在做mit6.824实验时,想用Java实现,逛了圈github发现已经有人实现了一部分:MIT 6.824-Java
public class RpcEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder {
private final Class<?> clazz;
private final RpcSerializer rpcSerializer;
public RpcEncoder(Class<?> clazz, RpcSerializer rpcSerializer) {
this.clazz = clazz;
this.rpcSerializer = rpcSerializer;
public class RpcEncoderTest<T> extends MessageToByteEncoder<T>{
private final RpcSerializer rpcSerializer;
public RpcEncoderTest(RpcSerializer rpcSerializer) {
this.rpcSerializer = rpcSerializer;
出现了如下问题:  我还正纳闷呢,Java难道继承有泛型的父类后必须执行泛型吗?详细一看才知道,原来netty进行调用encode时会去检测当前的泛型: TypeParameterMatcher :
TypeParameterMatcher matcher = map.get(typeParamName);
if (matcher == null) {
matcher = get(find0(object, parametrizedSuperclass, typeParamName));
map.put(typeParamName, matcher);
因为Java的泛型擦除机制,导致泛型为null: find0:
private static Class<?> find0(
final Object object, Class<?> parametrizedSuperclass,
String typeParamName) {
final Class<?> thisClass = object.getClass();
Class<?> currentClass = thisClass;
currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass();
if (currentClass == null) {
return fail(thisClass, typeParamName);
父类子类都为泛型均未指定,则currentClass为null,导致fail 在Github上也有对应的issues https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/1247 其中有这么一句话:
*HandlerAdapter has methods like acceptInboundMessage(…) so that you can tell the handler about the messages you are interested (and not interested). Netty implements that method dynamically by determining the type parameter of the handler.