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[系统运维]四川大学软件学院操作系统笔记 |
一篇很好的文章https://medium.com/cracking-the-data-science-interview/the-10-operating-system-concepts-software-developers-need-to-remember-480d0734d710 四川大学操作系统选择题Chapter 1 - Computer System OverviewThe OS acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the human user. The general role of an operating system is to provide a set of services to system users. An operating system exploits the hardware resources of one or more processors to provide a set of services to system users. Basic ElementsThe four main structural elements of a computer system are Processor, Main Memory, I/O Modules & System Bus.
RegisterWhat is Registers:Memory inside CPU(处理内部的存储单元) Why Registers:Enable CPU to minimize main-memory references(减少 CPU 读取内存的次数) Can be classified into:
The two basic types of processor registers are User-visible & Control/Status registers. User-Visible RegisterHow to use: May be referenced (访问/存取) by machine/assemble language (机器或汇编指令). User-visible registers are typically accessible to system programs but are not typically available to all programs. Registers that are used by system programs to minimize main memory references by optimizing register use are called user-visible registers. Control and Status RegisterFunction: are used to control the operation of the processor. Some may be accessibly by machine instruction in control or system mode. A Control/Status register that contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched is called the Program Counter (PC). Program Counter(PC,程序计数器)Contains the address of an instruction to be fetched. (包含要获取的指令的地址) Instruction Register(IR,指令寄存器)Contains the instruction most recently fetched. (包含最近获取的指令) A fetched instruction is normally loaded into the Instruction Register (IR). The Instruction Register (IR) contains the most recently fetched instruction. A fetched instruction is normally loaded into the instruction register (IR). Program Status Word(PSW,程序状态字)Condition codes [more detail next] The Program Status Word contains status information in the form of condition codes, which are bits typically set by the processor hardware as a result of program operation. Data RegisterData registers are general purpose (通用) in nature, but may be restricted to specific tasks such as performing floating-point operations. Address RegisterAddress registers may contain Memory addresses of data, Memory addresses of instructions, Partial memory addresses. A special type of address register, required by a system that implements user-visible stack addressing, is called a stack pointer. Instruction ExecutionA program to be executed by a processor consists of a set of instructions stored in memory. PC of CPU holds address of the instruction to be fetched next. The fetched instruction is loaded into the instruction register. Two stages of each Instruction Execution: Processor reads/loads/fetches instructions from memory (处理器从内存读取或加载或获取指令); Processor Execute each instruction (处理器执行每条指令). The processing required for a single instruction on a typical computer system is called the Instruction Cycle. Instruction Cycle:
The two basic steps used by the processor in instruction processing are Fetch and Execute cycles. A fetched instruction is normally loaded into the Instruction Register (IR). The processing required for a single instruction is called a(n) instruction cycle. InterruptClasses of Interrupts: Program, Timer, I/O, Hardware failure. An arithmetic overflow condition resulting from some instructional execution will generate a(n) program interrupt. The address of the next instruction is part of the information that must be saved prior to the processor transferring control to the interrupt handler routine, and it tells the processor where to return control to the previously interrupted program. Interrupt-driven I/O, although more efficient than simple Programmed I/O, still requires the use of the processor to transfer data between memory and an I/O module. Interrupt IntroductionWhy Interrupt in computer system?
Introduction Interrupt Definition:
Interrupts and the Instruction CycleWhen an external device becomes ready to be serviced by the processor, the device sends Interrupt signal to the processor. An interrupt is a mechanism used by system modules to signal the processor that normal processing should be temporarily suspended. To accommodate interrupts, a(n) interrupt stage (cycle) is added to the basic instruction cycle. Interrupt ProcessingSuspends the normal sequence of execution. Information that must be saved prior to the processor transferring control to the interrupt handler routine includes: Processor Status Word (PSW) & Location of next instruction. Multiple InterruptsOne approach to dealing with multiple interrupts is to disable all interrupts while an interrupt is being processed. One accepted method of dealing with multiple interrupts is to define priorities for the interrupts. Methods:
The Memory HicrarchyIn a two-level memory hierarchy, the Hit Ratio is defined as the fraction of all memory accesses found in the faster memory. The memory design dilemma (regarding cost vs. capacity vs. access time) is solved by employing a(n) memory hierarchy. Speed, Price, Capacity’s confict:
Three Levels:
As one goes down the Hierarchy, the following occur:
Thus, smaller, more expensive, faster memories are supplemented by larger, cheaper, slower memories. The key to the success of this organization is the decreasing frequency of access at lower levels. Cache MemoryCache memory exploits the principle of locality by providing a small, fast memory between the processor and main memory. Memory caching exploits the principle of locality by providing a small, fast memory between the processor and main memory. In cache memory design, block size refers to the unit of data exchanged between cache and main memory. Exploit the principle of locality, add something cache between fast and slow memory. Cache Principles: Cache memory is intended to provide memory access time approaching that of the fastest memories available, and at the same time support a large memory size that has the price of less expensive types of semiconductor memories.
