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[游戏开发]lord of war

There are over 550 million firearms

in world-wide circulation.

That's one firearms for every

twelve people on the planet.

The only question is...

how do we arm the other eleven?

You don't have to worry.

I'm not gonna tell you a pack of

lies to make me look good.

I'm just gonna tell you

what happed.

My name is Yuri orlov.

When I was a boy,

my family came to America.

But not all the way.

Like most Ukrainians,

we gathered in Brighton Beach.

It reminded us of the Black Sea.

I soon realized we'd just swapped

one hell for another.

Even in hell, and angel

sometimes makes an appearance.

I'd worshipped Ava Fontaine

since I was 10 years old.

Of course, she didn't know I existed.

For the first twenty-odds years of my life...

...Little Odessa was to me what it

is to the Q train...

...the end of the line.

"Little Odessa," New York - 1982

Oh, I did lie about my name.

It's not really Yuri Orlov.

There've been few occasions

in the 20th century...

when it's been an advantage be a Jew.

But in the 'seventies,

to escape the Soviet Union,

out family pretended to be Jewish.

Little about my life has been

kosher ever since

How's it going, brother?

It's not.

That's Vitaly, my younger brother.

He was as lost as me.

He didn't know it yet.


you're late.

My father took his assumed

identity to heart.

He was more Jewish than most Jews.

which drive my Catholic mother crazy.

How many times?

I can't eat shellfish.

It's treyf.

You're not Jewish.

I like it.

I like the hat.

To remind us there is something...

above us.

I like that.

I'm going to temple.

You're not going to temple.

You go to temple more than the rabbi.

Get off my back, woman.

God, will you ever wise up?

Yuri, don't forget to check 

the specials at the Palace.

Growing up in Little Odessa,

murder was everyday part of life.

Russian mobsters had also 


from the Soviet Union

and when they came to America,

their baggage  came with them.

There was always some gangster

getting whacked in my


but I'd never seen it with my own eyes.

I had this knack of showing up

five minutes before something went down,

or five minutes after.

Not that day.

It hit me.

It couldn't have hit me harder

if I was the one who'd been shot.

You go into the restaurant business...

because people are always going

to have to eat.

That was the day I realized my destiny...

...lay in fulfilling another basic

human need.

The next Sabbath,

I went to temple with my father.

However, it wasn't God

I was trying to get close to.

Eli, my eldest son, Yuri.

My contact at synagogue landed me

my first Israeli-made Uzi

submachine guns.

The first time you sell a gun...

is a lot like the first time you have sex.

You have absolutely no idea

what you're doing.

But it is exciting and one way

or another,

it's over way too fast.


The new Uzi machine pistol.

Big firepower in a small package.

This little baby uses 9 mm hollow points.

Twenty twenty-five round extendable mags...

...rear-flip adjustable sights.

Silence comes standard.

Excellent recoil reduction.

Muzzle jump reduce forty percent.

Sixty percent improved noise


You could pump a mag into me

right now

and never wake the guy

in the next room.

Of course, that would eliminate your

opportunity for repeat business.

I did have a natural instinct

for smuggling contraband.

Fortunately, back then a video camera

was a big as a bazooka

Here I'd been running away from violence

my whole life, and I should've

run towards it.

It's in our nature.

The earliest human skeletons had 

spearheads in their rib cages.

Where have you been?

What if we had customer?

God bless America.

Beware of the dog?

You don't have a dog.

Are you trying to scare people?

No, it's scare me.

Remind me to be aware of the dog in me.

The dog wants to fuck everything

that moves

Wants to fight and kill weaker dogs.

I guess it's to remind me to be 

more human.

Isn't being a dog part of being human?

What if that's the best part of you?

The dog part.

What if you're just a 

two-legged dog?

You need to see somebody.

Stinks in here.

I'd always wanted to do something

big with my life

I just didn't know what.

Anyhow, I figured,

if I was going into the gun trade,

I was going aim high.

Vitaly, stop fucking around.

I want to talk to you.

You read the newspaper, Vit?

Newspaper, It's always the same.

You're right.

Every day there's people shooting

each other.

You know what I do when I see that?

I look to see what guns they're using

and I think to myself, why not my guns?

What, are you opening a gun shop?

Already  more of those in than


Even with all the gangsters around here,

the margins are too low.

You've figured the margins?


Forget gang wars.

The real money is in actual wars.

Between countries.

Yuri, what the fuck do you know

about guns?

I know which end I'd be on.

I made the first sale.

We're already in business.

Whoa, whoa. We?

I need a partner.

I don't know,

I don't know, Yuri. I don't know.

Vitaly, I've tasted your borscht.

You're not the fucking chef.

I can eat in the restaurant for free

and I still don't eat there.

Fuck you.

We're doing nothing with our lives.

I mean, this is shit!

This is shit!

It's true.

But maybe doing nothing's

better than doing this.

I need you.

Brothers in arms.

Brothers in arms.

Sir, may I interest you in the 

shoulder-fired SA-7

surface-to-air missiles?

The older Chinese model.

Not so effective against

modern military aircraft. But deadly...

if used against a commercial airliner.

I'm giving them away at 8-50.

In the '80s, and the Cold War was 

far from thawed

Most of the deals were


It was a mostly private club...

...with a lifetime club president.

That's him.

The big shot?

Simeon Weisz, Angola,


those Exocet missiles

in the Falklands.

He was selling guns before

there was gunpowder.

Be right back.

Mr. Weisz/ Mr. Weisz!

It's okay, they're talking.

May I help?

A mutual friend, Eli Kurtzman

from Brighton Beach,

import/export said to contact you.

I have a business proposal

and I thought perhaps we could

discuss it.

I don't think you and I are

in the same business.

You think I just sell guns,

don't you?

I don't. I take sides.

But in the Iran-Iraq war

you sold guns to both sides.

Did you ever consider that

I wanted both sides to lose?

Bullets change governments far

surer than votes.

You're in the wrong place,

my young friend.

This is no place for amateurs.


Curious how you always revert to

your native tongue

in moments of extreme anger.

And ecstasy.

Oh God...Oh, God!

You are beautiful.

What's your name again?

The only option Vitaly and me

was under-the-counter gunrunning.

Beirut, Lebanon - 1984

I got my first break in Lebanon

after the suicide bombing.

But I wasn't the only local kid

making good.

When the United States leaves a war zone...

they generally don't take 

their munitions.

It cost more to bring it back

than to buy new stock.

