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[网络协议][渝粤教育] 西南科技大学 高级英语(2) 在线考试复习资料 |
高级英语(2)——在线考试复习资料 2.?The?two?daughters’?sweet?words?_______?King?Lear?into?believing?that?they?really?loved?him? A.?lured
4.?"________can?we?find?the?money?to?pay?the?hospital?bills? 5.?Some?girls?are?so?shy?as?to?_________?mixing,?socially?with?people. 6.?The?contract?will?_______?once?it?is?signed?by?both?parties. 7.?The?company?______?its?product?market?as?being?in?the?age?range?of?12-24?years. 8.?I?had?my?breakfast?two?hours?ago,?a?light?lunch?will?__________. 9.?There?appeared?at?the?door?a?fat,?ugly?man?_________?with?overeating. 10.?It?is?not?________?to?take?reference?books?out?of?the?library. 11.?They?used?to?quarrel?a?lot,?but?now?they?are?completely?________with?each?other. 12.?The?first?sentence?in?this?paragraph?is?________;?it?can?be?interpreted?in?many?ways. 13.?The?Chinese?Red?Cross?________?a?generous?sum?to?the?relief?of?the?victims?of?the?earthquake?in?Turkey. 14.?Scientists?are?pushing?known?technologies?to?their?limits?in?an?attempt?to?________ A. xtract 15.?You?will?want?two?trees?about?ten?feet?apart,?from?______?to?suspend?your?tent.
17.?The?general?walked?straight?on?totally?_________?being?followed?by?the?spy.?? 18.?He_______?a?lot?of?air?before?divine?into?the?water. 19.?It?takes?courage?to?think?about?a?new?career,?to?give?up?the?_________?for?the?unknown,? A. ontinuity 20.?With?an?MBA?degree?and?2?years’?job?experience,?he?_________?to?becoming?a?successful?sales?manager.
A. vacuate 22.?While?some?office?jobs?would?seem?________to?many?people,?there? A.?hostile 23.?The?survival?of?civilization?as?we?know?it?is?______?threat. 24.?She?________through?the?pages?of?a?magazine,?not?really?concentrating?on?them. 25.?He?greatly?resented?the?publication?of?this?book,?which?he?saw?as?an?embarrassing?invasion?of?his?________??. 26.?The?doctor?used?strong?medicine?to?_____the?sick?child?of?cold.? 27.?It?is?his?own?_____?that?he?lost?his?gold?watch. 28.?It’s?an?interesting?old?document?but?there?are?a?lot?of?words?I?can’t?_____. 29.?When?they?heard?the?police?siren,?the?thieves?dropped?their?_____and?fled. 30.?We?were?_____for?half?an?hour?in?the?traffic?and?so?we?arrived?late. 31.The contract will _______ once it is signed by both parties. 32.The company ______ its product market as being in the age range of 12-24 years. 33.I had my breakfast two hours ago, a light lunch will__________. 34.There appeared at the door a fat, ugly man _________ with overeating. 35.It is not ________ to take reference books out of the library. 36.Intelligent and hard-working, he passed ________ in degree, examinations. 37.The children were playing in the park, chasing each other ________on the lawn, laughing and shouting all the time. 38.Those violent films _________ the worst side of human nature. 39.The problems they encounter are _______ in the economic system. 40.The police had been working on the case for over three months without much result, but they refused to give up. They _______ it till they finally arrested the ring-leader. 二、判断题 42.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“although?it?is?the?mainspring?of?the?capitalist?system…”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“major?source”.( ) 43.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“He?had?been?mixed?up?and?scared.”?can?be? 44.?The?sentence?“the?Norman?lords?of?course?turned?up?their?noses?at?it.”?can?be? 45.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Are?you?going?steady?”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“ 46.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“hammering?away?without?let-up”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“exhausting”.( ) 47.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“my?brain?was?as?powerful?as?a?dynamo”?can?be? 48.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“their?marriage?may?be?on?the?rocks”?can?be? 49.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“as?the?Jews?live?in?a?self-contained?community”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“self-sufficient,?as?a?community;?having?within?oneself?or?itself?all?that?is?necessary”.( ) 50.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“sit?out?the?storm?with?the?Koshaks.”?can?be? 51.?The?sentence?“The?word?will?prevail…”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“No?one?will?know?the? 52.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Poverty… nd?old?age?go?hand?in?hand.”?can?be? 53.?The?sentence?“How?long?before?they?turn?their?guns?in?the?other?direction?”?can?be? 54.?The?sentence?“There?are?cattle?in?the?fields,?but?we?sit?down?to?beef?(boeuf).”?can? 55.?The?sentence?“We?will?have?no?Juniors.”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“We?will?have?no?friends.”( ) 56.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Mass?man,?they?say,?is?on?the?increase.”?can?be? 57.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Next?Cable?