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[游戏开发]CMU15-445 project 0


//                         BusTub
// p0_starter.h
// Identification: src/include/primer/p0_starter.h
// Copyright (c) 2015-2020, Carnegie Mellon University Database Group

#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>

#include "common/exception.h"
#include "common/logger.h"

namespace bustub {

 * The Matrix type defines a common
 * interface for matrix operations.
template <typename T>
class Matrix {
   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
   * Construct a new Matrix instance.
   * @param rows The number of rows
   * @param cols The number of columns
  Matrix(int rows, int cols) : rows_(rows), cols_(cols), linear_(nullptr) {
    if (rows_ <= 0 || cols_ <= 0) {
      rows_ = cols_ = -1;
    linear_ = new T[rows * cols];

  /** The number of rows in the matrix */
  int rows_;
  /** The number of columns in the matrix */
  int cols_;
   * TODO(P0): Allocate the array in the constructor.
   * TODO(P0): Deallocate the array in the destructor.
   * A flattened array containing the elements of the matrix.
  T *linear_;

  /** @return The number of rows in the matrix */
  virtual int GetRowCount() const = 0;

  /** @return The number of columns in the matrix */
  virtual int GetColumnCount() const = 0;

   * Get the (i,j)th matrix element.
   * Throw OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range.
   * @param i The row index
   * @param j The column index
   * @return The (i,j)th matrix element
   * @throws OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range
  virtual T GetElement(int i, int j) const = 0;

   * Set the (i,j)th matrix element.
   * Throw OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range.
   * @param i The row index
   * @param j The column index
   * @param val The value to insert
   * @throws OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range
  virtual void SetElement(int i, int j, T val) = 0;

   * Fill the elements of the matrix from `source`.
   * Throw OUT_OF_RANGE in the event that `source`
   * does not contain the required number of elements.
   * @param source The source container
   * @throws OUT_OF_RANGE if `source` is incorrect size
  virtual void FillFrom(const std::vector<T> &source) = 0;

   * Destroy a matrix instance.
   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
  // virtual ~Matrix() = default;
  virtual ~Matrix() { delete[] linear_; }

 * The RowMatrix type is a concrete matrix implementation.
 * It implements the interface defined by the Matrix type.
template <typename T>
class RowMatrix : public Matrix<T> {
   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
   * Construct a new RowMatrix instance.
   * @param rows The number of rows
   * @param cols The number of columns
  RowMatrix(int rows, int cols) : Matrix<T>(rows, cols), data_(nullptr) {
    if (this->rows_ <= 0 || this->cols_ <= 0) {
      this->rows_ = -1;
      this->cols_ = -1;

    data_ = new T *[this->rows_ * this->cols_];

    for (int i = 0; i < this->rows_; i++) {
      data_[i] = &this->linear_[i * this->cols_];

   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
   * @return The number of rows in the matrix
  int GetRowCount() const override { return this->rows_; }

   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
   * @return The number of columns in the matrix
  int GetColumnCount() const override { return this->cols_; }

   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
   * Get the (i,j)th matrix element.
   * Throw OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range.
   * @param i The row index
   * @param j The column index
   * @return The (i,j)th matrix element
   * @throws OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range
  T GetElement(int i, int j) const override {
    // throw NotImplementedException{"RowMatrix::GetElement() not implemented."};
    if (i >= this->rows_ || j >= this->cols_ || i < 0 || j < 0) {
      throw Exception(ExceptionType::OUT_OF_RANGE, "RowMatrix::GetElement(int,int) out of range:i="+i+",j="+j);
    return data_[i][j];

   * Set the (i,j)th matrix element.
   * Throw OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range.
   * @param i The row index
   * @param j The column index
   * @param val The value to insert
   * @throws OUT_OF_RANGE if either index is out of range
  void SetElement(int i, int j, T val) override {
    if (i >= this->rows_ || j >= this->cols_ || i < 0 || j < 0) {
      throw Exception(ExceptionType::OUT_OF_RANGE, "RowMatrix::GetElement(int,int) out of range");
    data_[i][j] = val;