So, we sell by the kilo.

They're secondhand weapons,

but they're still okay.

How many kilos would you like?

Five thousand.

I had a flair for languages...

...but I soon discovered that what 

talks best is dollars, dinars...

...drachmas, rubles, rupees and 


Of course, the US Army got a 

piece of the action.

Army salaries were no better then 

than they today.

And some of the brass,

like Lieutenant Colonel Southern...

needed to raise money for their 

own private wars.

Good to make your acquaintance.

This is bullshit money,

This is small-fucking-potatoes.

What do you want to do, go more legit?

No, more illegal.

What I would give right now

for cabbage and potatoes.

It's not our fight.

Vit, come on!

Let's go. Come on.

Selling guns is like selling 

vacuum cleaners.

You make calls,

pound the pavement,

take orders.

I was an equal opportunity

merchant of death.

I supplied every army but the 

Salvation Army.

I sold Israeli-made Uzis to Muslims.

I sold communist-made bullets

to fascists.

I hope you're not thinking of 

selling these, Mr. Orlov.

Personal use.

Personal use.

There's a hundred thousand

bullets here.

I'm kind of trigger happy.

Trigger happy?

I even shipped cargo to Afghanistan

when they still fighting my fellow Soviets.

I never sold to Osama Bin Laden.

Not on any moral grounds.

Back then, he was always 

bouncing checks.

By the mid-'80s...

my weapons were represented in eight...

...of the world's top ten war zones.

There's no problem leading a double life.

It's the triple and quadruple lives

that get you in the end.

Back then, I carried a.. French,

British, Israeli,

and Ukrainian passport...

...and a student visa for the US,

but... that's another story.

I also packed six different briefcases...

...depending on who I was that day

and the region of the world I was visiting.

North of Cartagena, Colombia - 1989

Without operations like mine,

would be impossible for certain 


to conduct a respectable war.

I was able to navigate around those

inconvenient little arms embargoes.

There are three basic types

of arms deal.

White, being legal.

Black, being illegal,

and my personal favorite color, gray.

Sometimes I made the deal

so convoluted...

it was hard for me to work out

if they were on the level.

To keep authorities in the dark

I often spoke in code.

Rocket launchers were "mothers."

The rockets, "children."

The AK-47 assault file was

the "Angel king."

It's Yuri...Yeah. Well, Raoul...

Raoul, the Angel King will arrive tomorrow.

Hallelujah to you, too.

The point is, if I've done my job right

an arms embargo should be

practically impossible to enforce.


Okay, just slow the fuck down.

I can't understand you.

Wha-What do mean, tipped off?

They know where we are?

Well, where are they?

Well, how long have I got?

Not long?

What does that mean? Shit!

Do we try to lose them?

On this?

Yuri, we have to get off this thing.

No. No one's going anywhere.

Slow, dead slow. Buy me time.

Yeah, it's Yuri.

Get that fucking rag down!

I need another handle for this tub.

Something in our weight class.

You! Over the side.

We're changing the name. Now!

Yes, it's got to check out.

The way I look at it,

what's in a name?

Have you got a shorter name?

I'd often changed the registration

of a ship or a plane...

...but never on such short notice.

Damn! They're hauling.

What? Kono? How do you spell


K-O-N-O, okay, well, that's good.

Kono, K-O-N-O.

What are we flying? Dutch? Got it.

Vit, get me a Dutch flag, will you?

Faster! Or I'll send your ass  in!

Yuri, I don't have Dutch!


I've got Belgian.

What the fuck use is that?

He's painting a name registered

in the fucking Netherlands.

I've got a French flag.


Turn it sideways...'s Dutch.

that's why you're my brother.

All right, good!

Everybody look innocent now.

They say every man has his price.

But not every man gets it.

Interpol Agent jack Valentine

couldn't  be bought.

At least, not with money.

For Jack, glory was the prize.

Yeah, It's the Kono;

it's not the Kristol.

Kono, K-O-N-O.

It's clean, sir.

It's clean?

It sure doesn't look clean.

I'm going to go aboard.

Phone in a sighting of the Kristol south of Aruba.

Even when I was up against an 

overzealous agent...

...I had a number of methods for

discouraging a search.

I routinely mislabeled my arms shipmens

"Farm machinery."

And I have yet to meet the lowly

paid customs official...

...who will open a container...

...marked "Radioactive Waste"

to verify its contents.

But my personal favorite is

the unique combination...

of week-old potatoes and tropical heat.


Sir, Sighting of the Kristol, due north.

Most importantly, I kept a number

of intelligence people

on the payroll to supply their colleagues

with counterintelligence.

Let's go.

The second rule of gunrunning is:

Always ensure you have a

foolproof way to get paid.

Preferably in advance...

ideally to an off-shore account.

That's why I chose my customers

so carefully.

Say what you like about warlords

and dictators...

they tend to have highly

developed sense of order.

They always pay their bills on time.

What is this?

Six kilos of pure.

I can't hand this to my fucking bank

teller at Chase Manhattan.

Listen, asshole, you should be 

thinking me.

Have you checked the street price today?

With the seizures at the border last week,

it' jumped thirty percent.

Whoa... whoa-whoa!

i sell guns. I don't sell drugs.


I've got standards.

You don't pay, you don't play.

Fuck you!

What are you doing?

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

No, you don't fuck him.

We can work something out.

No, Vit!

We have a deal!

The first and most important

rule of gunrunning...

is never get  shot with your own


Are you okay?

I think so.

So what do we do now?

Let's celebrate.

That narco guerilla had his facts rights.

After shipping it stateside,

the return on that blow 

netted me a healthy profit.

It would have been even better,

except one kilo never made it back.



To this day I don't  know hat Vitaly...

...was running away from.

Maybe just from Vitaly.

I found him twelve days,

two thousands miles,

and one hundred and fifty grams later

in a Bolivian boarding house.

Of course, my dream girl

had gone there before me.


Come on!

Fuck, Yuri's back.

It's my brother, Yuri.

He's my big brother.

What the fuck is that?


I was  young, but I remember.

Look... I start in Odessa, right?

And then I work my way to the


You'll be dead before you fucking

reach Kiev!

We're going home. Come on,

You fuck! You fucking fuck1

You fucking fuck...

J.F.K. Airport, New York - 1989

Yuri, it's so nice to be home.

Yeah, good work.

We're gonna get you home.

Come on.

St. Francis Rehabilitation Center

Get out of the car.

