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[网络协议]summary for ip

summary for ip

  • time

    • depending of the office
      • it may take up to 2, 3 years to grant your patent
    • it takes longer, if your patent is initially rejected
  • cost

    • hiring professionals

    • patent office cost
    • legal costs of filling for violation and infriengement
      • litigation 诉讼 cost
  • patent litigation

    • rise of filling
  • 4.5% registration increasement

  • compond annural rate is

  • what to count

    • understanding your direct and indirection competitors in ip
  • how to scout

    • google patent
    • european patent office
    • united states patent office
    • world itellectual property organization
    • national level
    • what is the dervent database searching???
      • use it online on the cambridge library
  • natural mechanism

    • time
      • keepig ahead from competitors by delivering continuuous innovation
      • first mver advantage
      • r and d costs are paid out of the extra-profitsearned while compeitors are catching up
      • lead time and learning lags
    • Complementary assets
      • competitors cannot easily initate your innovation because of the lack of other assets that you have like shops
      • trademarks
      • assistance and complementart services and brand value
    • Lock-in
      • Customers have to bear switching costs to switch to competitor’s products
      • Standards (economics of network )
  • going back to our initial question

  • how to protect your intellectual property

    • given the cost of patent, time for validation, ou have to think twice about this protection mechanism
    • explore the national mechanism to protect your ip
    • secrecy can serve as a sueful mechanism to protect your ip
    • usually the best strategy is to mix diferent mechanisms to protect your ip depending on
      • identifying the relevant mechanisms for different pieces of your invention
        • copywright for software codes
      • your commercialization strategy
        • Licensing, used, or sold
      • your competitor’s ip and heir protection mechanism???
        • defense or attack
        • you can simply kick the software to the market, and get the advantages
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加:2021-12-11 16:04:59  更:2021-12-11 16:06:16 
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