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1 log4cpp



2 Category类


2.1 Name 属性

2.1.1 定义

/** The name of this category. */
const std::string _name;

2.1.2 getName方法

	* Return the category name.
	* @returns The category name.
virtual const std::string& getName() const throw(); 

2.2 Priority属性


  • 对于根Category,必须指定Priority
  • 对于非根Category,可以不指定Priority,此时优先级继承自父Category
  • 对于非根Category,当指定Priority,此时优先级覆盖自父Category

2.2.1 定义


 *  The assigned priority of this category. 
volatile Priority::Value _priority;

2.2.2 setPriority方法


 * Set the priority of this Category.
 * @param priority The priority to set. Use Priority::NOTSET to let 
 * the category use its parents priority as effective priority.
 * @exception std::invalid_argument if the caller tries to set
 * Priority::NOTSET on the Root Category.
virtual void setPriority(Priority::Value priority);

2.2.3 getPriority方法


 * Returns the assigned Priority, if any, for this Category.
 * @return Priority - the assigned Priority, can be Priority::NOTSET
virtual Priority::Value getPriority() const throw();

2.2.4 setRootPriority方法


 * Set the priority of the root Category.
 * @param priority The new priority for the root Category 
static void setRootPriority(Priority::Value priority);

2.2.5 getRootPriority方法

获取root Category的优先级

  * Get the priority of the <code>root</code> Category.
  * @returns the priority of the root category
 static Priority::Value getRootPriority() throw();

2.2.6 getChainedPriority方法

获取当前category继承表中的优先级,如果当前的优先值没有设置的话,则找他的父亲,如果父亲没有找到的话,他会继续向上找,因为root Category的优先值默认为Priority::INFO,所以肯定是能够找到的

 * Starting from this Category, search the category hierarchy for a
 * set priority and return it. Otherwise, return the priority 
 *  of the root category.
 * <p>The Category class is designed so that this method executes as
 * quickly as possible.
virtual Priority::Value getChainedPriority() const throw();

2.2.7 isPriorityEnabled方法


    * Returns true if the chained priority of the Category is equal to
    * or higher than given priority.
    * @param priority The priority to compare with.
    * @returns whether logging is enable for this priority.
   virtual bool isPriorityEnabled(Priority::Value priority) const throw();     

2.3 additivity属性


  • 如果该值为true,则该CategoryAppender包含父CategoryAppender
  • 如果该值为false,则该CategoryAppender取代父CategoryAppender

2.3.1 定义

   * Additivity is set to true by default, i.e. a child inherits its
   * ancestor's appenders by default. 
  volatile bool _isAdditive;

2.3.2 setAdditivity方法


   * Set the additivity flag for this Category instance.
  virtual void setAdditivity(bool additivity);

2.3.3 getAdditivity方法


   * Returns the additivity flag for this Category instance.
  virtual bool getAdditivity() const throw();

2.4 parent属性


2.4.1 定义

 * The parent of this category. All categories have al least one
 * ancestor which is the root category. 
Category* _parent;

2.4.2 getParent方法


   * Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL
   * if the category is the root category.
   * @return the parent category.
  virtual Category* getParent() throw();

   * Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL
   * if the category is the root category.
   * @return the parent category.
  virtual const Category* getParent() const throw();

2.5 Appender


typedef std::set<Appender *> AppenderSet;

AppenderSet _appender;

2.5.1 addAppender(Appender* appender);


 * Adds an Appender to this Category.
 * This method passes ownership from the caller to the Category.
 * @since 0.2.7
 * @param appender The Appender to wich this category has to log.
 * @exception std::invalid_argument if the appender is NULL.
virtual void addAppender(Appender* appender);

2.5.2 addAppender(Appender& appender)

添加一个AppenderCategory中。 但是该方法并不把Appender的所有权交给Category管理

  * Adds an Appender for this Category.
  * This method does not pass ownership from the caller to the Category.
  * @since 0.2.7
  * @param appender The Appender this category has to log to.
 virtual void addAppender(Appender& appender);

2.5.3 getAppender()


         * Returns the first Appender for this Category, or NULL if no
         * Appender has been set.
         * @deprecated use getAppender(const std::string&)
         * @returns The Appender.
        virtual Appender* getAppender() const;

2.5.4 getAppender(const std::string& name)


 * Returns the specified Appender for this Category, or NULL if 
 * the Appender is not attached to this Category.
 * @since 0.2.7
 * @returns The Appender.
virtual Appender* getAppender(const std::string& name) const;

2.5.5 getAllAppenders()


  * Returns the set of Appenders currently attached to this Catogory.
  * @since 0.3.1
  * @returns The set of attached Appenders.
 virtual AppenderSet getAllAppenders() const;