Vitaly, I need you to get out of the car.

I promised our parents.


Vitaly, you're going to have a great time.

this is a top place.

Two Ford models checked in last week.

And that cute weather girl's been 

here since July.


Please, Yuri.

You're a good brother.

You're a good brother, Yuri.

Okay. All right.

Good brother.

All right. Get out of the car.

From then on I was a one-man operation.

I never understood what separated...

the recreational drug user from

the habitual.

But for the grace of God...

it could've been snorting lines

as long s the Belt Parkway.

However, I wasn't entirely free

of the grip of addiction myself.

There she was again.

Ava Fontaine.

In my neighborhood they say,

"The good get out."

In our own ways, we'd both

conquered the world.

St. Barts, French Caribbean - 1989

You can't force somebody to

fall in love with you.

But you can definitely improve your odds.

It cost me 20 grand to book he

for a fake photo shoot.

Another twelve to buy out the hotel.

Popular hotel, hub?

Ava Fontaine.

Yuri Orlov.

What brings to St. Barts?

Photo shoot.

At least, that was the plan.

I guess the photographer got 

stuck in Miami.

Hurricane. Though there's nothing 

on the news.

Those things can come out of nowhere.

So... the job's been canceled,

and wouldn't you know it,

there's no flight to New York until Tuesday.

You can hitch a ride with me if you like.

I'm leaving tomorrow.

Meanwhile, why don;t I take your picture?

In my experience,

some of the most successful


are based on lies and deceit.

Since that's where they usually

end up anyway...

it's a logical place to start.

Right there. Hold it there.

Oh, my God!

I nearly went broke trying to 

convince her I way anything but.

I knew Ava was not the kind of woman

to be seduced by a ride in a private jet

unless you owned the jet.

This is your plane?

That is my name.

Of course, I was lying.

The plane was rented , like the car

and even the suit I was standing in

At the last minute,

I'd bribed the crew for the paint job.

Luckily, by the time we landed...

Ava wasn't looking anywhere

but in my eyes.

I had no idea.

I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.

Don't apologize. I put clothes on 

for a living.

A least you're not taking them off.

I would be, If half the...

...photographers had their way.

What about you?

I'm in transport.

international air freight, mostly.

Business is good.

Where're you from?

I was born in Ukraine,

but I grew up in Brooklyn.


What, you too?


Here's to a hurricane.

Without it, i never would have to met you.

This is no accident, is it, Yuri?

It feels like fate.

I don't believe in fate.

What do you believe in?

Is that a view, or is that a view?

That's a view.

Thank you. Thank you all.




Always remember, son...

there is something above you.

Sure, Day.

A forty-thousand-dollar crystal chandelier.

Make yourselves at home. Go!


I'm sorry. Today must be tough.

It's be nice to have couple

more guests

from my side of the family.

I'm sure they're watching right now.

Thank you.

But you don't believe that, Yuri...


I know you, Yuri.

I know you're not everything you seem.

Don't worry, i won't ask a lot of questions.

I don't want to hear you lie.

You take risks.

Just promise me you won't risk us.

That's the trouble with falling in love 

with a dream girl.

They have a habit of becoming real.

I've never been so glad to see Vitaly.

You're fucking beautiful!


Brother, thank you so much...

for giving me such a beautiful sister.

He was out of rehab, and out of his mind.

Dance! Dance! We have to dance!

All right, all right

It's a wedding, a celebration

To Yuri!

For once, he rescued me.

New York - December 25, 1991

I was still living way beyond my means.

Mortgaged to the hilt, using one

credit card to pay another.

Anything to keep Ava in the style to 

which she had thanks largely to me

become accustomed.


Ava, this is too much.

Yuri like to spoil you.

Then suddenly,

all my Christmases came at once.

Nicki, you did it! Good boy!

That's my grandson!

Yuri, don't you want to see waht 

your son is doing?

Whoever said it's better to give 

than receive...

...never got a Christmas present

like the one I got...

in 1991 from Mikhail Gorbachev.

What the hell's the matter?

It's over!

What's over?

The Cold-fucking-War!

The Soviet-fucking Union

The Evil Fucking-Empire!

Mikhail's saying no mas.

He's throwing in the towel.

It's over!

Your son is walking.

That's incredible, honey.

At least they'll get religious freedom.

Let's hope so.

I think I'll go back for a visit.

Do you stay in touch with Uncle Dmitri?

I'm not a fool, Yuri.

I don't think you're going to

Odessa to sell Pepsi-Cola.

Is this how you want to be remembered?

I don't want to be remembered at all.

I'm being remembered,

it means I'm dead.


Who is this, Vitaly?

I'm Angel.

Her name really is Angel.

She's a fairy.

Let's out her on top of the 

Christmas tree.

Come on

I love you.

Come on.

I love you all.

Take this.

I'm going back to Ukraine.

I miss Odessa.

I miss you.

I  miss you.

Be careful, Yuri. Those things

you sell kill.


You're high.

That's true.

Hello, Christian.

Odessa, Ukraine - 1992

During the Cold War, the Red

Army stationed nearly

one million troops in Ukraine...

because of its strategic military importance

The day after The Wall came down...

the paychecks stopped coming.

Your papers.

There's nothing better for an arms dealer...

combination of disgruntled soldiers

and warehouses full weapons.


I was hoping Major General Dmitri Volkoff

would open a lot of armory doors

in a lot of military bases.

For a start, he was family.

He was a highly decorated hero

of the Red Army,

and he was almost permanently


I can't just sell you government

property, Yuri.

I have to report.

Report to who? Moscow?

As of last week

Moscow's in a foreign country.

New flag, new boss.

There is no new boss yet.

They're all too busy squabbling over

who's gonna get the presidential

holiday home

at the Black Sea.

It's beautiful.

The ones who know don't care any more

an the ones who care don't know.

Show me your inventory.

Those 45 years of mutual hatred

between the East and the West...

had generated the highest weapons

buildup in history.

The Soviets had guns

coming out of the demon hole.

Huge stockpiles, and now no enemy.

How many Kalashnikovs do you have?

Forty thousand.

Is that a four?

It doesn't look like a four to me.

It's more like a one.

No, it's a four.

It's whatever we say it is.

Because no one else will know

the difference?

Ten thousand Kalsshnikovs for

a Your stocks are battalion.

Your stocks are dangerously

depleted, Dmitri.

You should order more from the factory.

Someone will work it out.

What happens then?

We'll cut them in.