When a new block of data is written into cache memory, the following determines which cache location the block will occupy: mapping function. Two constraints affect the design of the mapping function:
The replacement algorithm chooses, within the constraints of the mapping function, which block to replace when a new block is to be loaded and all cache slots are already filled. Replacement algorithm:
If the contents of a black in the cache are altered, then it is necessary to write it back to main memory before replacing it. I/O Communication TechniquesThe primary problem with programmed I/O is that the processor must wait for the I/O module to become ready and must repeatedly interrogate (询问) the status of the I/O module while waiting. Three Methods:
Multiprogramming and Multicore OrganizationMultiprogramming allows the processor to make use of idle time caused by long-wait interrupt handling. In a uniprocessor system, multiprogramming increases processor efficiency by taking advantage of time wasted by long wait interrupt handling. The concept of multiple programs taking turns in execution is known as multiprogramming. If the tima required to complete an I/O operation is much greater than the user code between I/O calls, then the processor will be idle much of the time. A solution to this problem is to allow multiple user programs to be active at the same time. Symmetric Multiprocessors (对称多处理机)Definition: An SMP can be defined as a stand-alone computer system with the following characteristics:
Potential Advantages:
Multicore ComputerA multicore computer, also known as a chip multiprocessor, combines two or more processors (called cores) on a single piece of silicon (called a die). Chapter 2 - Operating System OverviewThe hardware abstraction layer (HAL,硬件抽象层) maps between generic hardware commands/responses and those unique to a specific platform. The interface to an operating system is often referred to as a shell, because it separates the user from OS details and presents the OS simply as a collection of services. A distributed operating system provides the illusion of a single main memory space and a single secondary memory space, plus other unified access facilities. OS Objectives and Function (操作系统的目标和功能)It can be thought of as having three objectives:
A primary objective of an operating system is Convenience, Efficiency & Ability to evolve. The OS as a User/Computer InterfaceAn operating system controls the execution of applications and acts as an interface between applications and the computer hardware. The operating system masks the details of the hardware from the application programmer. ![]() Briefly, the OS typically provides services in the following areas:
The operating system provides many types of services to end-users, programmers and system designers, including: Error detection and response. Definition: A programe that
The OS as Resource ManagerThe operating system is unusual in it’s role as a control mechanism, in that: It frequently relinquishes control of the system processor and must depend on the processor to regain control of the system. The kernel or nucleus is the portion of the operating system that remains in main memory during system operation. Ease of Evolution of an OSA major OS will evolve over time for a numer of reasons:
Operating systems must evolve over time because New hardware is designed and implemented in the computer system. One of the driving forces in operating system evolution is advancement in the underlying hardware technology. How to evolve:
An operating system should be modular in construction, allowing it greater flexibility in the evolutionary process. The operating system maintains information that can be used for billing purposes on multi-user systems. The operating system’s ability to evolve refers to its inherent flexibility in permitting functional modifications to the system without interruption of services. The Evolution of OSIn a batch-processing system, the phrase “control is passed to a job” means that the processor is now fetching and executing instructions in a user program. In a time sharing system, a user’s program is preempted (先占) at regular intervals, but due to relatively slow human reaction time this occurrence is usually transparent to the user. Which of the following major line of computer system development created problems in timing and synchronization that contributed to the development of the concept of the process? Multiprogramming batch operation systems, Time sharing systems & Real time transaction systems. Serial Processing: No OSIn the first computers, users interacted directly with the hardware and operating systems did not exist. Definition: The user have access to the system in series. Character: The programmer interacted directly with the computer hardware. Problems:
A major problem with early serial processing systems was: Setup time. The earliest computers employed serial processing, a name derived by the way the users were forced to access the systems. Simple Batch SystemsThe central idea behind the simple batch-processing scheme is the use of a piece of software known as the monitor. The Process:
Job Control Language (JCL,作业控制语言):
Certain hardware features are as follows:
An example of a hardware feature that is desirable in a batch-processing system is: Privileged instructions. The special type of programming language used to provide instructions to a monitor in a batch-processing scheme is called Job Control Language (JCL). CPU mode
Shortcoming: Processor must wait for I/O instruction to complete before preceding. Multiprogrammed Batch SystemsMultiprogramming/Multitasking: When one job needs to wait for I/O, the processor can switch to the other job, which is likely not waiting for I/O. A computer hardware feature that is vital to the effective operation of a multiprogramming operating system is: I/O interrupts and DMA. The central theme of modern operating systems, based on the concept of switching among multiple programs in memory, is called multiprogramming or multitasking. Time-Sharing SystemsRequirement: handle multiple interactive users/jobs.
