解耦在编程时是很重要的一个考量因素,但是如果能在框架上就增加约束,让代码看上去更清晰,那么即便有一些新手,在这种约束下,也不会耦合太严重。暴雪在GDC 2017年分享了《守望先锋》关于ECS系统的实施方案,给出了一种框架上解耦的答案。虽然这种面向数据编程的思想其实很早就有了,但是《守望先锋》成功让ECS模式更广为人知。 Entitas其实早在《守望先锋》之前就已经有了,是一个超快的实体组件系统框架(ECS),专门为c#和Unity制作。内部缓存和惊人的快速组件访问使它成为首屈一指的框架。
在ECS之前,大部分游戏框架都是基于面向对象的,面向对象有个特点就是封装,即把一个对象的相关的属性以及对象的行为方法放到一起。大多数游戏都有主角,在使用面向对象编程时,一般游戏主角的class都有,属性上百个,方法上百个,更是能达到上万行的代码,这就导致一个新来的程序员看到后,很难阅读,访问class的方法也散布到游戏的各个地方,耦合在了各个模块里。如下图所示,存在大量的otherClass调用MainCharacter的方法以及访问属性,代码散布到各个otherClass里面,在清理时也面临复杂的引用链难以处理的问题。  而ECS不同,ECS将面向对象中的属性跟方法分离,属性放在各个component里面,这些component包含在一个Entity里面,而方法被封装成一个一个的system,这些system处理拥有相同一些component的一组Enetity。这样找属性就去找component,找逻辑就去看相关的system,这就不需要去遍历一个上万行的文件,是多么轻松的一件事。如下图所示,整个游戏是一个world,包含一组system以及所有的entity,每个entity是部分component的集合。这样清晰的结构,即便写出一些耦合的代码,也只在某个system或者某个组件里,写功能的人不需要去阅读所有的逻辑代码以及去遍历component,在清理对象的时候,由于关系链清晰,因此也变得很容易。 ??????
先给出github上entitas的图说明: 
1. Component
namespace Entitas {
public interface IComponent {
namespace Entitas
public interface IResetable
void Reset();
using Entitas;
namespace SHH.Share.Component
public abstract class BaseComponent : IComponent, IResetable
public virtual void Reset()
using SHH.Math;
using Entitas;
using SHH.Share.Component;
namespace SHH
public partial class PlayerPositionComponent : BaseComponent
public float3 Position;
public override void Reset()
Position = float3.zero;
public partial class PlayerAimRotComponent : BaseComponent
public float3 AimRotation;
public override void Reset()
AimRotation = float3.zero;
2. Entity
public delegate void EntityComponentChanged(
IEntity entity, int index, IComponent component, ushort opFlags
public delegate void EntityComponentReplaced(
IEntity entity, int index, IComponent previousComponent, IComponent newComponent, ushort opFlags
public delegate void EntityEvent(IEntity entity);
public interface IEntity : IAERC {
event EntityComponentChanged OnComponentAdded;
event EntityComponentChanged OnComponentRemoved;
event EntityComponentReplaced OnComponentReplaced;
event EntityEvent OnEntityReleased;
event EntityEvent OnDestroyEntity;
int totalComponents { get; }
int creationIndex { get; }
bool isEnabled { get; }
Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools { get; }
ContextInfo contextInfo { get; }
IAERC aerc { get; }
void Initialize(int creationIndex,
int totalComponents,
Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools,
ContextInfo contextInfo = null,
IAERC aerc = null);
void Reactivate(int creationIndex);
void AddComponent(int index, IComponent component, ushort opFlags);
void RemoveComponent(int index,ushort opFlags);
void ReplaceComponent(int index, IComponent component, ushort opFlags);
IComponent GetComponent(int index);
IComponent[] GetComponents();
int[] GetComponentIndices();
bool HasComponent(int index);
bool HasComponents(int[] indices);
bool HasAnyComponent(int[] indices);
void RemoveAllComponents();
Stack<IComponent> GetComponentPool(int index);
IComponent CreateComponent(int index, Type type);
T CreateComponent<T>(int index) where T : new();
void Destroy();
void InternalDestroy();
void RemoveAllOnEntityReleasedHandlers();
IComponent[] _components;
public void Initialize(int creationIndex, int totalComponents, Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools,
ContextInfo contextInfo = null, IAERC aerc = null)
_totalComponents = totalComponents;
_components = new IComponent[totalComponents];
_componentPools = componentPools;