The end of the Cold War

was the begging the hottest

time in arms dealing.

The arms bazaar was open.

Guided missiles, unguided missiles.

Mortars, mines,

armored personnel carriers.

Who tank divisions.

I'll tell what I'll do.

But six, you get one free.

I even landed a squadron of 

helicopter gunships.

The most sophisticated fighting


built for a war with America that 

never happed.

Son, get off there before you get hurt.

I can take it apart with my eyes closed.

Thanks to me,

they'd finally get to fire a shot in anger.

I have a feeling it wasn't exactly

what Comrade Lenin had in mind

when he advocated the

redistribution of wealth.

But I wasn't the only one

offering a crash course in capitalism.

I had rivals.

Inform your commanding officer

that Simeon Weisz is here to meet him.

You don't know who I am, do you?

I don't give a fuck who you are.

You're late.

So it appears.

Thank you.

My pleasure.

You sell guns?

Maybe you'd like to come to my room

and I'll show you my... cannon.

You look a little lost, Simeon.

Is the world changing too fast?

I'm here, aren't I?

Not all of you, I think.

you've got so rich selling for the CIA

you can't seem to get that ideology

completely out of your head.

Oh, the Cold War had its uses.

Kept the tensions frozen.

Now it's harder to determine

which side one's on.

Things have become more complicated.

No, it;s gotten simpler.

There's no place in gunrunning

for politics anymore,

I sell to leftists and rightists.

I sell to pacifists,

but they're not the most regular of 


Of course, you're not a true


...until you've supplied weapons

to kill your own countrymen.

This current state of chaos won't

last forever.

There'll have to be order.

Instead of cutting each other's throats,

it may be beneficial if we work together.

What do you think?

What do I think?

I think you are the amateur now,

and I think you should go with 

your instincts.

With your first instinct.

I'm the same man who was not

good enough for you before...

and I'm just not good enough

for you now.

The problem with gunrunners

going to war

is that there's no shortage of ammunition.

This was the chaos

that the Old Guard had always feared.

As far as they concerned,

I was giving arms dealers a bad name.

But they could hardly report me

to the Better Business Bureau.

And Ukraine wasn't the only former state...

with an unpaid army and stockpiles of guns.

There was Bulgaria, Hungary,

Poland, Belarus...

all there for the taking.

Of all the weapons in the vast

Soviet arsenal...

nothing was more profitable than

Avtomat Kalashnikova,

model of 1947,

more commonly known as the

AK-47... or kalashnikov.

It's the world's most popular

assault rifle

a weapon all fighters love.

An elegantly simple nine-pound

amalgamation of forged steel

and plywood.

It doesn't break, jam or overheat.

It will shoot whether it's covered in mud

or filled with sand.

It's so easy, even a child can use it

and they do.

The Soviets put the gun on a coin.

Mozambique put it on their flag.

Since the end of the Cold War,

the Kalashnikov has become the...

...Russian people's greatest export.

After that comes vodka, caviar,

and suicidal novelists.

One thing's for sure

no one was lining up to buy their cars.

What fucking documents?

You listen to men, lieutenant.

You keep them there.

For as long as you can!

Fight you listen to me, Lieutenant.

To the death! Moscow is behind us!

It's an order!

I thought you supposed watching

out for these people.

How can I?

You keep selling my helicopters.

You are too greedy, Yuri!

i can't hold him forever.

I've got paperwork.

Not for the gunships.

You know the penalty for


Selling the military helicopter

is a major violation.

Military helicopter.

It's not a military helicopter.

It's a rescue helicopter.

Get to work, son.

No problem.

The law's on our side.

All right, let me see your papers.

No-no-no, put that away.

See your papers.

Yuri Orlov.

Mr. Orlov, always in the wrong

place at the right time.

What the fuck is this?

We've met before.

Off the coast Colombia.

What was the name of that freighter?

I can't remember, was it the Kono

or the Kristol?

The crew called that vessel a lot of names.

None repeatable in polite company.

Answer the question.

The new MP-5.

Would you like a silence for that?

I need to see your papers.

Get the fuck off me.


The end-user certificate for this aircraft...

states "Burkina Faso."

Nice, very nice.

Did you type this up yourself?

The helicopter is to be used on

humanitarian missions.

Oh, so you're a humanitarian?

Oh, absolutely.

This is a military aircraft.

Not anymore.

Listen to the nephew!

What can they do with military hardware

but convert it to civilian use?

The only way you could die from this baby

now is if a food drop hits you.

And this stuff over here, huh?

Is it going to Burkina Faso... Ah,

but to a different client at a 

different address.

That's just a coincidence is that it?

Do you take me for a complete 

fucking fool?

Not complete, sir.

And while I hesitate to tell your job.

I must point out that

when shipped separately,

the weapons and the aircraft

both comply with current Interpol

trade standards and practices.

We both know, that is an obscene

bureaucratic loophole that's gonna

be closed

any goddamn day.

But it's not closed.

And while certain people might interpret

this cargo as suspicious,

thank God we live in a world,

where suspicion alone

does not constitute a crime.

And men like you

respect the rule of law.

I was as guilty as sin,

but Valentine couldn't prove it.

And he was the rarest breed of

law enforcement officer,

the type who knew I was breaking the law,

but wouldn't break it himself to bust me.


Valentine wasn't the only one trying to 

put me out of business.

My uncle had turned down a half

dozen rival arms dealers,

sometimes with offers better than mine.

But to Dmitri, you couldn't put

a price on loyalty.

What was he doing here?

He is hoping to beat your offer.

I told him to go have intercourse

with himself.

But Yuri

You need to make more payoffs.

Too many know.

Don't worry.

There are more VCRs and cigarettes.

I left them in your new car.

Even your enemy was admiring that car.

I'm the luckiest man alive.

You are.



Hi, baby.

You forgot what time it is?

Sorry, I...

How was that your audition?

They're going in another direction.

Direction with someone who can act.

They don't deserve you.

Where are you?

Is everything okay?

It was a rough day at the office.

Come home.

Soon. How's Nicki?

He misses you. We both do.

It's lonely without you here.

You know I don't like nights.

Ever since my parents...

Yuri, what's that?

A party.

I'd better go.

Just wanted to call and hear your voice.

Kiss Nicki for me.

I love you.

The pillaging didn't die with my uncle.

After The Wall came down

$32 billion billion dollars worth of arms

were stolen and resold from

Ukraine alone,

one of the greatest heists of the

Monrovia, Liberia - 1995

The primary market was Africa.