In a time-sharing, multiprogramming system, users interact with the system through terminals. Major ArchievementsA common problem with full-featured operating systems, due to their size and difficulty of the tasks they address, is: Chronically late in delivery, Latent bugs that show up in the field, Sub-par performance. A technique in which a process, executing an application, is divided into threads that can run concurrently is called Multithreading. The ProcessImplementing priority levels is a common strategy for short-term scheduling, which involves assigning each process in the queue to the processor according to its level of importance. A process consists of three elements: an executable program, associated data, and a(n) execution context or process state, which includes all information needed by the operating system and processor to manage and execute the process. Central to the design of operating systems is the concept of process. Four main causes of such errors:
Processes consists of 3 components:
The process is realized/implemented as a data structure. Memory ManagementA process can be defined as a unit of activity characterized by a single sequential thread of execution, a current state, and an associated set of system resources. OS has 5 storage management responsibilities:
Virtual Memory / VM:
Virtual Memory Addressing: Storage system consists of main memory and auxiliay memory. A virtual memory address typically consists of a page number and an offset within the page. The paging system in a memory management system provides for dynamic mapping between a virtual address used in a program and A real address in main memory. Infomation Protection and SecurityRelative to information protection and security in computer systems, access control typically refers to Regulating user and process access to various aspects of the system.
Scheduling and Resource Management
The factors that should be considered:
The short-term queue in the operating system scheduling system consists of processes that are in main memory. LinuxLinux is one example of a modern UNIX system that implements a modular architecture. Key to the success of Linux has been it’s character as a free software package available under the auspices of the Free Software Foundation. Chapter 3 - ProcessWhat is a processSeveral definitions of the term process, including:
The principal function of the processor is to execute machine instructions residing in main memory. The principal responsibility of the OS is to control the execution of processes. When one process spawns another, the spawning process is referred to as the parent process and the spawned process is referred to as the child process. Processes and Process Control Block (PCB,进程控制块)PCB: The information in the preceding list is stored in a data structure.
The Process Image element that contains the collection of attributes needed by the O/S to control a particular process is called the PCB. The Process Identification, Processor State Information and the Process Control Information are the general categories that collectively make up what is referred to as the process control block. Process Elements:
The information in the preceding list is stored in a data structure, typically called a process control block. When a process is interrupted, the current values of the program counter and the processor registers (context data) are saved in the appropriate fields of the corresponding process control block, and the state of the process is changed to some other value, such as blocked or ready. Process StatesTrace of ProcessThe behavior of an individual process can be characterized by examining a single process trace. The behavior of a processor can be characterized by examining the interleaving of the process traces. The behavior of a processor can be characterized by examining the interleaving of the process traces for the processes currently running on the system. The listing of a sequence of instructions that execute for a particular process is called a trace. The sequence of instructions that execute for the process.(进程执行的一列指令) Dispatcher (调度器) switches the processor from one process to another.(通过进程轨迹来描述操作系统的调度器如何交替切换进程) The portion of the operating system that selects the next process to run is called the dispatcher. Two-State Process ModelProcess may be in one of two states:
The Creation and Termination of ProcessesProcess CreationWhen a new process is to be added to those currently being managed, the OS builds the data structures used to manage the process, and allocates address space in main memory to the process. Reasons for Process Creation:
When the OS creates a process at the explict request of another process, the action is referred to as process spawning. (当操作系统为另一个进程显式请求创建一个新的进程时,这个动作称为进程派生) One step in the procedure for creating a new process involves initializing the process control block, allocating space for the process, assigning a unique identifier. When the OS creates a process at the explicit request of an existing process, the action is referred to as process spawning. Process TerminationThere are a number of conditions that can lead to process termination, including: normal completion, bounds violation, parent termination. Reasons for Process Termination:
A Five-State Model![]() Round-Robin processing doesn’t refer to a method of thread prioritization for scheduling. (The queue is a first-in-first-out list and the processor operates in round-robin fashion on the available processes.) The primary difference between the Two-State Process Model and the Five-State Process Model is that the latter splits the Not Running state into two new states: Ready and Blocked. A process that cannot execute until some event occurs is said to be in the blocked state. The scheduling strategy where each process in the queue is given a certain amount of time, in turn, to execute and then returned to the queue, unless blocked is referred to as round-robin (each process in the queue is given a certain amount of time, in trurn, to execute and then returned to the queue, unless blocked).
Passible transitions:
Suspended ProcessesThe solution is swapping, which involves moving part or all of a process from main memory to disk.
New Transitions:
In a system that implements two suspend states, a process that has been swapped out of main memory and into secondary memory and that is also awaiting an event is in the Blocked/Suspend state. ![]() Process DescriptionIn order to define the control structures (e.g., tables) that the O/S needs to manage processes and resources, it must have access to configuration data during initialization. Operating System Control Structures (操作系统的控制结构)The O/S control structure that the O/S uses to manage system processes is called the process table.