2.5.6 removeAllAppenders()


  * Removes all appenders for this Category.
 virtual void removeAllAppenders();

2.5.7 removeAppender(Appender* appender)


  * Removes specified appender for this Category.
  * @since 0.2.7
  virtual void removeAppender(Appender* appender);

2.5.8 ownsAppender


 * Returns true if the Category owns the Appender. In that case the
 * Category destructor will delete the Appender.
 * @since 0.2.7
virtual bool ownsAppender(Appender* appender) const throw();

2.6 log

2.6.1 log(Priority::Value priority, const char* stringFormat,…)


 * Log a message with the specified priority.
 * @param priority The priority of this log message.
 * @param stringFormat Format specifier for the string to write 
 * in the log file.
 * @param ... The arguments for stringFormat 
virtual void log(Priority::Value priority, const char* stringFormat,...) throw();

2.6.2 log(Priority::Value priority, const std::string& message)


   * Log a message with the specified priority.
   * @param priority The priority of this log message.
   * @param message string to write in the log file
  virtual void log(Priority::Value priority, const std::string& message) throw();

2.7 静态方法

2.7.1 getRoot


 * Return the root of the Category hierarchy.
 * <p>The root category is always instantiated and available. It's
 * name is the empty string.
 * <p>Unlike in log4j, calling <code>Category.getInstance("")</code>
 * <em>does</em> retrieve the root category 
 * and not a category just under root named "".
 * @returns The root category
static Category& getRoot();

2.7.2 getInstance


* Instantiate a Category with name <code>name</code>. This
* method does not set priority of the category which is by
* default <code>Priority::NOTSET</code>.
* @param name The name of the category to retrieve.

static Category& getInstance(const std::string& name);           

2.7.3 exists


   * If the named category exists (in the default hierarchy) then it
   * returns a reference to the category, otherwise it returns NULL.
   * @since 0.2.7
static Category* exists(const std::string& name);

2.7.4 shutdown


 * This method will remove all Appenders from Categories.XXX
static void shutdown();

2.7.5 shutdownForced


  * This method will remove all Appenders from Categories.XXX and delete all appenders.
  * Releases more memory than shutdown() by deleting appenders.
static void shutdownForced();

3 Layout类


3.1 BasicLayout


   * Formats the LoggingEvent in BasicLayout style:<br>
   * "timeStamp priority category ndc: message"
  virtual std::string format(const LoggingEvent& event);

3.2 PassThroughLayout


   virtual std::string format(const LoggingEvent& event) { return event.message; }

3.3 PatternLayout


%% - 转义字符'%'

%c - Category

%d - 日期;日期可以进一步设置格式,用花括号包围,例如%d{%H:%M:%S,%l}。日期的格式符号与ANSI C函数strftime中的一致。但增加了一个格式符号%l,表示毫秒,占三个十进制位。

%m - 消息

%n - 换行符;会根据平台的不同而不同,但对用户透明。

%p - 优先级

%r - 自从layout被创建后的毫秒数

%R - 从1970年1月1日开始到目前为止的秒数

%u - 进程开始到目前为止的时钟周期数

%x - NDC

%t - 线程id

3.4 SimpleLayout


         * Formats the LoggingEvent in SimpleLayout style:<br>
         * "priority - message"
        virtual std::string format(const LoggingEvent& event);

4 Priority类

4.1 日志等级分类


typedef enum {  EMERG  = 0, 
				FATAL  = 0,
                ALERT  = 100,
                CRIT   = 200,
                ERROR  = 300, 
                WARN   = 400,
                NOTICE = 500,
                INFO   = 600,
                DEBUG  = 700,
                NOTSET = 800
  } PriorityLevel;


NDC是Nested Diagnostic Contexts,译为:嵌套诊断上下文,可以使用NDC更好的跟踪程序运行轨迹。

5.1 NDC常用方法

5.1.1 pop()


   Clients should call this method before leaving a diagnostic
   <p>The returned value is the value that was pushed last. If no
   context is available, then the empty string "" is returned.
   @return String The innermost diagnostic context.

static std::string pop();

5.1.2 push(const std::string& message)


   Push new diagnostic context information for the current thread.
   <p>The contents of the <code>message</code> parameter is
   determined solely by the client.  
   @param message The new diagnostic context information.
static void push(const std::string& message);

5.1.3 get()


   Get the current diagnostic context string.
   @return the context string.
static const std::string& get();

5.1.4 clear()


     Clear any nested disgnostic information if any. This method is
     useful in cases where the same thread can be potentially used
     over and over in different unrelated contexts.
     <p>This method is equivalent to calling the <code>setMaxDepth</code>
     method with a zero <code>maxDepth</code> argument.
  static void clear();
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