Eleven major conflicts involving

thirty-two countries in less than a decade...

A gunrunner's wet dream.

At the time, the West couldn't care less.

They had a white war in what was

left of Yugoslavia.

I did the bulk of my business in Liberia...

"Land of the Free." Originally

established as a homeland for

freed American slaves,

it's been enslaved by one dictator

or another ever since.

The latest was American-educated,

self declared president,  Andre Baptiste.

Mr. Yuri!

I'm Andre Baptiste, Junior.

My father would like to meet you.

What an honor.

Thank him.

But unfortunately I have other business.

It's a shame, it's a very busy schedule.

It is not, as they as, optional.

My father is easily offended.

My schedule just freed up.

President Baptiste was my best customer

but I was in no hurry to meet him.

He'd gotten a reputation 

for routinely hacking off the

limbs of those who opposed him.

His seven-year civil war has been


as "a relentless campaign of

sadistic wanton violence."

That kind of sums up Andy for me.

The Glock is interesting.

It's made of a polymer composite.

many of my clients feel they can

get through airport security

without setting off a lot of bells 

and whistles.

Personally I do no not recommend that.

On the other hand,

if you are looking for a traditional

wheel gun,

there is no substitute for the six inches of muzzle energy of a .357 magnum.

And of course, it will never jam.

Why did you do that?

What did you say?

Now you'll have to buy it.

It's a used gun.

How can I sell a used gun?

A used gun.

A used gun.

That's a good one.

You know there is no discipline

with the youth today.

I try to set an example but it is

difficult, eh?

Personally, I blame MTV.

A used gun.

I think you and I, we can do business.

If I thought I was scared of

Andre Senior,

I knew i was scared of  Andre Junior.

Like father, like son.

The guava doesn't fall too far

from the tree.

He was also a cannibal.

They say Andre would eat a victim's heart

while it still beating

to give him superhuman strength.

Monrovia itself was like being on 

another planet.

Planet Monrovia.

From the temperature,

it was obviously a planet close to

the sun.

I rarely saw another white man,

and I never left town alone.

Outside town was the edge of hell.

I didn't want to even gaze into it.

This is your hotel. Two stars.

Can you bring me the gun of Rambo?

Part one, two, or three?

I've only seen part one.

The M-60.

Would you like the armor-piercing



My father left a welcoming

present in your room.


My God, she nearly got her hear cut off.

When I get to America,

I will not live in Brentwood.

Second floor.

In the most AIDS-infested region

of the globe...

where one in four is infected...

Andre's idea of a joke was to put

a young Iman and a young Naomi

in my bed.

And no condom within 100 miles.

Hello, Mr. Yuri.


We'd be happy to make you happy.

Uh, I can't. I'd love to.

But I can't.

Don't worry.

We don't have anything.

How do you know?

Do we look like it?

What if I have AIDS?

Don't you worry?

You worry too much.

Why do you worry about 

something that

can kill you in ten years

when there are so many things

that can kill you today?

Now... can we make you happy?

By leaving.

These are my Kalashnikov Kids.

My Boy Brigades.

I can see what you are thinking,

but we need every man we can get.

Even if they're not men?

A bullet from a fourteen-year-old... just as effective as one from

a forty-year-old.

Often more effective.

No one can stop this bath of blood.

It's not "bath of blood."

It's "bloodbath."

Thank you.

But I prefer it my way.

I am not going to pay your asking price.

We are not a rich people.

And besides,

the market is already flooded with

your Kalashnikovs.

Do you realize in some parts of 

my country

you can get one for the price of a chicken?

But you can't just consider unit price.

You forget ancillary costs.

End-user certificates need to be 

forged and notarized,

Shell companies set up,

insurance purchased,

pilots and crews hired.

Not to mention bribes.

You can't get a nut and bolt out

of the Eastern Bloc without a bribe.

There's one bribe for the nut,

another for the bolt.

Andy...Andy, listen to me.

This is an expensive proposition.


I am going to pay you in timber or stones.

I'll take the stones.

It's kind of hard to get a tree trunk 

into my hand luggage.

I know you're planning a new offensive.

If you can delay a week,

I can get you armored personnel carriers.

They'd greatly reduce your casualties...

...and give you a significant

strategic advantage.

You know, they call me

the Lord Of War.

But perhaps it is you.

It's not "Lord Of War," it's "Warlord."

Thank you, but I prefer it my way.

Conflicts diamonds are a common

currency in West Africa,

also referred to as "blood diamonds"

since bloodshed is what they

generally finance.

By the late '90s, my wealth had caught up

to my lies about my wealth.

Even surpassed my lies.

I could even afford to become a

 patron of the arts.

It's just that I can't believe it.

Well, of... of course, it's wonderful.

I just...

I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Yes. Well, that wou-that would be

great, too yeah.

It's wonderful. Thank you so much.

It's... Yuri. Okay, thank you. Bye.

Yuri, that was the dealer on the phone.

I just sold my first painting.

Aah! That's fantastic.

Uh, who bought it?

It's someone important.

They want to remain anonymous.

this is so wonderful!

How was your trip?

You know, same old, same old.

Where's Nicki?

Oh, in bed, I'm sorry.

He couldn't stay up.

That's best.

My first painting!

I'm officially an artist!

This calls for a drink.

What doesn't?


Yuri, this is uh...


Candy. Of course.

Any friend of my brother's is a...

friend of my brother's.

You have beautiful... everything.

Yes, he does.

Yes, I do.

I'm going to kiss Nicki goodnight.


How are you, brother?

Well, you know,

still the resident family fuckup.

Yeah. Well, I guess someone has

to do it.


Hey, Ava knows, right?

I never want to say anything,

She doesn't have to know.

She understands.

She's a survivor, like me.

She may be a survivor,

but she's not like you.

Really she doesn't know

how you pay for all this

We don't talk about it.

How many car salesman talk

about their work? Huh?

How many cigarette salesman?

Both their products kills more people

every year than mine.

At least mine has a safety switch.

If those guys can leave their work

at the office,

so can I.

God damn, you are good!

You are really are.

You almost had me convinced.

Could you...

could you help me out with...




Why what?



I don't know.


I don't know.

Why what?

Why're you so fucked up all the time?

Because I am. I don't know.

I didn't know how much Ava

really knew...

and how much she ignored.

She never questioned how a guy

in the transport business...

could afford to give her 18 carat

diamond earrings.