Structrue of OS Control Tables:
Usages of 4 structures:
Process Image: Collection of program, data, stack, attributes. Process Control StructuresProcess LocationTypically, the collection of attributes is referred to as a process control block. We can refer this collection of program, data, stack & attributes as the process image. The Process Image consists of:
The location of a process image will depend on the memory management scheme being used. To execute the process, the entire process image must be loaded into main memory, or at least virtual memory. Thus, the OS needs to know the location of each process on disk and, for each such process that is in main memory, the location of that process in main memory. The User Data, User Program, System Stack and Process Control Block elements collectively make up what is referred to as the process image. Process AttributesWe can group the process control block information into three general categories:
The portion of the Process Control Block that consists of the contents of the processor registers is called the Process State Information. Process ControlModes of Execution
The less-privileged processor execution mode is often referred to as user mode. The processor typically maintains the current operating mode (i.e., user or kernel) in the program status word (PSW). Process Creation
The first step in creating a new process is to assign a unique process identifier to the new process. Process SwitchingWhen to Switch a Process
One kind of system interrupt, the trap, relates to an error or exception condition in the currently running process. A process switch may occur when the system encounters an interrupt condition, such as that generated by memory fault, Supervisor call, Trap. The execution of a user process may be interrupted by a supervisor call, which might be generated by the process requesting an I/O operation. Change of Process State
Execution of The Operating SystemNon-process Kernel(无进程内核)
In the Nonprocess Kernel approach to defining the relationship between the O/S and the User Process, the O/S code is executed as a separate entity that operates in privileged mode. Execution within User Processes(在用户进程中执行)
In the separate kernel model for illustrating the relationship between the O/S and User Processes, the O/S has its own region of memory to use and its own system stack for controlling procedure calls and returns. In the short-term model for illustrating the relationship between the O/S and User Processes, the O/S has its own region of memory to use and its own system stack for controlling procedure calls and returns. Process-Based Operating System(基于进程的 OS)
In the Process Based OS, major kernel functions are organized as separate functions.(主要的内核函数被组织成独立的进程) UNIX SVR4 Process ManagementIn a typical UNIX system, the element of the process image that contains the processor status information is the Register context. Chapter 4 — ThreadsProcesses and ThreadsIn an operating system, the unit of dispatching is usually referred to as a thread or lightweight process, while the unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as a process or task. The concept of a process in an operating system embodies two primary characteristics:
Dispatching is referred to as a thread or lightweight process. (调度的单位称为线程或轻量进程) Resource of ownership is referred to as a process or task. (资源所有权的单位称为进程或者任务) MultithreadingThe basic unit of dispatching in an operating system is usually referred to as a thread or lightweight process. The concept of thread synchronization is required in multithreaded systems because they share the same address space. Multithreading refers to the ability of an OS to support multiple, concurrent paths of execution within a single process.
In a multithreaded environment, a process is defined as the unit of resource allocation and a unit of protection (资源分配和保护的单位) . Within a process, there may be one or more threads, each with the following:
Thread —— Unit of Scheduling/Execution (调度执行的单位) Each thread has:
All of the threads of a process share the state and resouces of that process. The key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications:
Threads are affected by many process action:
Thread FunctionalityThread StartsThere are 4 basic operations associated with a change in thread state:
On a uniprocessor, multiprogramming enables the interleaving (交叉;交错) of multiple threads within multiple processes. Thread SynchronizationAll of the threads of a process share the same address space and other resources. It is necessary to synchronize the activities of the various threads so that they do not interfere with each other or corrupt data structures. Types of ThreadsUser-Level ThreadsIn a pure User-Level Thread (ULT) facility, all of the work of thread management is done by the application, and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads. Any application can be programmed to be multithreaded by using a threads library, which is a package of routines for ULT management. The threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads, for passing messages and for saving and restoring thread contexts.
Kernel-Level ThreadsIn a pure KLT facility, all of the work of thread management is done by the kernel.
Advantages of ULT to KLT
Disadvantages of ULT to KLTOne of the disadvantages of User-Level Threads (ULTs) compared to Kernel-Level Threads (KLTs) is: when a ULT executes a system call, all threads in the process are blocked.
Ways (解决方案) to work around these drawbacks:
Advantages of KLT to ULT
Disadvantages of KLT to ULT
Combined Approaches
Other ArrangementsIn the field of distributed operating system design, the One-to-Many (Thread-to-Process) relationship is particularly interesting because it involves the concept of thread migration. The Clouds O/S implements the concept of a thread as primarily an entity that can move among address spaces which represents the One-to-Many Thread-to-Process relationship. Multicore and MultithreadingOne disadvantage to the master/slave shared-memory multiprocessor architecture is that the failure of the master brings down the whole system. Symmetric MultiprocessingSymmetric Multiprocessing (对称多处理) In a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) system, each processor has access not only to a private main memory area but also to a shared main memory. An SMP OS manages processor and other resources so that the user may view the system in the same fashion as a multiprogramming uniprocessor system. In a SMP system, each processor maintains a local cache and must alert all other processors that a change to cache update has taken place. This is referred to as the Cache coherency problem. In most modern computer systems, processors generally have at least one level of cache memory that is private to the processor. With multiple active processes in an SMP system having potential access to shared address space or shared I/O resources, care must be taken to provide effective synchronization. SMP ArchitectureCategories of Computer Systems
Symmetric MultiprocessingIn a symmetric multiprocessor system, the kernel can execute on any processor, and typically each processor does self-scheduling from the pool of available processes or threads.
Multiprocessor OS Design ConsiderationsKey issues involved in the design of multiprocessor operating systems include: Scheduling, Synchronization & Reliability and fault tolerance.
MicrokernelThe primary disadvantage of the basic microkernel design over layered kernel designs involves performance. The philosophy underlying the microkernel is that only absolutely essential core operating system functions should be in the kernel. The basic form of communication between processes or threads in a microkernel OS is messages. In the layered O/S architecture, functions are organized hierarchically and interaction only takes place between adjacent sections. Microkernel ArchitectureEarly operating systems that were designed with little concern about structure are typically referred to as Monolithic operating systems.
