计算机网络自顶向下WireShark 实验记录,可供参考
1.What is the IP address of your host? What is the IP address of the destinationhost? 你的主机的 IP 地址是什么?目的主机的 IP 地址是什么? 答:  2.Why is it that an ICMP packet does not have source and destination port numbers? 为什么 ICMP 数据包没有源端口号和目的端口号? 答:因为端口不可到达也就不没有这些信息了 3.Examine one of the ping request packets sent by your host. What are the ICMPtype and code numbers? What other fields does this ICMP packet have? Howmany bytes are the checksum, sequence number and identifier fields? 检查主机发送的一个 ping 请求数据包。ICMP 类型和代码号是什么?这个ICMP 数据包还有哪些字段?校验和、序列号和标识符字段有多少字节? 答:  4.Examine the corresponding ping reply packet. What are the ICMP type and codenumbers? What other fields does this ICMP packet have? How many bytes are thechecksum, sequence number and identifier fields? 检查相应的 ping 应答包。ICMP 类型和代码号是什么?这个 ICMP 数据包还有哪些字段?校验和、序列号和标识符字段有多少字节? 答:  5.What is the IP address of your host? What is the IP address of the targetdestination host? 你的主机的 IP 地址是什么?目标目的主机的 IP 地址是什么? 答:  6. If ICMP sent UDP packets instead (as in Unix/Linux), would the IP protocolnumber still be 01 for the probe packets? If not, what would it be? 如果 ICMP 改为发送 UDP 数据包(如在 Unix/Linux 中),探测数据包的IP 协议号仍然是 01 吗?如果不是,会是什么? 答:不知道 7.Examine the ICMP echo packet in your screenshot. Is this different from theICMP ping query packets in the first half of this lab? If yes, how so? 检查截图中的 ICMP 回应数据包。这与本实验前半部分的 ICMP ping 查询数据包有什么不同吗?如果是,如何是好? 答:  发生了超时 8. Examine the ICMP error packet in your screenshot. It has more fields than theICMP echo packet. What is included in those fields? 检查截图中的 ICMP 错误数据包。它比 ICMP 回应数据包有更多的字段。这些领域包括什么? 答:  全是初始化为0了 9. Examine the last three ICMP packets received by the source host. How are thesepackets different from the ICMP error packets? Why are they different? 检查源主机收到的最后三个 ICMP 数据包。这些数据包与 ICMP 错误数据包 有何不同?它们为什么不同? 答:  它们接收到了信息,所以其ICMP类型为0 10.Within the tracert measurements, is there a link whose delay is significantly longer than others? Refer to the screenshot in Figure 4, is there a link whose delay is significantly longer than others? On the basis of the router names, can you guess the location of the two routers on the end of this link? 在 tracert 测量中,是否有一条链路的延迟明显长于其他链路?参考图4 中的截图,是否有一个链接的延迟明显比其他链接长?根据路由器名称,您能猜出该链路末端两台路由器的位置吗? 答:是有,不知道