I guess she didn't want to hear the answer.

Mostly, She seemed content

that I was a good provider...

and as far as she was concerned , loyal.

Despite the other women...

I always made love to Ava

as if she was the only one.

I'm not saying I didn't have setbacks.

It's not called gunrunning for nothing.

You gotta be fast on your feet.

Some revolution blow over

the guns even get there.

There's nothing's more expensive

for arms dealer than peace.

Truce? What do you mean, truce?

The guns are already on their way.

Peace talks.

All right, forget it.

I'll re-route the shipment to the Balkans.

When they talk about war,

they keep their word.

Of course, a new breed of gunrunner

requires a new breed of cop.

Henry, take Park Avenue.

Take 'em on a tour of New Jersey.

Yuri, there are men going through

our garbage cans.

Well, it's probably just some reporters

looking for somebody else.

I have a feeling they don't work 

for the tabloids.


is there anything I should be

worried about?

No, nothing.


I love you.

I love you, too.


i was now the best merchant

of death alive.

I didn't own my won plane,

I owned a fleet.

Running guns into Liberia,

Sierra Leone,

or the Ivory Coast at least once a week.

Most trips i had phony paperwork.

The deadline was tight

and had to cut corners,

I had no paperwork at all.

But I wasn't overly concerned.

There was hardly any radar over 

most of Africa

and even fewer people to watch it.

Charlie Echo India, to Kabala airport...

...on heading zero-two nine.

Comply immediately.

Yuri, what the fuck is going on?

Hello, Southern? It's Yuri.

I am sorry to call you on this number.

But I've got Interpol's all over my ass.

I can't know you right now.

It's uh, not a good time.

Not a good time?


Charlie, Echo, India,

comply immediately.

This is your last warning.

Where was the first fucking warning?

Rock your wings

if you intend to comply

I'm putting us down.

If you land, we're going away.

I don't have paperwork.

We're in a flying fucking bomb!

They're firing bullets at our bullets.

I'm putting us down.

Okay, okay. Fuck!

This is Charlie, Echo, India.

Request re-route to Kabala airport,

bearing zero-two-nine.

No, not the airport. There the highway.

It's our only hope.

Are you fucking mad?

A pothole will set us off.

You underestimate yourself, Alexei.

You're the best.

You're the shit, Alexei, you're the shit!

You're the shit! You're the shit!

Of course Alexei wasn't the best.

He'd come forty-second out of

forty three

at the Moscow Flight School.

Oh, God, what's he doing?

Is this guy nuts?

I can't land there, sir.

Kabala's fifteen minutes away.

He can't get far.

I want a truck on the tarmac.

We gonna be okay.

Where are you going?

As far from the evidence as we can get.

Wait, there's not going to be any evidence!

Come here. Come here.

Hey, don't be shy. Here, look.

Free sample

help yourself, okay? Free sample.

Tell your friend.

Gun for you.

happy times. Come on.

Help yourselves. No charge.

Everything goes.

Guns, guns, guns, yes,

come on up!

Here! You're having fun now, huh?

Come on! Guns. guns, guns guns! Yes!

Bullets, guns, grenades!

Take 'em all.

Take the while crate. Go ahead.

Gun, grenades, hooray!

Bullets! Guns! Grenades!


That one's got your name on it.

You want one, too? Come on.

Don't forget the bullets.

Don't forget the bullets.

How can you shoot a gun

if you don't have bullets?

Everything goes for free!

Guns, grenades! All you see. Bullets,

guns, grenades.

Hooray, hooray!

Have the bullets.

What a cargo crew at Heathrow Airport

does in a day took a bunch of

malnourished Sierra Leonean

locals ten minutes.

By the time Agent Valentine got there,

you could find more guns on a plane full of Quakes.

Yuri Orlov.

Ow! Fuck!

You run from us?

No, Mbizi. No!

Can you run with no legs?

Let me make him disappear,

Mr. Valentine

Around here, people disappear all the time.

I can't do that.

Look where we are. Who will know?

We will.

He's gonna get what's coming to him.

I'm not as certain.

All right, get up.

What's the charge?

what are you doing in Sierra Leone...

I'm on safari.

Yeah? You're hunting wildebeests

with a submachine gun?

Do you also work with the

park Service?

Hunting without a license,

is that the charge?

Why are we playing games?

You traffic arms.




You get rich by giving the

poorest people on the planet

the means to continue killing each other.

Do you know why I do what I do?

I mean, there are more

prestigious assignments.

Keeping track of nuclear arsenals,

You'd think that's more critical to

world security,

but it's not.

No, nine of ten war victims today

are killed with assault rifles and 

small like yours.

Those nuclear missiles?

They sit in their silos. Your AK-47?

That is the real weapon of mass


I don't want people dead, Agent Valentine.

I don't put a gun to anybody's head

and make them shoot.

I admit, but shooting war is better

for business,

but I prefer people to

fire my guns and miss.

Just as long as they're firing.

Can I go now?

You've got nothing on me.

Except cuffs.

Since you're so concerned with the law,

you must know that I'm legally

permitted to hold you for

twenty-four hours

without charing you.

You might ask why I would do 

that and I can assure you.

It's not because I enjoy your 


because I don't.

No, the reason why

I'll delay you for every second

of the permissible twenty-four hours

Is I'm delaying your deadly trade

and the deaths of your victims.

I don't think of it as taking a day from you...

...but giving a day to them.

Some innocent man, woman, or child

is going to have an extra day

on this earth because you're no free.

So, I will see you in twenty-three hours

and fifty-five minutes, hm?

Valentine knew he didn't have to guard me.

There was nowhere to go.

Or maybe he was hoping the locals

would tear me apart.

But they were too busy with the plane.

It's like parking your car

in certain neighborhoods in the Bronx.

You just don't do it.

The way I looked at it

it's the way of Africa, maybe life.

Everything that comes from the earth

eventually returns.

Even a 4--ton Atonov-12 cargo plane.

A gift. For you.

You know, you've arrived just in time.

I was afraid that he might die

before you got your chance to kill him.

this man came here hoping to

take your place.

Is that not so?

No, I'm not here to supply

Mr. Baptiste.

I am here to supply his enemies.

I fear it's a sale I shall never complete.

He killed your blood... Your uncle...

when he tried to kill you.



You want that I should let him go?

"No. I..."

You do want him dead.

You just... don't want

to have to do it yourself.


We will do this together.

This will be a bonding experience.