Benefits of a Microkernel OrganizationA benefit of the microkernel organization is Extensibility, Portability & Flexibility. One advantage of the microkernel architecture is extensibility, allowing the addition of new services as well as the provision of multiple services in the same functional area.
Microkernel Performance
Microkernel DesignIn low-level microkernel memory management, an example of an operation that can support external paging and virtual memory management is the Grant operation, Map operation & Flush operation. The basic form of communication between processes or threads in a microkernel O/S is messages. The microkernel must include those functions that depend directly on the hardware. Those functions fall into the following general categories:
Windows ProcessWindows 2000 is an object-oriented OS, and both processes and threads are implemented as objects in the WIN2K OS. In a W2K system, the state that a thread enters when it has been unblocked and the resource for which it has been blocked is not yet available is called the Transition state. In a Windows 2000 system, a process that has been selected to run next on a particular process moves from the Ready state to the Standby state. Solaris ThreadIn the Solaris O/S, a User-Level Thread (ULT) in the active state is assigned to a Light-Weight Process (LWP) and executes while the underlying kernel thread executes. In a Solaris system, a User-Level Thread (ULT) that enters the active state is assigned to a Light-Weight Process (LWP). In a Solaris system, a User-Level Thread (ULT) in the active state is assigned to a(n) light-weight process (LWP), and executes while the underlying kernel thread executes. Linux ProcessLinux makes no distinction between a process and a thread. In the Linux O/S, multiple threads may be created and executed within a single process. This is an example of the following Thread-to-Process relationship: M: 1. In a Linux system, when a new process is cloned, the two processes share the same Virtual memory. In a Linux system, if the process has been terminated but, for some reason, still must have its task structure in the process table is in the zombie state. Chapter 5 - ConcurrencyConcurrency arises in three different contexts:
Concurrency plays a major part in which of the following specific contexts: Multiple applications & Structured applications & O/S structure. Some Key Terms Related to Concurrency:
Distributed processing can be defined as the management of multiple processes executing on multiple, distributed computer systems. Both process interleaving and process overlapping are examples of concurrent processes and both present the same basic problems. Concurrency issues are a concern on multiprocessor systems, and do impact uniprocessor systems. Starvation refers to the situation where competing processes are denied access to a resource due to scheduling problems. A basic echo procedure (that echoes a typed character to the screen) running on a multiprocessor system can produce erroneous output if access to the echo procedure is unsynchronized. In order to implement mutual exclusion on a critical resource for competing processes, only one program at a time should be allowed: In the critical section of the program. Processes that are designed to be able to pass execution control back and forth between themselves are referred to as: Coroutines. In order to protect shared variables (and other shared global resources) the system must control the ________________________________. ANS: code that accesses the variable The situation where Process 1 (P1) holds Resource 1 (R1), while P2 holds R2, and P1 needs R2 to complete and P2 needs R1 to complete is referred to as _______________. ANS: deadlock In multiprocessor configurations, special machine instructions that carry out two actions in a single instruction cycle are said to do so _______________. ANS: atomically Mutual Exlusion: Software ApproachesDekker’s Algorithm
Peterson’s AlgorithmPeterson’s Algorithm for solving mutual exclusion is only valid for two processes and can easily be generalized to the case of n processes.
Principles of ConcurrencyIn a uniprocessor machine, concurrent processes cannot be overlapped; they can only be interleaved. Some difficulties:
Race ConditionA race condition occurs when multiple processes or threads read and write data items so that the final result depends on the order of execution of instructions in the multiple processes. OS Concerns
Process Interaction
Competition among Processes for ResourcesEach process is unaware of the existence of other processes. It follows from this each process should leave the state of any resource that it uses unaffected. Examples of resources include I/O devices, memory, processor time, and the clock. There is no exchange of information between the competing processes. However, the execution of one process may affect the behavior of competing processes.
Requirements for Mutual Exclusion
Any facility or capability that is to provide support for mutual exclusion must make certain assumptions about relative process speeds and the number of processors in the system. ANS: F (no assumptions should be made regarding these parameters) The following requirement must be met by any facility or capability that is to provide support for mutual exclusion:
ANS: D The basic requirement for support of concurrent process is the ability to enforce _______________. ANS: mutual exclusion When only one process is allowed in its critical code section at a time, then _______________ is enforced. ANS: mutual exclusion Mutual Exlusion: Hardware Approaches (互斥:硬件支持)Interrupt Disabling (中断禁用)
In a uniprocessor system, mutual exclusion can be guaranteed by: Disabling interrupts. Special Machine Instructions (专有机器指令)Special Machine Instructions
Compare&Swap Instruction
This atomic instruction has two parts: A compare is made between a memory value and a test value; if the values are the same, a swap occurs. The entire compare&swap function is carried out atomically – that is, it is not subject to interrupt.
