BPY sources from Blender Python, which is a 3d model to convert 3d to 2d images.
1. Install pyenv
Firtsly, the operation system i used is the ubuntu 18.04.06. And then the default python version is 2.7. However, the required python version is 3.7 for bpy installation according to the internet searching. This is a huge barrier for me to use bpy model.
After so many tries, the bpy is installed successfully.
A. Install pyenv
note: pyenv can hlep user to change the current python version to what you need
sudo apt install git
#convert user to root
sudo -s
#clone pyenv
git clone ~/.pyenv
##### then configure env
#because i use ~/.bashrc to set some path
# use bash
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME