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-> 网络协议 -> [jmeter] TCP Sampler -> 正文阅读 |
[网络协议][jmeter] TCP Sampler |
The TCP Sampler opens a TCP/IP connection to the specified server. It then sends the text, and waits for a response. If "Re-use connection" is selected, connections are shared between Samplers in the same thread, provided that the exact same host name string and port are used. Different hosts/port combinations will use different connections, as will different threads. If both of "Re-use connection" and "Close connection" are selected, the socket will be closed after running the sampler. On the next sampler, another socket will be created. You may want to close a socket at the end of each thread loop. If an error is detected - or "Re-use connection" is not selected - the socket is closed. Another socket will be reopened on the next sample. The following properties can be used to control its operation: tcp.status.prefix ????????text that precedes a status number tcp.status.suffix ????????text that follows a status number tcp.status.properties ????????name of property file to convert status codes to messages tcp.handler ????????Name of TCP Handler class (default?TCPClientImpl) - only used if not specified on the GUI The class that handles the connection is defined by the GUI, failing that the property?tcp.handler. If not found, the class is then searched for in the package?org.apache.jmeter.protocol.tcp.sampler. Users can provide their own implementation. The class?must?extend?org.apache.jmeter.protocol.tcp.sampler.TCPClient. The following implementations are currently provided.
The implementations behave as follows: TCPClientImpl This implementation is fairly basic. When reading the response, it reads until the end of line byte, if this is defined by setting the property?tcp.eolByte, otherwise until the end of the input stream. You can control charset encoding by setting?tcp.charset, which will default to Platform default encoding. BinaryTCPClientImpl This implementation converts the GUI input, which must be a hex-encoded string, into binary, and performs the reverse when reading the response. When reading the response, it reads until the end of message byte, if this is defined by setting the property?tcp.BinaryTCPClient.eomByte, otherwise until the end of the input stream. LengthPrefixedBinaryTCPClientImpl This implementation extends BinaryTCPClientImpl by prefixing the binary message data with a binary length byte. The length prefix defaults to 2 bytes. This can be changed by setting the property?tcp.binarylength.prefix.length. Timeout handling If the timeout is set, the read will be terminated when this expires. So if you are using an?eolByte/eomByte, make sure the timeout is sufficiently long, otherwise the read will be terminated early. Response handling If?tcp.status.prefix?is defined, then the response message is searched for the text following that up to the suffix. If any such text is found, it is used to set the response code. The response message is then fetched from the properties file (if provided). Usage of pre- and suffix For example, if the prefix = "[" and the suffix = "]", then the following response: [J28] XI123,23,GBP,CR would have the response code?J28.Response codes in the range "400"-"499" and "500"-"599" are currently regarded as failures; all others are successful. [This needs to be made configurable!] The login name/password are not used by the supplied TCP implementations.
Screenshot of Control-Panel of TCP Sampler ParametersAttribute Description Required Name Descriptive name for this element that is shown in the tree. TCPClient classname Name of the TCPClient class. Defaults to the property?tcp.handler, failing that?TCPClientImpl. No ServerName or IP Name or IP of TCP server Yes Port Number Port to be used Yes Re-use connection If selected, the connection is kept open. Otherwise it is closed when the data has been read. Yes Close connection If selected, the connection will be closed after running the sampler. Yes SO_LINGER Enable/disable?SO_LINGER?with the specified linger time in seconds when a socket is created. If you set "SO_LINGER" value as?0, you may prevent large numbers of sockets sitting around with a?TIME_WAIT?status. No End of line(EOL) byte value Byte value for end of line, set this to a value outside the range?-128?to?+127?to skip?eol?checking. You may set this in?jmeter.properties?file as well with?eolByte?property. If you set this in TCP Sampler Config and in?jmeter.properties?file at the same time, the setting value in the TCP Sampler Config will be used. No Connect Timeout Connect Timeout (milliseconds,?0?disables). No Response Timeout Response Timeout (milliseconds,?0?disables). No Set NoDelay See?java.net.Socket.setTcpNoDelay(). If selected, this will disable Nagle's algorithm, otherwise Nagle's algorithm will be used. Yes Text to Send Text to be sent Yes Login User User Name - not used by default implementation No Password Password - not used by default implementation (N.B. this is stored unencrypted in the test plan) No JMS PublisherJMS Publisher will publish messages to a given destination (topic/queue). For those not familiar with JMS, it is the J2EE specification for messaging. There are numerous JMS servers on the market and several open source options. JMeter does not include any JMS implementation jar; this must be downloaded from the JMS provider and put in the lib directory Screenshot of Control-Panel of JMS Publisher ParametersAttribute Description Required Name Descriptive name for this element that is shown in the tree. use JNDI properties file use?jndi.properties. Note that the file must be on the classpath - e.g. by updating the?user.classpath?JMeter property. If this option is not selected, JMeter uses the "JNDI Initial Context Factory" and "Provider URL" fields to create the connection. Yes JNDI Initial Context Factory Name of the context factory No Provider URL The URL for the JMS provider Yes, unless using jndi.properties Destination The message destination (topic or queue name) Yes Setup The destination setup type. With?At startup, the destination name is static (i.e. always same name during the test), with?Each sample, the destination name is dynamic and is evaluate at each sample (i.e. the destination name may be a variable) Yes Authentication Authentication requirement for the JMS provider Yes User User Name No Password Password (N.B. this is stored unencrypted in the test plan) No Expiration The expiration time (in milliseconds) of the message before it becomes obsolete. If you do not specify an expiration time, the default value is?0?(never expires). No Priority The priority level of the message. There are ten priority levels from?0?(lowest) to?9?(highest). If you do not specify a priority level, the default level is?4. No Reconnect on error codes (regex) Regular expression for JMSException error codes which force reconnection. If empty no reconnection will be done No Number of samples to aggregate Number of samples to aggregate Yes Message source ?Where to obtain the message: From File means the referenced file will be read and reused by all samples. If file name changes it is reloaded since JMeter 3.0 Random File from folder specified below means a random file will be selected from folder specified below, this folder must contain either files with extension?.dat?for Bytes Messages, or files with extension?.txt?or?.obj?for Object or Text messages Text area The Message to use either for Text or Object message Yes Message type Text, Map, Object message or Bytes Message Yes Content encoding ?Specify the encoding for reading the message source file: RAW: No variable support from the file and load it with default system charset. DEFAULT: Load file with default system encoding, except for XML which relies on XML prolog. If the file contain variables, they will be processed. Standard charsets: The specified encoding (valid or not) is used for reading the file and processing variables Yes Use non-persistent delivery mode? Whether to set?DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT?(defaults to?false) No JMS Properties The JMS Properties are properties specific for the underlying messaging system. You can setup the name, the value and the class (type) of value. Default type is?String. For example: for WebSphere 5.1 web services you will need to set the JMS Property targetService to test webservices through JMS. No For the MapMessage type, JMeter reads the source as lines of text. Each line must have 3 fields, delimited by commas. The fields are:
valueOf(String) name,String,Example size,Integer,1234 The Object message is implemented and works as follow:
Note that if message is in a file, replacement of properties will not occur while it will if you use Text Area. The following table shows some values which may be useful when configuring JMS:
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