The term busy waiting (忙等待), or spin waiting (自旋等待), refers to a technique in which a process can do nothing until it gets permission to enter its critical section. Examples of solutions to the concurrency problem that do not involve busy waiting are the following:
ANS: D (all software solutions involve some form of busy waiting) Many approaches to achieving mutual exclusion are software solutions that require the use of a technique called ___________________. ANS: busy waiting The technique in which a process can do nothing until it gets permission to enter its critical section but continues to test the appropriate variable to gain entrance is called _____________. ANS: busy waiting Exchange Instruction
The instruction exchanges the contents of a register with that of a memory location.
Properties of the Machine-Instruction ApproachAdvantages:
Semaphores (信号量)
Fundamental principle: Two or more processes can cooperate by means of simple signals, such that a process can be forced to stop at a specified place until it has received a specific signal. (两个或者多个进程可以通过简单的信号进行合作,一个进程可以被迫在一个位置停止,直到它收到一个信号) For signaling, special variables called semaphores are used. (一种称为信号量的特殊变量用来传递信号) If the corresponding signal has not yet been transmitted, the process is suspended until the transmission takes place. (如果一个进程在等待一个信号,它会被挂起,直到它等待的信号被发出) To achieve the desired effect, we can view the semaphore as a variable that has an integer value upon which only three operations are difined:
A binary semaphore may only take on the values 0 or 1, and can be defined by the following three operations:
In principle, it should be easier to implement the binary semaphore, and it can be shown that it has the same expressive power as the general semaphore. To contrast the two types of semaphores, the nonbinary semaphore is often referred to as either a counting semaphore or a general semaphore. A concept related to the binary semaphore is the mutual exclusion lock (mutex). A mutual is a programming flag used to grab and release an object. When data are acquired that cannot be shared, or processing is started that cannot be performed simultaneously elsewhere in the system, the mutex is set to lock (typically zero), which blocks other attempts to use it. The mutex is set to unlock when the data are no longer needed or the routine is finished. A key difference between a mutex and a binary semaphore is that the process that locks the mutex (sets the value to 0) must be the one to unlock it (sets the value to 1). For both counting semaphores and binary semaphores, a queue is used to hold processes waiting on the semaphore. The question arises of the order in which processes are removed from such a queue. A semaphore whose difinition includes FIFO is called a strong semaphore. A semaphore that does not specify the order in which processes are removed from the queue is a weak semaphore. Weak semaphores do not guarantee freedom from starvation, but strong semaphores do. The major difficulty with semaphores is that wait and signal operations may be scattered throughout a program and it is difficult to see the overall effect of these operations on the semaphores they affect. A semaphore that does not specify the order in which processes are removed from the queue is called a: Weak semaphore. A semaphore whose definition includes the FIFO policy for releasing blocked processes from the queue is called a _________________. ANS: strong semaphore The Barbershop Problem uses ________________ to implement concurrency. ANS: semaphores Mutual ExclusionAt any time, the value of s.count() can be interpreted as follows:
The Producer/Consumer ProblemOne or more producers are generating data and placing these in a buffer. (一个或多个生产者进程/线程生成数据并将其放入缓冲区) A single consumer is taking items out of the buffer one at time. (有一个消费者进程/线程每次从缓冲区中取出一个数据项) Only one producer or consumer may access the buffer at any one time. (任何时候只有一个生产者/消费者可以进入缓冲区) The probleam is to make sure that the producer won’t try to add data into the buffer if it’s full, and that the consumer won’t try to remove data from an empty buffer. A finite The Producer/Consumer problem is typically considered a special case of the Readers/Writes problem, with only one reader and one writer. ANS: F (the producer and consumer must both read and write) The finite circular buffer is used to implement which of the following basic queuing strategies: FIFO. The classic concurrency problem that involves readers and writers that can both read from and write to a shared data area is the __________________ Problem. ANS: Producer/Consumer Infinite:
Implement of Semaphores
Monitors (管程)The monitor is a programming language construct that provides equivalent functionality to that of semaphores and that is easier to control. Monitor with SignalThe monitor is a software module consisting of one or more procedures, an initialization sequence, and local data. And the chief characteristics are the following:
A chief characteristic of a monitor is: A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its procedures. A monitor supports synchronization by the use of condition variables that are contained within the monitor and accessible only within the monitor. Condition variables are a special data type in monitors, which are operated on by two functions:
As with semaphores, it is possible to make mistakes in the synchronization function of monitors. The advantage that monitors have over semaphores is that all of the synchronization has been done correctly and to detect bugs. Alternate Model of Monitors with Notify and BroadcastThere are two drawbacks to the approach:
Message PassingWhen processes interact with one another, two fundamental requirements must be satisfied: synchronization and communication. Processes need to be synchronized to enforce mutual exclusion; cooperating processes may need to exchange information. One approach to providing both of these functions is message passing. The actual function of message passing is normally provided in the form of a pair of primitives:
