the battery is currently discharged or disconnected. verify the connection and allow 30 minutes for charging if the battery is properly connected and it has not returned to operational state after 30 minutes of charging then fw package 12.10.4-0001 电池当前已放电或断开。验证连接,并留出30分钟进行充电。如果电池已正确连接,且在充电30分钟后仍未恢复工作状态,则fw包12.10.4-0001 sigle-bit ecc error were detected during the previous boot of the raid controller . the dimm on the contrller needs replacement. please contact technical support to resolve this issue. 在raid控制器上次引导期间检测到单比特ecc错误。控制器上的dimm需要更换。请联系技术支持以解决此问题。 press ‘x’ to continue or els 按“x”继续或 
the battery is currently discharged or disconnected. verify the connection and allow 30 minutes for charging if the battery is properly connected and it has not returned to operational state after 30 minutes of charging then fw package 12.10.4-0001
sigle-bit ecc error were detected during the previous boot of the raid controller . the dimm on the contrller needs replacement. please contact technical support to resolve this issue.
press 'x' to continue or els
the battery is currently discharged or disconnected. verify the connection and allow 30 minutes for charging if the battery is properly connected and it has not returned to operational state after 30 minutes of charging then fw package 12.10.4-0001
sigle-bit ecc error were detected during the previous boot of the raid controller . the dimm on the contrller needs replacement. please contact technical support to resolve this issue.
press 'x' to continue or els
the battery is currently discharged or disconnected. verify the connection and allow 30 minutes for charging if the battery is properly connected and it has not returned to operational state after 30 minutes of charging then fw package 12.10.4-0001
sigle-bit ecc error were detected during the previous boot of the raid controller . the dimm on the contrller needs replacement. please contact technical support to resolve this issue.
press 'x' to continue or els