You know you can stop this

any time that you want.

but I don't think that you do.

just say the word.

Say it. "Stop."


I will get you another room,

my friend.

With a much nicer view.

He ordered you brown-brown,

Mr. Yuri.



What is it?

A mixture of cocaine...

...and gunpowder.

they give it to the young boys

before they do battle.

They'll do anything!

Some other time.

I suggest you try it,

at least once, Mr. Yuri.


'Cause it's your gunpowder.

Even before that night,

I'd started doing a lot of cocaine

in West Africa.

I'd never tried brown-brown before,

but then I'd never killed a man, either.


Oh, i didn't do anything, did I?

You didn't do much.

Wait. Are you sick?


Ask the white man. He will know.

Sir, will my hand grow back?


Remember, Yuri, take sides.


Don't! He's Andre's.

Fuck Andre!

Fuck Andre!

I'm sorry they don't usually do that.

Let me look it. Maybe I can fix it.

Let me see it. it's the magazine.

Give it to me.

Fuck you!

I started to feel I'd been cursed.

...the curse of invincibility.

Nicki, please, go to your room.

i don't believe you.

Can you prove any of this?

Mr. Orlov goes to a lot of trouble

to make his business look legitimate.

Even to you.

Perhaps especially to you.

I don't expect we'll find anything here today.

So what do you want?

I was hoping that you would help me.

I understand that uh...

your parents died tragically?

The illegal firearms used to murder

your mother and father

were procured from men exactly

like your husband.

I'd like you to leave.

Okay. Gentlemen.


Ava, what's wrong?

I can't wear the clothes.

Can't wear the jewelry.

Can't drive the car.

Can't live in this house.

Everything's got blood on it.

Blood on it?

What's the matter with you?

Don't be so melodramatic.

I'm melodramatic.

I'm a failed actress, remember?

I told you, these people, it's political.

They lie. They're liars.

Look at me. They lie to make 

themselves look good, okay?

You can't just trust them.

It's not just them.

Don't worry. Your family didn't

say anything.

They didn't have to.

I sell people a means to defend

themselves. Ava.

That's all.

Yuri, I see the news. I see those pictures.

The guns are bigger than the boys!

There is nothing illegal

about what I do!

I don't care if it's legal!

It's wrong!

Please, stop.

It makes no difference if I stop.

Someone will take my place the next day.

So let them. We have enough.

It's not about the money.

Then what is it?

I'm good at it.

I feel like all I've done my whole life

is be pretty.

I mean all I've done is be born.

I'm a failed actress, a failed artist.

I'm not much good as a mother.

I'm not even that pretty anymore.

I have failed at everything, Yuri.

But I won't fail as a human being.

My enemies had finally found a weapon

that could hurt me.

For the next six months,

I stopped running guns.

I went legitimate.

This is an untapped market.

I'm talking over five million

cubic meters of timber

in the first year alone.

Over 100 exploitable species.

The oil?

Between you and me, this...

Ten thousand barrels a month?

He must be lying. He's talking!

Listen, there are gas reserves off the 

Ivory Coast that OPEC doesn't 

even know about.

The phone numbers all check out.

It's all on the level.

No wonder Valentine was confused.

Thank God there are still legal ways

to exploit developing countries.

The only problem with an honest buck

is they're so hard to make.

The margins are too low.

Too many people are doing it.

Still, I'd promised Ava.

Yuri, the President of Liberia

is on his way up.

He's early.

I'll be back in a minute.

What the fuck are you doing here, Andre?

We are here for peace talks at the

United Nations.

So at the same time you thought

you'd drop in on your arms dealer?

Well, I was beginning to wonder

whether that was still your profession.

You know, you're a hard man

to get a hold of all of sudden.

This is a shame.

My on and I were hoping to do

a little shopping.

While in New York.

You know they're watching you.

Yes, I know they blame me.

They blame me for everything,

those hypocrites.

There're hunt for a witch.

Witch hunt.

Hostilities have escalated.

And they are making it very

difficult for me to re-supply.

That requires a man of your rare ingenuity.

I can't help, I'm sorry.

I understand.

But you should know this:

Due to our present situation

we are compelled to be unusually generous.

So, see you soon, Lord of War.

You still haven't brought me

the gun of Rambo.

At four and a half months old...

a human fetus has reptile's tail...

a remnant of our evolution.

Maybe that's what I couldn't escape.

You can fight a lot of enemies and survive,

but if you fight your biology,

you always lose.

You guys aren't waiting for another ten minutes.

Sorry, Nicki has swim practice.

You know, I'm kind of glad you're going.

You've been here so long

you're starting to get on my nerves.

This oil concession should be

wrapped up by Thursday.

I'll be back for the weekend.

We'll go somewhere.

The sea.

That would be fun.

Come on.

Hey. You trust me, right?

She looked me directly in the eye...

the way I've looked in the eyes

of a thousand customs officials...

government bureaucrats and

law enforcement agents.

Yes, I trust you.

And she lied without flinching.

I'll see you, big guy.

Bye Papa.

She learned from the best.

Have a good trip.

That's him.

Where are we going, Mama?

It's a game, honey.

Like hide and seek?


Like hide and seek.

I can always sense

when I'm being tailed.

I know what to look for.

But then I'd never been tailed

by the woman I love.

I can put myself in Ava's place.

She might've understood if the combination

was the last four digits of my

social security number...

my birth date, even her birth date,

but not Nicolai's.

My son's birthday unlocked

what the government would 

later describe... "a catalogue of carnage."

Nicki, stay right there.

Come on, Nicki.

Come to see how the other half lives?

I miss your borscht.

Mom and Day say you're clean.

Yeah, you ,too.

You went legit, hub?

That's hard to believe.

That's because it's not true.

Only you know.

I'm leaving tonight on a job

I want you to come.

I can't. I've got a girlfriend.

I think she might be the one.

Plus, I'm thinking of opening

my own place.

Maybe this trip will help.

It's good money.

Yuri, I've given my word.

No one has to know.

Tell them we going for a little R and R.

What do you need me for,

all of sudden?

West Africa's fucked up.

More than usual.

I can't trust anybody.

I need you to watch my back.

Brothers in arms.

Monrovia, Liberia - 2001

Yuri! Welcome back.

Welcome both of you.

Welcome to democracy.


What have you been drinking, Andy?

Hub, you have no seen the news.

You know they accuse me of

rigging elections.