Message passing provides both synchronization and communication, which are fundamental requirements for interacting processes. SynchronizationSender and receiver may or may not be blocking. Three communications are common, although any particular system will usually have only one or two combinations implemented:
In the communications mechanism of a message passing system, both sender and receiver can be blocking or non-blocking. In synchronization involving message passing, the sender of a message can be: Either blocking or non-blocking. A blocking send, blocking receive message passing scenario is sometimes referred to as a ________________. ANS: rendezvous AddressingDirect addressing (直接寻址):
In the _____________ addressing implementation of message passing, the “send” primitive includes a specific identifier of the destination process. ANS: direct Indirect addressing (间接寻址):
A strength of the use of indirect addressing is that, by decoupling the sender and receiver, it allows for greater flexibility in the use of messages. The association of processes to mailboxes can be either static or dynamic. In indirect addressing, as applied to message passing, messages are sent to a temporary shared data structure typically known as a mailbox. In a system employing message passing, when a message is sent to a shared temporary data structure, this general approach is known as: Indirect addressing. The shared data structures that temporarily hold messages in a message passing system employing indirect addressing are generally referred to as __________________. ANS: mailboxes Message FormatThe format of the message depends on the objectives of the messaging facility and whether the facility runs on a single computer or on a distributed system. In a system employing message passing, the typical message is divided into two primary sections:
ANS: D (header and body) Queueing DisciplineThe simplest queueing discipline is FIFO. Two alternativs:
In a message passing system, one queuing discipline alternative is to allow the receiver to inspect the message queue and select which message to receive next. Mutual ExclusionThe preceding solution assumes that if more than one process performs the receive operation concurrently, then:
Readers/Writers Problem
A reason why the Producer/Consumer problem cannot be considered a special case of the Reader/Writer problem with a single writer (the producer) and a single reader (the consumer) is: The producer and consumer must be both reader and writer. The classic concurrency problem that involves multiple readers that can read from a shared data area when no single writer is exclusively writing to it is the __________________ Problem. ANS: Readers/Writers Readers Have PriorityOnce a single reader has begun to access the data area, it is possible for readers to retain control of the data area as long as there is at least one reader in the act of reading. Therefore, writers are subject to starvation.
Writers Have PriorityA solution that guarantees no new readers are allowed access to the data area once at least one writer has declared a desire to write.
Chapter 6 — Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation3 common approaches to dealing with deadlock:
Principles of DeadlockDeadlock can be defined as the permanent blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system resources or communicate with each other. ( 可以把死锁定义为一组相互竞争系统资源或进行通信的进程间的“永久”阻塞 ) A set of processes is deadlocked when each process in the set in blocked awaiting an event (typically the freeing up of some requested resource) that can only be triggered by another blocked process in the set. ( 当一组进程中的每个进程都在等待某个事件(典型的情况是等待所请求资源的释放),而只有在这组进程中的其他被阻塞的进程才可以触发该事件 ) Deadlock is permanent beacause none of the event is ever triggered. There is no efficient solution in the general case. All deadlocks involve conflicting needs for resources by two or more processes. ( 所有死锁都涉及两个或多个进程之间对资源需求的冲突 ) Reusable ResourcesTwo general categories (类) of resources can be distinguished: reusable & consumable. A reusable resource is one that can be safely used by only one process at a time and is not depleted by that use. One strategy for dealing with such a deadlock is to impose system design constraints concerning the order in which resources can be requested. ( 处理竞争独占访问资源的死锁的一个策略是给系统设计施加关于资源请求顺序的约束 ) The best way to deal with this particular problem is, in effect, to eliminate the possibility by using virtual memory. ( 解决内存请求冲突的死锁的最好方法是,通过使用虚拟内存有效地消除这种可能性 ) Consumable ResourcesA consumable resource is one that can be created (produced) and destroyed (consumed). Typically, there is no limit on the number of consumable resources of a particular type. An unblocked producing process may create any number of such resources. Resource Allocation Graphs (资源分配图)The resource allocation graph is a directed graph that depicts a state of the system of resources and processes, with each process and each resource represented by a node. The Conditions for Deadlock3 conditions of policy must be present for a deadlock to be possible:
The first 3 conditions are necessary, but not sufficient, for a deadlock to exist. For deadlock to actually take place, a 4th condition is required:
Deadlock PreventionThe strategy of deadlock prevention is, simply put, to design a system in such a way that the possibility of deadlock is excluded. Two methods of deadlock prevention:
Mutual ExclusionIn general, the 1st of the 4 listed conditions can’t be disallowed. Hold and waitThe hold-and-wait condition can be prevented by requiring that a process request all of its required resources at one time and blocking the process until all requests can be granted simultaneously. This approach is inefficient. No PreemptionThis condition can be prevented in several ways.