&?Wireless?fine-tunes?its?services?to?each?customer.”?can?be? 58.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Politicians?anti?literary?men?are?in?the?same?case.”? 59.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“The?hand?looked?chapped?and?wizened,?not?a?boy’s”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“.”( ) 60.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Most?of?us,?I?suppose,?take?up?our?position?somewhere?between?the?two?extremes.”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“Both?all?snobberies?and?all?snobberies? 61.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Thus,?the?snobbery?of?family?is?everywhere?on?the? 62.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Jerry?was?missing?in?action.”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“was?escaping?from?the?battle.”( ) 63.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“if?they?can?thereby?secure?complete?ruin?for?their? 64.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“they?look?for?people?who?will?fit?in?with?J?&J’s?culture.”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“Who?will?be?suitable?in?J&J’s?culture.” ( ) 65.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“They?cannot?stand?on?the?stove.”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“cannot?be?kept?on?the?stove?for?any?time.”( ) 66.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“Ace?angrily?sailed?the?paper?into?an?armchair.”?can?be?paraphrased?as?“travel?through?the?paper?to?an?armchair”( ) 67.The underlined part in the sentence “Conversation is not for making a point.” can be paraphrased as “Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view. In a conversation we should not try to establish the force of an idea or argument.”() 68.?The sentence “All colonial empires are in reality founded upon that fact.” can be paraphrased as “All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies as human beings.”( ) 69.The underlined part in the sentence “the old completing their prescribed life spans.” can be paraphrased as “lifetime.”( ?) 70.?The?underlined?part?in?the?sentence?“newspaper?people…?the?magazine?people…”?can?be? 71.It is right to say “The way everybody demanded that he should reach a decision immediately made him feel crowded.”( ) 72.It is right to say “We must conserve forests not only for the present but for future generations.”( ) 73.It is right to say “The pillow is stuffing with feathers.”( ) 74.It is right to say “The performance was over, the audience remained motionless, completely under the spelling of the music.”( ) 75.It is right to say “No one hold to blame for the loss of the game; each had done her best.”( ) 76.It is right to say “She detested those mothers who teach their little children to beg instead of working to make a living themselves.”( ) 77.It is right to say “The traffic policeman waited patiently while the drunken driver fumbles in his pocket for his driver’s license.”( ) 78.It is right to say “Enduring great pain the wounded soldier never uttered a groan.”( ) 79.It is right to say “Many people buy products turned out by Nike because they believe that Nike represents the state-of-the-art technology on the market.”( ) 80.The sentence “He sucked himself a great deal on ancient Chinese literature before becoming a writer himself.” is correct in grammar.( ) 81.The underlined part in the sentence “which we canlabel acquisitiveness…” can be paraphrased as “describe acquisitiveness”.( ) 82.The underlined part in the sentence “He got his tip by telephonefrom a J &Jemployee…” can be paraphrased as “He got the information by the telephone.”( ) 83.The underlined part in the sentence “and that the diet of most of us is well-balanced.” can be paraphrased as “What most of us eat and drink contains the same amount and kind of food.”( ) 84.The underlined part in the sentence “I mean, she’sa realist, too…” can be paraphrased as “a person who is fanciful”.( ) 85.The “And it is an activity only of humans.” can be paraphrased as “And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings (animals and birds are not capable of conversation).”( ) 86.The sentence “Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous” can be paraphrased as “However, a white-skinned European is not noticeable.”( ) 87.The underlined part in the sentence “Aging isthe neglected stepchildof the human life cycle.” can be paraphrased as “a period to which nobody pays attention to”.( ) 88.The sentence “We’re elevated 23 feet.” can be paraphrased as “We’re 23 feet above the land”.( ) 89.The underlined part in the sentence “It is still the only effective screen againstthe morning featuresof the loved one…” can be paraphrased as “Face without being made up after getting up in the morning and therefore is not good to look at”.( ) 90.The underlined part in the sentence “Andit’s a dumb person who’s convincedhe is wise” can be paraphrased as “It’s a stupid person who is sure”( ) 二、判断题 |
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