But after this, with your Florida and

you Supreme Court of Kangaroos,

Now, the US Must shut up forever.

How do you do this, Yuri?

How do you do this,

when they are watching all of

my airspace?

Where there's a will,

there's a weapon.

Come on, where's my fucking money?

When it is delivered.

It is delivered.

This is not for me.

This is for my neighbors to the west.

The west?

We're going to Sierra Leone.

Oh, yest. And my son Baptiste Junior

will go with you to make the 

proper introductions.

We have no trucks.

You will.

As soon as we get the food out of them.

Gun of Rambo.

Mr. Yuri, you're a man of your word.

So where are we going?

RUF - the Freedom Fighters.

Every faction in Africa call

themselves by the noble names.

Liberation-this Patriotic-that,

Democratic Republic


I guess they can't own up to

what they usually are

Federation of Worse Oppressors

that the Last Bunch of Oppressors.

Often, the most barbaric atrocities occur

when both combatants proclaim

themselves "freedom fighters."

Right, I've got 500 units, brand new

right out of the box,

all as clean as this. What have you got?

God! oh, Jesus.

God! Oh, Jesus.

Yuri, I need to talk to you.

Not now.


Excuse me.


We can't do this deal.

The fuck we can't!

What's the matter with you?

Look, over there.

As soon as we hand over the guns

those people are going to die!

It's not our business.

they killed a boy just now

as young as Nicki.

What is the holdup?

There is no holdup.

I'll be right there.

Vitaly, it's what we always know:

We can't control what they do.

No, no, today we can. Today we can.

Yuri, they're right there!

What do you think they'll do to us

if we back out? They'll kill us.

And if we go ahead, what you

think they'll do to them?

We've got to do something.

Please, for fuck's sake.

It's not our fight.

Please. Brothers in arms.

What is he saying?

It's the deal.

My brother's not happy with the terms.

We'll work it out. It's nothing.

Right? It's nothing.

Yeah. Nothing.

You're right. Yuri, you're right.

God, I've got to get my shit together.

This is not our fight.


Okay. What's the deal?

and 800 grenades.

I thought it was 1200 grenades.

I was so caught up in the deal...

I never realized

what was going on in Vitaly's head.

I thought it was 1200 grenades.


Come to think about it,

maybe I never understood what

was going on in his head.

I beg your pardon.

May I see another stone?

One thing I do understand

for certain... that Vitaly broke the

cardinal rule of gunrunning.

Never pick up a gun and jpin

the customers.

What are you doing?

Something for Yuri.

Step away. Slow.

No, Vit!

No! Vit!

Only half the guns were gone...

so I was still entitled to half the diamonds.

If I took them, I was lost.

If I left them, I was lost.

The massacre played out exactly

how Vitaly predicted.

But then, a half-dozen

other massacres

happed in Sierra Leone that week.

You can't stop them all.

In my experience,

you can't stop any of them.

They say evil prevails

when good men fail to act.

What they ought to say is,

evil prevails.

I now shared even more in common...

with the leader of that country God

seemed to have forsaken.

We saw something in each other

that neither of us liked.

Or maybe we were just looking

in the mirror.

I paid a Monrovian doctor

twenty dollars

to remove the lead from 

Vitaly's body

and write a bogus death certificate.

I should've paid more.

I've smuggled millions of

rounds of ammunition,

and the bullet that lands me in jail...

is found under my dead brother's rib.

Yuri Orlov.

We're with the Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms.

Let me guess.

This is not about the alcohol or

the tobacco.

Crimean Restaurant.


Both my sons are dead.

There are only two tragedies in life.

One is not getting what you want.

The other is getting it.

Is this one of yours?

Jack Valentine finally had

what he wanted.

Curiously, the death certificate says

he died of heart failure.

Falsifying a death certificate?

That's not gonna hold me.

You're right. As usual, you are right.

Have you seen today's paper? Huh?

Fake end-user certificates.

Cur-out companies,

meticulously catalogued.

There is hardly a warlord, dictator,

despot anywhere in the world

that you're a first-name basis with.

It was your wife your trophy wife

that led us to the prize.

It's not her fault.

She's just easier to follow

than you are.

May I?

Yeah, go ahead.

Enjoy it.

What? This.

Tell me I'm everything you despise.

That I'm the personification of evil.


Responsible for the breakdown of 

the fabric of society and world order.

I'm a one-man genocide.

Say everything you want to say

to me now.

Because you don't have long.

Are you paying attention?

Or are you delusional?

You have broken every arms

embargo written.

There is enough here to put you away

for consecutive life sentences.

You are going to spend

the next ten years of your life

going from a cell to a courtroom

before you even start 

serving your time.

I don't think you fully

appreciate the seriousness...

...of your situation.

My family has disowned me.

My wife and son have left me.

My brother's dead.

Trust me.

I fully appreciate the seriousness

of my situation.

But I promise you,

I won't spend a single second

in a courtroom.

You are delusional.

i like you, jack.

Well, maybe not,

but I understand you.

Let me tell you what's gonna happen.

This way, you can prepare yourself.


Soon there's going to be

a knock on that door

and you will be called outside.

In the hall there will be 

a man who outranks you.

First, he'll compliment you on the

fine job you've done

that you're making the world

a safer place

that you're to receive

a commendation and a promotion.

And then he'll tell you that

I am to be released.

You're gonna protest.

You'll probably threaten to resign.

But in the end, I will be released.

The reason I'll be released

is the same reason you think...

I'll be convicted.

I do rub shoulders with some of

the most vile,

sadistic men calling themselves

leaders today.

But some of those men are

the enemies of your enemies.

And while the biggest arms dealer

in the world is your boss...

...the President of the United States,

who ships more merchandise in a day

I do in a year...

sometimes it's embarrassing to have 

his fingerprints on the guns.

Sometimes he needs a freelancer like me

to supply forces

he can't be seen supplying.

So... you call me evil,

but unfortunately for you,

I'm a necessary evil.

I would tell you to go to hell.

But I think you're already there.

pleasure doing business with you.

Most people are happy

just to get out of jail.

I expect to be paid to leave.

I'm not a fool.

I know that just because they

needed me that day

didn't mean they wouldn't make

me a scapegoat the next.

but I was back,

doing what I do best.

Umbrellas to the Sahara?

Sun umbrellas.

You know who's going to 

inherit the Earth?

Arms dealers.

Because everyone lese

is too busy killing each other.

That's the secret to survival.

Never go to war.

Especially with yourself.

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