_contextInfo = contextInfo ?? createDefaultContextInfo();
_aerc = aerc ?? new SafeAERC(this);
3. Matcher
public int[] indices {
get {
if (_indices == null) {
_indices = mergeIndices(_allOfIndices, _anyOfIndices, _noneOfIndices);
return _indices;
public int[] allOfIndices { get { return _allOfIndices; } }
public int[] anyOfIndices { get { return _anyOfIndices; } }
public int[] noneOfIndices { get { return _noneOfIndices; } }
public string[] componentNames { get; set; }
int[] _indices;
int[] _allOfIndices;
int[] _anyOfIndices;
int[] _noneOfIndices;
这些字段保存了一个Entity需要的Component index数组,其中
- allOfIndices :表示需要每个component index代表的组件都要有
- anyOfIndices :表示有其中的一个就行
- noneOfIndices :表示这里面的index都没有
通过这些index进行Entity 筛选:
public bool Matches(Entity entity) {
return (_allOfIndices == null || entity.HasComponents(_allOfIndices))
&& (_anyOfIndices == null || entity.HasAnyComponent(_anyOfIndices))
&& (_noneOfIndices == null || !entity.HasAnyComponent(_noneOfIndices));
4. Group
Group支持对上下文中的实体进行超快速过滤。当实体发生变化时,它们会不断更新,并可以立即返回实体组。假设你有成千上万个实体,你只想要那些有一个PlayerPositionComponent 的实体-只要询问这个组的上下文,它已经有结果在等待你。 Group继承自IGroup,还是先看interface:
namespace Entitas {
public delegate void GroupChanged(IGroup group, Entity entity, int index, IComponent component);
public delegate void GroupUpdated(IGroup group, Entity entity, int index, IComponent previousComponent, IComponent newComponent);
public interface IGroup : IEnumerable<Entity> {
int count { get; }
void RemoveAllEventHandlers();
event GroupChanged OnEntityAdded;
event GroupChanged OnEntityRemoved;
event GroupUpdated OnEntityUpdated;
IMatcher matcher { get; }
void HandleEntitySilently(Entity entity);
void HandleEntity(Entity entity, int index, IComponent component);
GroupChanged HandleEntity(Entity entity);
void UpdateEntity(Entity entity, int index, IComponent previousComponent, IComponent newComponent);
bool ContainsEntity(Entity entity);
Entity[] GetEntities();
Entity GetSingleEntity();
可以看到IGroup中有个matcher,一个entity的count,以及一组entity变化后的行为,在这里就应该知道,Group的主要功能是通过matcher缓存了一组Entity 下面看下Group的部分源码:
namespace Entitas {
public class Group : IGroup {
/// Returns the number of entities in the group.
public int count { get { return _entities.Count; } }
/// Returns the matcher which was used to create this group.
public IMatcher matcher { get { return _matcher; } }
readonly IMatcher _matcher;
readonly HashSet<Entity> _entities = new HashSet<Entity>(
Entity[] _entitiesCache;
Entity _singleEntityCache;
string _toStringCache;
/// Use context.GetGroup(matcher) to get a group of entities which match
/// the specified matcher.
public Group(IMatcher matcher) {
_matcher = matcher;
5. Collector
一个Collector可以从相同的Context中观察一个或多个Group,并且根据指定的groupEvent收集更改的实体。 其中groupEvent有如下事件:
public enum GroupEvent : byte {
public HashSet<Entity> collectedEntities { get { return _collectedEntities; } }
public int count { get { return _collectedEntities.Count; } }
readonly HashSet<Entity> _collectedEntities;
readonly IGroup[] _groups;
readonly GroupEvent[] _groupEvents;
public Collector(IGroup[] groups, GroupEvent[] groupEvents) {
_groups = groups;
_collectedEntities = new HashSet<Entity>(EntityEqualityComparer.comparer);
_groupEvents = groupEvents;
if (groups.Length != groupEvents.Length) {
throw new CollectorException(
"Unbalanced count with groups (" + groups.Length +
") and group events (" + groupEvents.Length + ").",
"Group and group events count must be equal."
