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[游戏开发]C Programming Language Contribution to module (weighting: 20 %)

C Programming Language Contribution to module (weighting: 20 %)

st Semester 2021-2022
Out: WED. 15th Dec. 2021 Due: TUE. 4th Jan. 2022
Main objective of the assignment:
Understand C programming and practice to draw a flow chAug. to
describe the problem and coding in C. You are given a struct product, Table-1 and Table-2 as listed below. You are required to finish the assignment with given information. - Write a report; - Use a flow chart or another method, demonstrate the data flow; - Explain how the structure/functions to be used; - Program in C language; - Output screenshot for each question;

  1. You are required to finish struct product class[] = {} using Table- 1.
struct product
int prono;
char fullname[20]
float price;
struct salelist;

Table-1. Product’ Record (Given as a file “product.txt”)
prono fullname price
101 mango 3.5
102 orange 2.4
103 banana 2.8
104 watermelon 3.7
105 pineapple 4.1
106 blueberry 5.0
107 cherry 5.5
108 cucumber 1.9
109 cabbage 2.0
110 broccoli 3.1
111 celery 1.9
112 pea 4.5
113 product name product price
*You are requested to modify the last record with any kind of product
in the supermarket, keep prono and price. 2. Sort the records based on price. You are required to write an
appropriate callback function, and output without sale list
information on screen. 3. Sale list can be accessed from Table-2. First, you need to sort
product’s records based on month. Then, write an appropriate
callback function, and output with sale list information on
screen. Table-2. Sale list Information (Given as a file “salelist.txt”)
pro no month sales volume discount
101 Sep. 41 10% off
101 Oct. 48 none
102 Nov. 50 10% off
103 Aug. 43 10% off
103 Sep. 56 none
104 Nov. 64 20% off
105 Sep. 71 none
105 Nov. 63 10% off
105 Dec. 33 10% off
106 Sep. 88 10% off
106 Aug. 78 none
106 Physics 91 none
106 Nov. 65 20% off
106 Dec. 82 10% off
107 Nov. 86 10% off
107 Dec. 48 none
107 Dec. 41 none
108 Sep. 38 none
108 Dec. 56 20% off
108 Nov. 58 none
108 Nov. 98 10% off
109 Aug. 63 10% off
110 Sep. 73 10% off
110 Nov. 43 none
110 Dec. 80 none
110 Dec. 65 20% off
111 Sep. 95 20% off
111 Nov. 89 none
111 Oct. 96 none
112 Sep. 36 none
112 Nov. 73 10% off
112 Oct. 21 none
4. Calculate the total sale volume and average sale volume of
each product respectively, and output the them on screen. 5. Output all sales data of September with product information, write the result to a new txt file and name the file with your
Brunel id. 6. Calculate the total sale of each product, and output the top
three on the screen. To achieve this, you need to know that
price of each product varies according to discount of each
month. For example: the price of mango in September has a
discount of 10% off. In other words, the price of mango in
September is 3.15. The total sale of mango in September
equals the total sale volume of mango in September multiple
the price of mango in September. Finally, we can get the total
sale of mango by adding up the sales of mango in September, October,November and December. 7. Write a flow chAug. for each function.

  • Solutions to all questions above need to be included one .c file. In
    addition, you are required to define a function for each question. e.g.:
    main(), Q1_functionname(), Q2_functionname(), Q3_functionname(), Q4_functionname() and Q5_functionname(). Qx_functionname()
    should be given by yourself. * The output for each question should be done in main() function. * Do not include any Chinese characters in your assignment. * You are required to write annotation before each function, and
    annotation/description for important statements. e.g.:
    @function function_name
    @desc describe what is this function used for. ?/
    The assignment should be submitted in a .doc/.docx or pdf file, all
    the source code should be included, and output screenshot should
    be included



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开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
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