   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
   * Fill the elements of the matrix from `source`.
   * Throw OUT_OF_RANGE in the event that `source`
   * does not contain the required number of elements.
   * @param source The source container
   * @throws OUT_OF_RANGE if `source` is incorrect size
  void FillFrom(const std::vector<T> &source) override {
    // throw NotImplementedException{"RowMatrix::FillFrom() not implemented."};
    if (static_cast<int>(source.size()) != this->rows_ * this->cols_) {
      throw Exception(ExceptionType::OUT_OF_RANGE, "RowMatrix::FillFrom(vector) out of range");
    for (int i = 0; i < this->rows_; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < this->cols_; j++) {
        SetElement(i, j, source[i * this->cols_ + j]);

   * TODO(P0): Add implementation
   * Destroy a RowMatrix instance.
  // ~RowMatrix() override = default;
  ~RowMatrix() override { delete[] data_; }

   * A 2D array containing the elements of the matrix in row-major format.
   * TODO(P0):
   * - Allocate the array of row pointers in the constructor.
   * - Use these pointers to point to corresponding elements of the `linear` array.
   * - Don't forget to deallocate the array in the destructor.
  T **data_;

 * The RowMatrixOperations class defines operations
 * that may be performed on instances of `RowMatrix`.
template <typename T>
class RowMatrixOperations {
   * Compute (`matrixA` + `matrixB`) and return the result.
   * Return `nullptr` if dimensions mismatch for input matrices.
   * @param matrixA Input matrix
   * @param matrixB Input matrix
   * @return The result of matrix addition
  static std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>> Add(const RowMatrix<T> *matrixA, const RowMatrix<T> *matrixB) {
    // TODO(P0): Add implementation
    int RowA = matrixA->GetRowCount();
    int RowB = matrixB->GetRowCount();
    int ColA = matrixA->GetColumnCount();
    int ColB = matrixB->GetColumnCount();

    if (RowA != RowB || ColA != ColB || !matrixA || !matrixB) {
      return std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>>(nullptr);

    std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>> result = std::make_unique<RowMatrix<T>>(RowA, ColA);
    T temp;
    for (int i = 0; i < RowA; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < ColA; j++) {
        temp = matrixA->GetElement(i, j) + matrixB->GetElement(i, j);
        result->SetElement(i, j, temp);
    return result;
    // std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>answer;

   * Compute the matrix multiplication (`matrixA` * `matrixB` and return the result.
   * Return `nullptr` if dimensions mismatch for input matrices.
   * @param matrixA Input matrix
   * @param matrixB Input matrix
   * @return The result of matrix multiplication
  static std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>> Multiply(const RowMatrix<T> *matrixA, const RowMatrix<T> *matrixB) {
    // TODO(P0): Add implementation
    int RowA = matrixA->GetRowCount();
    int RowB = matrixB->GetRowCount();
    int ColA = matrixA->GetColumnCount();
    int ColB = matrixB->GetColumnCount();

    if (ColA != RowB || !matrixA || !matrixB) {
      return std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>>(nullptr);

    auto result = std::make_unique<RowMatrix<T>>(RowA,ColB);
    T temp;
    for (int row = 0; row < RowA; row++) {
      for (int col = 0; col < ColB; col++) {
        // calculate temp for each element
        temp = matrixA->GetElement(row, 0) * matrixB->GetElement(0, col);
        for (int eleIdx = 1; eleIdx < ColA; eleIdx++) {
          temp += matrixA->GetElement(row, eleIdx) * matrixB->GetElement(eleIdx, col);
    // LOG_INFO("teststsetsetst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
    return result;
    // return std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>>(nullptr);

   * Simplified General Matrix Multiply operation. Compute (`matrixA` * `matrixB` + `matrixC`).
   * Return `nullptr` if dimensions mismatch for input matrices.
   * @param matrixA Input matrix
   * @param matrixB Input matrix
   * @param matrixC Input matrix
   * @return The result of general matrix multiply
  static std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>> GEMM(const RowMatrix<T> *matrixA, const RowMatrix<T> *matrixB,
                                            const RowMatrix<T> *matrixC) {
    // TODO(P0): Add implementation
    // return std::unique_ptr<RowMatrix<T>>(nullptr);
    return Add(matrixC,Multiply(matrixA,matrixB).get());
}  // namespace bustub

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