_addEntityCache = addEntity;
_updateEntityCache = updateEntity;
在Collector构造函数中指定了IGroup[] groups, GroupEvent[] groupEvents,每一个group对应注册一个groupEvent。随后调用Activate方法:
public void Activate() {
for (int i = 0; i < _groups.Length; i++) {
var group = _groups[i];
var groupEvent = _groupEvents[i];
switch (groupEvent) {
case GroupEvent.Added:
group.OnEntityAdded -= _addEntityCache;
group.OnEntityAdded += _addEntityCache;
case GroupEvent.Removed:
group.OnEntityRemoved -= _addEntityCache;
group.OnEntityRemoved += _addEntityCache;
case GroupEvent.AddedOrRemoved:
group.OnEntityAdded -= _addEntityCache;
group.OnEntityAdded += _addEntityCache;
group.OnEntityRemoved -= _addEntityCache;
group.OnEntityRemoved += _addEntityCache;
case GroupEvent.Modified:
group.OnEntityUpdated -= _updateEntityCache;
group.OnEntityUpdated += _updateEntityCache;
foreach (var e in collector.collectedEntities) {
// do something with all the entities
// that have been collected to this point of time
6. Context
Context是创建和销毁实体的工厂。他保存了所有的entity对象以及group,可以使用它来过滤感兴趣的实体。 先看下Context继承的接口IContext:
public interface IContext {
event ContextEntityChanged OnEntityCreated;
event ContextEntityChanged OnEntityWillBeDestroyed;
event ContextEntityChanged OnEntityDestroyed;
event ContextGroupChanged OnGroupCreated;
int totalComponents { get; }
Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools { get; }
ContextInfo contextInfo { get; }
int count { get; }
int reusableEntitiesCount { get; }
int retainedEntitiesCount { get; }
void DestroyAllEntities();
void ResetCreationIndex();
void ClearComponentPool(int index);
void ClearComponentPools();
void Reset();
Entity CreateEntity(bool isTemp = false);
// TODO Obsolete since 0.42.0, April 2017
[Obsolete("Please use entity.Destroy()")]
void DestroyEntity(Entity entity);
bool HasEntity(Entity entity);
Entity[] GetEntities();
IGroup GetGroup(IMatcher matcher);
根据接口的内容基本可以确定这个类的作用,对entity的管理,component池化管理,group缓存。 然后看一下Context类的属性跟构造函数:
public class Context : IContext
/// The total amount of components an entity can possibly have.
/// This value is generated by the code generator,
/// e.g ComponentLookup.TotalComponents.
public int totalComponents { get { return _totalComponents; } }
/// Returns all componentPools. componentPools is used to reuse
/// removed components.
/// Removed components will be pushed to the componentPool.
/// Use entity.CreateComponent(index, type) to get a new or reusable
/// component from the componentPool.
public Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools { get { return _componentPools; } }
/// The contextInfo contains information about the context.
/// It's used to provide better error messages.
public ContextInfo contextInfo { get { return _contextInfo; } }
/// Returns the number of entities in the context.
public int count { get { return _entities.Count; } }
/// Returns the number of entities in the internal ObjectPool
/// for entities which can be reused.
public int reusableEntitiesCount { get { return _reusableEntities.Count; } }
/// Returns the number of entities that are currently retained by
/// other objects (e.g. Group, Collector, ReactiveSystem).
public int retainedEntitiesCount { get { return _retainedEntities.Count; } }
readonly int _totalComponents;
readonly Stack<IComponent>[] _componentPools;
readonly ContextInfo _contextInfo;
readonly Func<IEntity, IAERC> _aercFactory;
readonly HashSet<Entity> _entities = new HashSet<Entity>(EntityEqualityComparer.comparer);
readonly Stack<Entity> _reusableEntities = new Stack<Entity>();
readonly HashSet<Entity> _retainedEntities = new HashSet<Entity>(EntityEqualityComparer.comparer);
readonly Dictionary<string, IEntityIndex> _entityIndices;
readonly Dictionary<IMatcher, IGroup> _groups = new Dictionary<IMatcher, IGroup>();
readonly List<IGroup>[] _groupsForIndex;
readonly IGroup[] _groupForSingle;
readonly ObjectPool<List<GroupChanged>> _groupChangedListPool;
readonly Dictionary<int, Entity> _entitiesLookup = new Dictionary<int, Entity>();
int _creationIndex;
Entity[] _entitiesCache;
/// The prefered way to create a context is to use the generated methods
/// from the code generator, e.g. var context = new GameContext();
public Context(int totalComponents, int startCreationIndex, ContextInfo contextInfo, Func<IEntity, IAERC> aercFactory)
_totalComponents = totalComponents;
_creationIndex = startCreationIndex;
if (contextInfo != null)
_contextInfo = contextInfo;
if (contextInfo.componentTypeInfo.componentNames.Length != totalComponents)
throw new ContextInfoException(this, contextInfo);
_contextInfo = createDefaultContextInfo();
_aercFactory = aercFactory == null
? (entity) => new SafeAERC(entity)
: aercFactory;
