今日Dr.Torsten Juelich的讲座精彩绝伦,秉持互联网精神作此博文以飨同好。奈何博主褚小怀大,绠短汲深,如有错误遗漏,望各位评论指正。 后续还会有图片的更新以及卜东波老师的讲座内容哦~
Academic Writing in Practise: All you can learn in under 60 minutes
Speaker: Torsten Juelich
PART 1 Story Telling
mian idea: start reading && academic writing means easy to understand
- learning website: nature briefing, wikipedia, Chia Daily
- focus on language element, i.e. content & gramma & style & organization when reading.
- the author always konws what he means, but readers dont.
- example: unclear formulation result in misunderstanding.
I didn’t steal your wallet. a.I didn’t steal your wallet, he did. b.I didn’t steal your wallet. c. I didn’t steal your wallet, I borrowed it. d.I didn’t steal your wallet, I stole hers. e.I didn’t steal your wallet, I stole your phone.
- Any noun can be verbed.
- Translate your thought, then draft, then revise.
- Academic writing
?= difficult to understand, the true aim of academic writing is to be understood by readers.
- try to tell a story
- Clearly, Simply, Precisely,Logically
- We can’t be a good writer by memorizing rules.
- Dont try to translate the whole article into English by Google Translate.
- science should be good. exquisite experimental results first, then think about writing. Academic writing is secondary.
PART 2 Verb
- use verb, not noun, to clearify the article
- avoid lazy verb: to do, to have, to be
- avoid using reporting verb without ‘that’
- Academic writing should never force reader guessing.
- avoid overusing abstract nouns.
- hasn’t, couldn’t, isn’t not allowed–imprecisely
- so on, so forth, etc not allowed
- Adverbs should be followed by verbs to be modified
- avoid ‘which’ if multiple nouns in front
- and, or, but not allowed at the start
- Use verbs to describe the relationship between two nouns, not nouns
PART 3 Logical
- be care for ‘and’,which can not express causality
- ‘or’–>neither nor conditionally
- Swith off your Thesaurus
- Linkers help reading
- Never try to impress the readers, try to communicate with them, try to make them understand.
- passive voice & active voice
- fact use present tenses, outdated researchs which you dont agree with(lol) use past tenses.
- Actually, in CS field, we don’t care much about grammar(lol again).