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.box {
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
background-color: pink;
animation-name: change;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
.box:hover {
animation-play-state: paused;
@keyframes change {
from {
width: 200px;
to {
width: 600px;
<div class="box"></div>
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.box {
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
background-color: pink;
animation-name: change;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
.box:hover {
animation-play-state: paused;
@keyframes change {
from {
width: 200px;
to {
width: 600px;
<div class="box"></div>
animation-plya-stat animation-play-state animation-timing-function animation-timing-function:速度曲线 animation-timing=-function
逐帧动画:帧动画。开发中,一般配合精灵图实现动画效果。 l animation-timing-function: steps(N); ? 将动画过程等分成N份 帧动画,开发当中,一般配合精灵图实现动画效果 animation-timing-functio animation-tming-function:stsp(N); l 精灵动画制作步骤 ? 准备显示区域 ? 设置盒子尺寸是一张小图的尺寸,背景图为当前精灵图 ? 定义动画 ? 改变背景图的位置(移动的距离就是精灵图的宽度) ? 使用动画 ? 添加速度曲线steps(N),N与精灵图上小图个数相同 ? 添加无限重复效果 移动的距离就是精灵图的宽度,使用动画,添加速度曲线steps(N)Ns使精灵图上小图的个数相同,添加无线重复效果
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.box {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
width: 140px;
height: 140px;
background-image: url(./images/bg.png);
animation: run 1s steps(12) infinite,
translate 3s linear forwards;
@keyframes run {
100% {
background-position: -1680px 0;
@keyframes translate {
100% {
left: 600px;
<div class="box"></div>
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.clock {
position: relative;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
margin: 100px auto;
border: 8px solid #000;
border-radius: 50%;
.line {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%);
width: 3px;
height: 200px;
background-color: #ccc;
.line:nth-child(2) {
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(30deg);
.line:nth-child(3) {
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(60deg);
.line:nth-child(4) {
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(90deg);
.line:nth-child(5) {
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(120deg);
.line:nth-child(6) {
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(150deg);
.mask {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
width: 140px;
height: 140px;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 50%;
.second {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
bottom: 50%;
transform-origin: center bottom;
.hour {
width: 6px;
height: 40px;
background-color: #000;
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(45deg);
.minute {
width: 4px;
height: 50px;
background-color: #000;
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(90deg);
.second {
width: 2px;
height: 60px;
background-color: red;
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(225deg);
animation: rotate 60s steps(60) infinite;
.dotted {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
background-color: #000;
border-radius: 50%;
@keyframes rotate {
0% {
transform: rotate(0);
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
<div class="clock">
<!-- 刻度线 -->
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<!-- 遮罩层 -->
<div class="mask"></div>
<!-- 表针 -->
<div class="hour"></div>
<div class="minute"></div>
<div class="second"></div>
<!-- 螺丝 -->
<div class="dotted"></div>
l 多组动画 l 思考:如果想让小人跑远一些,该如何实现? ? 答:精灵动画的同时添加盒子位移动画。
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* {
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margin: 0;
li {
list-style: none;
img {
width: 200px;
.box {
width: 600px;
height: 112px;
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width: 2000px;
animation: move 5s infinite linear;
.box li {
float: left;
@keyframes move {
to {
transform: translateX(-1400px);
.box:hover ul {
animation-play-state: paused;
<div class="box">
<li><img src="./images/1.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/2.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/3.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/4.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/5.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/6.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/7.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<!-- 第567移动的时候,显示区域不能留白 -->
<li><img src="./images/1.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/2.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="./images/3.jpg" alt="" /></li>
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height: 100%;
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height: 100%;
background: url(./../images/f1_1.jpg) no-repeat center 0;
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position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 0;
.cloud img:nth-child(1) {
margin-left: -300px;
top: 20px;
animation: cloud 1s infinite alternate;
.cloud img:nth-child(2) {
margin-left: 400px;
top: 100px;
animation: cloud 1s infinite alternate 0.2s;
.cloud img:nth-child(3) {
margin-left: -550px;
top: 200px;
animation: cloud 1s infinite alternate 0.4s;
@keyframes cloud {
to {
transform: translateX(20px);
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html {
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body {
height: 100%;
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position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 0;
.cloud img:nth-child(1) {
margin-left: -300px;
top: 20px;
animation: cloud 1s infinite alternate;
.cloud img:nth-child(2) {
margin-left: 400px;
top: 100px;
animation: cloud 1s infinite alternate 0.2s;
.cloud img:nth-child(3) {
margin-left: -550px;
top: 200px;
animation: cloud 1s infinite alternate 0.4s;
@keyframes cloud {
to {
transform: translateX(20px);
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<!-- 云彩图片 -->
<div class="cloud">
<img src="./images/yun1.png" alt="">
<img src="./images/yun2.png" alt="">
<img src="./images/yun3.png" alt="">
高度写100%,才能继承浏览器的百分之百 body{ background-size:contain;} 图片等比例缩放,图片会完全覆盖整个盒子, img引入图片;控制位置定义动画使用动画 transform属性不能支持所有的六浏览器