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[网络协议]软件源码安全的相关issues、术语及解释(Especially Java)

Software Security Issues (Especially Java)

CSRF (Cross—Site Request Forgery) 跨站点请求伪造

(Cross Site Request Forgery, 跨站域请求伪造)是一种网络的攻击方式,它在 2007 年曾被列为互联网 20 大安全隐患之一,也被称为“One Click Attack”或者Session Riding,通常缩写为CSRF或者XSRF,是一种对网站的恶意利用。


什么是CSRF攻击?如何防御CRSF攻击? - 知乎 (

XSS (Cross Site Scripting) 跨站点脚本



Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is an attack technique that involves echoing attacker-supplied code into a user’s browser instance. A browser instance can be a standard web browser client, or a browser object embedded in a software product such as the browser within WinAmp, an RSS reader, or an email client. The code itself is usually written in HTML/JavaScript, but may also extend to VBScript, ActiveX, Java, Flash, or any other browser-supported technology.

When an attacker gets a user’s browser to execute his/her code, the code will run within the security context (or zone) of the hosting web site. With this level of privilege, the code has the ability to read, modify and transmit any sensitive data accessible by the browser. A Cross-site Scripted user could have his/her account hijacked (cookie theft), their browser redirected to another location, or possibly shown fraudulent content delivered by the web site they are visiting. Cross-site Scripting attacks essentially compromise the trust relationship between a user and the web site. Applications utilizing browser object instances which load content from the file system may execute code under the local machine zone allowing for system compromise.

[The Web Application Security Consortium / Cross Site Scripting (]( Site Scripting)

reflected XSS

stored XSS


XML RPC (Remote Procedure call) XML远程过程调用



Anti-Exploitation Capabilities

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)地址空间布局随机化


An anti-exploitation feature which loads memory mappings into unpredictable locations. ASLR makes it more difficult for an attacker to redirect control to code that they have introduced into the address space of an application process.

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) 数据执行预防


An anti-exploitation feature of modern operating systems executing on modern computer hardware, which
enforces a non-execute permission on pages of memory. DEP prevents pages of memory from containing
both data and instructions, which makes it more difficult for an attacker to introduce and execute code.

Stack Cookie

一种反利用特性,它在函数调用开始时将一个值放在堆栈上,并在函数调用结束时检查该值是否相同。这也被称为"Stack Guard",或者“ Stack Canaries”。

An anti-exploitation feature that places a value on the stack at the start of a function call, and checks that the value is the same at the end of the function call. This is also referred to as Stack Guard, or Stack Canaries.

0-Day Vulnerability & 1-Day Vulnerability & N-Day Vulnerability

(什么是0day漏洞,1day漏洞和nday漏洞? - 知乎 (

Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)


In cryptography, Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) is a mode of operation for symmetric-key cryptographic block ciphers which is widely adopted for its performance. GCM throughput rates for state-of-the-art, high-speed communication channels can be achieved with inexpensive hardware resources.[1] The operation is an authenticated encryption algorithm designed to provide both data authenticity (integrity) and confidentiality. GCM is defined for block ciphers with a block size of 128 bits. Galois Message Authentication Code (GMAC) is an authentication-only variant of the GCM which can form an incremental message authentication code. Both GCM and GMAC can accept initialization vectors of arbitrary length.

from Wikipedia-GCM Mode:Galois/Counter Mode - Wikipedia

Electronic Code Book (ECB) Mode


The simplest (and not to be used anymore) of the encryption modes is the electronic codebook (ECB) mode (named after conventional physical codebooks. The message is divided into blocks, and each block is encrypted separately.

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-3ymb8Vxg-1651734774307)(D:\VSCode_Workspace\Software Security Issues (Especially Java)].assets\1920px-ECB_encryption.svg.png)



The disadvantage of this method is a lack of diffusion. Because ECB encrypts identical plaintext blocks into identical ciphertext blocks, it does not hide data patterns well. ECB is not recommended for use in cryptographic protocols.

A striking example of the degree to which ECB can leave plaintext data patterns in the ciphertext can be seen when ECB mode is used to encrypt a bitmap image which uses large areas of uniform color. While the color of each individual pixel is encrypted, the overall image may still be discerned, as the pattern of identically colored pixels in the original remains in the encrypted version.

Wikipedia: Block cipher mode of operation - Wikipedia


Object deserialization in Java

如果在classpath中存在一个允许触发恶意操作的类,那么不受信任的数据的 Object deserialization 会导致远程代码执行。库的开发者倾向于修复提供潜在恶意触发的类。仍然有一些类被认为可以触发DoS攻击。deserialization是一个敏感的操作,它有大量的漏洞历史。只要在Java虚拟机中发现一个新的漏洞,网络应用就可能变得脆弱。

Object deserialization of untrusted data can lead to remote code execution, if there is a class in classpath that allows the trigger of malicious operation. Libraries developers tend to fix class that provided potential malicious trigger. There are still classes that are known to trigger Denial of Service. Deserialization is a sensible operation that has a great history of vulnerabilities. The web application might become vulnerable as soon as a new vulnerability is found in the Java Virtual Machine.

Serialization in Java

在java中,serialization 是用来将一个对象转换为字节流的方式,它可以通过网络传输到任何其他运行中的JVM,也可以被持久化到磁盘中,该对象可以再次被重建。Java为此提供了serialization 的API。

In java serialization is way used to convert an object into a byte stream which can be transported to any other running JVM through a network or can be persisted into disk and that object can be rebuilt again. Java provides serialization API for this.

可序列化接口是一个标记性接口。标记接口是没有任何方法的,因此,Serializable接口没有任何方法,它给编译器的指示是使用Java Serialization机制来serialize这个对象。

Serializable interface is a marker interface. A marker interface doesn’t have any method i.e. Serializable interface doesn’t have any method, it gives indication to compiler that use Java Serialization mechanism to serialize this object.

Deserialization in Java

Deserialization 是serialization的反向过程。它是一个从 serialized 状态重建对象的过程。

Deserialization is the reverse process of serialization. It is the process of rebuilding object from serialized state.

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