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[网络协议]What should a responsible researcher do for IP staff?

RDC Nov 26


  • expression of ideas
    • automatically protects
      • writing and literary works
      • art
      • photography
      • films
      • tv
      • music
      • web content
      • sound recordings
    • frees
      • 70 years from the end of the year in which the author of the work dies
      • 25 years of photographs
    • Creative
      • CC

      • BY
        • by someone
      • SA

      • NC
        • Non commercialial

Copyright- Software and FOSS

GPL(free of charge)

  • free of charge
  • free to distribute
  • free to modify
  • Free to distribute modifications
  • copy left
    • its liscense affects the whole project, if one code is used


  • free of charge



The free freedoms

  • FOSS

    • freedom to run the programme as you wish
      • you can also charge
    • freedom to study how the programme works
    • freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor
    • freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others
  • FOSS Licences

    • Extremely active FOSS comminiti

Registered Design

Design Right

Registered Trademark

  • ?
  • apply to protect your brand
  • name of your product and services

Unregistered Trademark

  • TM, does not mean
  • maybe able to someone passing off a similiar trademark
  • but harder to defend than a registered trademark


Bargin between individual and nation state

  • Individual and the nation state

  • Before patents, the inventors protect their ideas to themselves

  • Patent is invented in the British


  • if you publish the whole detail, you can own the monopoly it for 20 years

Patent criterias

  • New
    • noval
      • new to the world on the day that this patent has been filed
      • not before any paper
      • priority signed before, beano
        • image-20211126121006171
      • Public domain
      • 10,000 pound on it
      • it is not novel
      • after two years
  • Involve an inventive step
    • Not obvious
      • hard to design
  • Susceptible of industrial application
    • Easy to argue

Prioirty art


  • Abstract
  • Specification
    • Must allow someone to reproduce the invention
      • The key things are that the absolute experts in the domain to reproduce!!!
  • Drawings
  • Claims
    • Short points summarizing what the inventions is, and what will be actually protected

Who invented

  • Invention and Innovation
    • invention
      • original thinking routine
    • innovation
      • commercialible invention
    • Intellectual property
      • patent
      • copyright
      • registered design
      • unregistered design

Patent Application Process

  • UK filing
    • 5000 Pound
  • 12 months time to be the PCT
    • 5000 Pound


IP policy

  • registrable
    • University employee

    • Student

  • Non registrable
    • Student owns

    • Academic owns

Cambridge Enterprise Help

  • Research
  • Idea
  • build an attractive commercial opportunties
    • what is your solution
    • what are the competitor solutions
    • market feedback and relationship building
    • team strategy and planning
    • develop ideal and solution
  • commercial deal with existing company or new spinout
  • product development
  • market roll out

Core services for university of cambridge staff and students

  • Support for academic consultancy
  • Developing and licensing intellectual property (IP)
  • Company and social enterprise creation

Consultancy Services

  • Peace of mind
    • UoC approved contract between client and CUTS?

    • Advice on costing and pricing (business sector, service and status)
    • Cover from University’s PI and L insurance polices
  • Branding and facilities
    • Allow the
  • Painless adminstrative support

Developing and liscening intellectual property

Seed Funds

Additional Support from Cambridge Enterprise

  • IP strategy and IP rights management
  • navigation

Support across the University

  • EPOC
  • Judge business school
  • cambridge global challenges
  • maxwell center
  • ceres
  • idea space
  • university enterprise network
  • i-teams

Company and social enterprise creation


  • Patents, know-how, reagents, software
  • can be exclusive or non exclusive
  • liscensing arrangements can be flexible
    • extent of rights

University revenue sharing from licensing

  • Opt in (It must be the joint agreement between the students and Cambridge Enterprise, additional support, no charge, services, proof of concept fund, failities with the whole process, whole commercialization process, protect the researcher’s time, not waste time on things that will not deliever results)

  • Opt out
    • do it all by yourself

Case study


  • Steve Young

  • Blaise Thomson

    Apple buys UK-based speech technology start-up VocalIQ

    Cambridge group’s technology could be used to improve Siri, the iPhone maker’s virtual assistant


  • Originated in the theory of condensed matter group at cavendish laboratory
  • total works 40 m dollars


  • undergraduate composers and generates music of specific genre
  • bytedance


  • 惯性器


  • measure feet more accurate
  • liscencing
  • shoes
  • fit feet based on software

GAP (Gaussian Approximation Potential)

  • available source liscencing
  • open source liscencing
  • patent in 2008
  • Still looking for the distribution liscencing

Business Process can be very hard to patented

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加:2021-11-28 11:37:38  更:2021-11-28 11:39:02 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
教程: HTML教程 CSS教程 JavaScript教程 Go语言教程 JQuery教程 VUE教程 VUE3教程 Bootstrap教程 SQL数据库教程 C语言教程 C++教程 Java教程 Python教程 Python3教程 C#教程
数码: 电脑 笔记本 显卡 显示器 固态硬盘 硬盘 耳机 手机 iphone vivo oppo 小米 华为 单反 装机 图拉丁

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