD, ADDS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Add | N,Z,C,V | ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB | ADD, ADDW | {Rd,} Rn, #imm12 | Add | N,Z,C,V | ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB | ADR | Rd, label | Load PC-relative Address | - | ADR | AND, ANDS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Logical AND | N,Z,C | AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN | ASR, ASRS | Rd, Rm, <Rs|#n> | Arithmetic Shift Right | N,Z,C | ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX | B | label | Branch | - | B, BL, BX, and BLX | BFC | Rd, #lsb, #width | Bit Field Clear | - | BFC and BFI | BFI | Rd, Rn, #lsb, #width | Bit Field Insert | - | BFC and BFI | BIC, BICS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Bit Clear | N,Z,C | AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN | BKPT | #imm | Breakpoint | - | BKPT | BL | label | Branch with Link | - | B, BL, BX, and BLX | BLX | Rm | Branch indirect with Link | - | B, BL, BX, and BLX | BX | Rm | Branch indirect | - | B, BL, BX, and BLX | CBNZ | Rn, label | Compare and Branch if Non Zero | - | CBZ and CBNZ | CBZ | Rn, label | Compare and Branch if Zero | - | CBZ and CBNZ | CLREX | - | Clear Exclusive | - | CLREX | CLZ | Rd, Rm | Count Leading Zeros | - | CLZ | CMN | Rn, Op2 | Compare Negative | N,Z,C,V | CMP and CMN | CMP | Rn, Op2 | Compare | N,Z,C,V | CMP and CMN | CPSID | i | Change Processor State, Disable Interrupts | - | CPS | CPSIE | i | Change Processor State, Enable Interrupts | - | CPS | DMB | - | Data Memory Barrier | - | DMB | DSB | - | Data Synchronization Barrier | - | DSB | EOR, EORS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Exclusive OR | N,Z,C | AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN | ISB | - | Instruction Synchronization Barrier | - | ISB | IT | - | If-Then condition block | - | IT | LDM | Rn{!}, reglist | Load Multiple registers, increment after | - | LDM and STM | LDMDB, LDMEA | Rn{!}, reglist | Load Multiple registers, decrement before | - | LDM and STM | LDMFD, LDMIA | Rn{!}, reglist | Load Multiple registers, increment after | - | LDM and STM | LDR | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register with word | - | Memory access instructions | LDRB, LDRBT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register with byte | - | Memory access instructions | LDRD | Rt, Rt2, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register with two bytes | - | LDR and STR, immediate offset | LDREX | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register Exclusive | - | LDREX and STREX | LDREXB | Rt, [Rn] | Load Register Exclusive with Byte | - | LDREX and STREX | LDREXH | Rt, [Rn] | Load Register Exclusive with Halfword | - | LDREX and STREX | LDRH, LDRHT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register with Halfword | - | Memory access instructions | LDRSB, LDRSBT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register with Signed Byte | - | Memory access instructions | LDRSH, LDRSHT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register with Signed Halfword | - | Memory access instructions | LDRT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Load Register with word | - | Memory access instructions | LSL, LSLS | Rd, Rm, <Rs|#n> | Logical Shift Left | N,Z,C | ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX | LSR, LSRS | Rd, Rm, <Rs|#n> | Logical Shift Right | N,Z,C | ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX | MLA | Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra | Multiply with Accumulate, 32-bit result | - | MUL, MLA, and MLS | MLS | Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra | Multiply and Subtract, 32-bit result | - | MUL, MLA, and MLS | MOV, MOVS | Rd, Op2 | Move | N,Z,C | MOV and MVN | MOVT | Rd, #imm16 | Move Top | - | MOVT | MOVW, MOV | Rd, #imm16 | Move 16-bit constant | N,Z,C | MOV and MVN | MRS | Rd, spec_reg | Move from Special Register to general register | - | MRS | MSR | spec_reg, Rm | Move from general register to Special Register | N,Z,C,V | MSR | MUL, MULS | {Rd,} Rn, Rm | Multiply, 32-bit result | N,Z | MUL, MLA, and MLS | MVN, MVNS | Rd, Op2 | Move NOT | N,Z,C | MOV and MVN | NOP | - | No Operation | - | NOP | ORN, ORNS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Logical OR NOT | N,Z,C | AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN | ORR, ORRS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Logical OR | N,Z,C | AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN | POP | reglist | Pop registers from stack | - | PUSH and POP | PUSH | reglist | Push registers onto stack | - | PUSH and POP | RBIT | Rd, Rn | Reverse Bits | - | REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT | REV | Rd, Rn | Reverse byte order in a word | - | REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT | REV16 | Rd, Rn | Reverse byte order in each halfword | - | REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT | REVSH | Rd, Rn | Reverse byte order in bottom halfword and sign extend | - | REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT | ROR, RORS | Rd, Rm, <Rs|#n> | Rotate Right | N,Z,C | ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX | RRX, RRXS | Rd, Rm | Rotate Right with Extend | N,Z,C | ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX | RSB, RSBS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Reverse Subtract | N,Z,C,V | ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB | SBC, SBCS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Subtract with Carry | N,Z,C,V | ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB | SBFX | Rd, Rn, #lsb, #width | Signed Bit Field Extract | - | SBFX and UBFX | SDIV | {Rd,} Rn, Rm | Signed Divide | - | SDIV and UDIV | SEV | - | Send Event | - | SEV | SMLAL | RdLo, RdHi, Rn, Rm | Signed Multiply with Accumulate (32 x 32 + 64), 64-bit result | - | UMULL, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL | SMULL | RdLo, RdHi, Rn, Rm | Signed Multiply (32 x 32), 64-bit result | - | UMULL, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL | SSAT | Rd, #n, Rm {,shift #s} | Signed Saturate | Q | SSAT and USAT | STM | Rn{!}, reglist | Store Multiple registers, increment after | - | LDM and STM | STMDB, STMEA | Rn{!}, reglist | Store Multiple registers, decrement before | - | LDM and STM | STMFD, STMIA | Rn{!}, reglist | Store Multiple registers, increment after | - | LDM and STM | STR | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Store Register word | - | Memory access instructions | STRB, STRBT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Store Register byte | - | Memory access instructions | STRD | Rt, Rt2, [Rn, #offset] | Store Register two words | - | LDR and STR, immediate offset | STREX | Rd, Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Store Register Exclusive | - | LDREX and STREX | STREXB | Rd, Rt, [Rn] | Store Register Exclusive Byte | - | LDREX and STREX | STREXH | Rd, Rt, [Rn] | Store Register Exclusive Halfword | - | LDREX and STREX | STRH, STRHT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Store Register Halfword | - | Memory access instructions | STRT | Rt, [Rn, #offset] | Store Register word | - | Memory access instructions | SUB, SUBS | {Rd,} Rn, Op2 | Subtract | N,Z,C,V | ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB | SUB, SUBW | {Rd,} Rn, #imm12 | Subtract | N,Z,C,V | ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB | SVC | #imm | Supervisor Call | - | SVC | SXTB | {Rd,} Rm {,ROR #n} | Sign extend a byte | - | SXT and UXT | SXTH | {Rd,} Rm {,ROR #n} | Sign extend a halfword | - | SXT and UXT | TBB | [Rn, Rm] | Table Branch Byte | - | TBB and TBH | TBH | [Rn, Rm, LSL #1] | Table Branch Halfword | - | TBB and TBH | TEQ | Rn, Op2 | Test Equivalence | N,Z,C | TST and TEQ | TST | Rn, Op2 | Test | N,Z,C | TST and TEQ | UBFX | Rd, Rn, #lsb, #width | Unsigned Bit Field Extract | - | SBFX and UBFX | UDIV | {Rd,} Rn, Rm | Unsigned Divide | - | SDIV and UDIV | UMLAL | RdLo, RdHi, Rn, Rm | Unsigned Multiply with Accumulate (32 x 32 + 64), 64-bit result | - | UMULL, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL | UMULL | RdLo, RdHi, Rn, Rm | Unsigned Multiply (32 x 32), 64-bit result | - | UMULL, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL | USAT | Rd, #n, Rm {,shift #s} | Unsigned Saturate | Q | SSAT and USAT | UXTB | {Rd,} Rm {,ROR #n} | Zero extend a Byte | - | SXT and UXT | UXTH | {Rd,} Rm {,ROR #n} | Zero extend a Halfword | - | SXT and UXT | WFE | - | Wait For Event | - | WFE | WFI | - | Wait For Interrupt | - | WFI |
Instruction | CMSIS function |
CPSIE I | void __enable_irq(void) | CPSID I | void __disable_irq(void) | CPSIE F | void __enable_fault_irq(void) | CPSID F | void __disable_fault_irq(void) | ISB | void __ISB(void) | DSB | void __DSB(void) | DMB | void __DMB(void) | REV | uint32_t __REV(uint32_t int value) | REV16 | uint32_t __REV16(uint32_t int value) | REVSH | uint32_t __REVSH(uint32_t int value) | RBIT | uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t int value) | SEV | void __SEV(void) | WFE | void __WFE(void) | WFI | void __WFI(void) |
▲ CMSIS functions to generate some Cortex-M3 instructions
Special register | Access | CMSIS function |
PRIMASK | Read | uint32_t __get_PRIMASK (void) | | Write | void __set_PRIMASK (uint32_t value) | FAULTMASK | Read | uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void) | | Write | void __set_FAULTMASK (uint32_t value) | BASEPRI | Read | uint32_t __get_BASEPRI (void) | | Write | void __set_BASEPRI (uint32_t value) | CONTROL | Read | uint32_t __get_CONTROL (void) | | Write | void __set_CONTROL (uint32_t value) | MSP | Read | uint32_t __get_MSP (void) | | Write | void __set_MSP (uint32_t TopOfMainStack) | PSP | Read | uint32_t __get_PSP (void) | | Write | void __set_PSP (uint32_t TopOfProcStack) |
▲ CMSIS functions to access the special registers