_groupsForIndex = new List<IGroup>[totalComponents];
_groupForSingle = new IGroup[totalComponents];
_componentPools = new Stack<IComponent>[totalComponents];
_entityIndices = new Dictionary<string, IEntityIndex>();
_groupChangedListPool = new ObjectPool<List<GroupChanged>>(
() => new List<GroupChanged>(),
list => list.Clear()
// Cache delegates to avoid gc allocations
_cachedEntityChanged = updateGroupsComponentAddedOrRemoved;
_cachedComponentReplaced = updateGroupsComponentReplaced;
_cachedEntityReleased = onEntityReleased;
_cachedDestroyEntity = onDestroyEntity;
// Add listener for updating lookup
OnEntityCreated += (c, entity) => _entitiesLookup.Add(entity.creationIndex, (Entity)entity);
OnEntityDestroyed += (c, entity) => _entitiesLookup.Remove(entity.creationIndex);
代码虽然有点多,但是其实还是很清楚的,Context 中保存了的关键信息:
- readonly Stack[] _componentPools; :component Pool数组,用来缓存component
- HashSet _entities : 保存所有的entity
- readonly Stack _reusableEntities : 保存回收的Entity,再次创建时,可以从这里取
- readonly HashSet _retainedEntities : 保存还有引用的Entity,虽然被销毁了,但是还有引用,在DestroyAllEntities时会判断,如果有,证明之前有没有释放引用的情况。
- readonly Dictionary<IMatcher, IGroup> _groups : 缓存了所有Matcher对应的Group,减少GC
- readonly List[] _groupsForIndex :index表示每个组件的index,对应一个 List保存了引用这个组件的所有Group
- Entity[] _entitiesCache : 外部访问_entities ,同时保证不会修改到_entities
- int _creationIndex : 每个entity都有个唯一的creationIndex,在创建时指定
然后分析一下构造函数: 参数:
- component的总数totalComponents,
- entity标识index起始值startCreationIndex,
- 上下文的说明信息contextInfo,
- 以及自动entity引用计数工厂aercFactory,
7. System
主要的逻辑处理的地方,遍历一组具有相同组件的Entity,所有System 都继承了ISystem
namespace Entitas {
/// This is the base interface for all systems.
/// It's not meant to be implemented.
public interface ISystem {
bool IsEnable();
void SetEnable(bool value);
然后可以看到ICleanupSystem,IExecuteSystem,IInitializeSystem,IReactiveSystem,ITearDownSystem这些接口继承了ISystem :  然后有个Systems类,可以注册这些system:
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Entitas {
/// Systems provide a convenient way to group systems.
/// You can add IInitializeSystem, IExecuteSystem, ICleanupSystem,
/// ITearDownSystem, ReactiveS
/// ystem and other nested Systems instances.
/// All systems will be initialized and executed based on the order
/// you added them.
public class Systems : IInitializeSystem, IExecuteSystem, ICleanupSystem, ITearDownSystem {
protected readonly List<IInitializeSystem> _initializeSystems;
protected readonly List<IExecuteSystem> _executeSystems;
protected readonly List<ICleanupSystem> _cleanupSystems;
protected readonly List<ITearDownSystem> _tearDownSystems;
protected bool m_IsEnable = true;
/// Creates a new Systems instance.
public Systems() {
_initializeSystems = new List<IInitializeSystem>();
_executeSystems = new List<IExecuteSystem>();
_cleanupSystems = new List<ICleanupSystem>();
_tearDownSystems = new List<ITearDownSystem>();
/// Adds the system instance to the systems list.
public virtual Systems Add(ISystem system) {
var initializeSystem = system as IInitializeSystem;
if (initializeSystem != null) {
var executeSystem = system as IExecuteSystem;
if (executeSystem != null) {
var cleanupSystem = system as ICleanupSystem;
if (cleanupSystem != null) {
var tearDownSystem = system as ITearDownSystem;
if (tearDownSystem != null) {
return this;
/// Calls Initialize() on all IInitializeSystem and other
/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.
public virtual void Initialize() {
for (int i = 0; i < _initializeSystems.Count; i++) {
/// Calls Execute() on all IExecuteSystem and other
/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.
public virtual void Execute() {
for (int i = 0; i < _executeSystems.Count; i++) {
/// Calls Cleanup() on all ICleanupSystem and other
/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.
public virtual void Cleanup() {
for (int i = 0; i < _cleanupSystems.Count; i++) {
/// Calls TearDown() on all ITearDownSystem and other
/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.
public virtual void TearDown() {
for (int i = 0; i < _tearDownSystems.Count; i++) {
/// Activates all ReactiveSystems in the systems list.
public void ActivateReactiveSystems() {
/// Deactivates all ReactiveSystems in the systems list.
/// This will also clear all ReactiveSystems.
/// This is useful when you want to soft-restart your application and
/// want to reuse your existing system instances.
public void DeactivateReactiveSystems() {
/// Clears all ReactiveSystems in the systems list.
public void ClearReactiveSystems() {
public virtual bool IsEnable() { return m_IsEnable; }
public virtual void SetEnable(bool value) { m_IsEnable = value; }
- 这么多年了,unity的ECS还是preview版
- 我们ECS用于client以及server,因此逻辑核打算独立出来,不依赖unityEngine,且打算做竞技开房间类型的游戏,在服务器并不能依赖burst并发多线程去处理。