Circular WaitThe circular wait condition can be prevented by defining a linear ordering of resource types. (May be efficient) Deadlock AvoidanceIn deadlock prevention, we constrain resource requests to prevent at least 1 of the 4 conditions of deadlocks. Deadlock avoidance allows the 3 necessary conditions but makes judicious choices to assure that the deadlock point is never reached. With deadlock avoidance, a decision is made dynamically whether the current resource allocation request will, if granted, potentially lead to a deadlock. 2 approaches to deadlock avoidance:
Process Initiation Denial (进程启动拒绝)Refuse to start a new process if its resource requirements might lead to deadlock. Resource Allocation Denial (资源分配拒绝)A safe state is one in which there is at least one sequence of resource allocations to processes that does not result in a deadlock. An unsafe state is, of course, a state that is not safe. When a process makes a request for a set of resources, assume the request is granted, update the system state accordingly, then determine if the result is a safe state. If so, grant the request and, if not, block the process until it is sage to grant the request. The deadlock avoidence strategy does not predict deadlock with certainty; it merely anticipates the possibility of deadlock and assures that there is never such a possibility. Deadlock DetectionDeadlock detection strategies don’t limit resource access or restrict process actions. Requested resources are granted to processes whenever possible. Periodically, the OS performs an algorithm that allows it to detect the circular wait condition described earlier in condition 4. Deadlock Detection AlgorithmA check for deadlock can be made as frequently as each resource request, or less frequently, depending on how likely it is for a deadlock to occur. Two advantages: It leads to early detection, and the algorithm is relatively simple because it is based on incremental changes to the state of the system. Such frequent checks consume considerable processor time. The strategy in this algorithm is to find a process whose resource requests can be satisfied with the available resources, then assume those resources are granted and the process runs to completion and releases all of its resources. The algorithm then looks for another process to satisfy. Note this algorithm does not guarantee to prevent deadlock; that will depend on the order in which future requests are granted. All that it does is determine if deadlock currently exists. RecoveryThe following are possible approaches, listed in the order of increasing sophistication:
For (3) and (4), the selection criteria could be one of the following. Choose the process with the:
An Intergrated Deadlock Strategy[HOWA73] suggests one approach:
As an example of this technique, consider the following classes of resources:
The order of the preceding list represents the order in which resources are assigned. The order is a reasonable one, considering the sequence of steps that a process may follow during its lifetime. Within each class, the following strategies could be used:
Dining Philosophers ProblemThe algorithm must satisfy mutual exclusion while avoiding deadlock and starvation. Dining philosophers problem is a standard test case for evaluating approaches to synchronization. Solution Using SemaphoresThis solution leads to deadlock. As an approach, we could consider adding an attendant who only allows 4 philosophers at a time into the dining room. (Assuming there are 5 philosophers) Solution Using a MonitorCool. Chapter 7 - Memory ManagementThe task of subdividing memory between the O/S and processes is performed automatically by the O/S and is called: Memory Management. Memory Management RequirementsSubdividing memory to accommodate multiple processes. (为支持多道程序将内存进行划分) Memory needs to be allocated to ensure a reasonable supply of ready processes to consume available processor time. (内存管理应确保有适当数目的就绪进程使用处理器时间) The requirements include the following: Relocation, Protection, Sharing, Logical organization, Physical organization. RelocationProgrammer does not know where the program will be placed in memory when it is executed.(程序员不知道程序在执行时将被放在内存中的什么位置) While the program is executing, it may be swapped to disk and returned to main memory at a different location (relocated).(当程序执行时,它可能被交换到磁盘,当换入时,被加载到主内存的不同位置(重新定位)) Memory references must be translated in the code to actual physical memory address. (内存访问必须把代码中的地址转换为实际的物理内存地址) Somehow, the processor hardware and OS software must be able to translate the memory references found in the code of the program into actual physical memory addresses, reflecting the current location of the program in main memory. ProtectionPrograms in other processes should not be able to reference memory locations in a process for reading or writing purposes without permission. Satisfaction of the relocation requirement increases the difficulty of satisfying the protection requirement. All memory references generated by a process must be checked at run time to ensure they refer only to the memory space allocated to that process. Without special arrangement, a program in one process cannot access the data area of another process. The memory protection requirement must be satisfied by the processor (hardware) rather than the operating system (software). (内存保护要求必须由处理器(硬件)而不是操作系统来满足)This is because the OS cannot anticipate all of the memory references that a program will make. Normally, processes cannot access any portion of the OS, neither program nor data(通常,进程不能访问操作系统的任何部分,无论是程序还是数据) Impossible to check absolute addresses at compile time, instead, absolute addresses must be checked at run time.(无法在编译时检查绝对地址,而是必须在运行时检查绝对地址) SharingAny protection mechanism must have the flexibility to allow several processes to access the same portion of main memory.
Logical OrganizationIf the OS and computer hardware can effectively deal with user programs and data in the form of modules of some sort, then a number of advantages can be realized:
Segmentation satisfies these requirements(分段技术满足该需求) Physical Organization
It is clear, then, that the task of moving information between the two levels of memory should be a system responsibility. This task is the essence of memory management. Memory PartitioningFixed PartitioningThe simplest scheme for managing this available memory is to partition it into regions with fixed boundaries. Partition Sizes2 difficulties with the use of equal-size fixed partitions:
Both of these problems can be lesseed, though not solved, by using unequalsize partitions. The problem of internal fragmentation can be lessened in systems employing a fixed-partition memory management scheme by using: Unequal size partitions. Placement AlgorithmEqual-size partitionsBecause all partitions are of equal size, it does not matter which partition is used(因为所有分区的大小相同,所以使用哪个分区并不重要) Unequal-size partitionsA preferable approach would be to employ a single queue for all processes. When it is time to load a process into main memory, the smallest available partition that will hold the process is selected. If all partitions are occupied, then a swapping decision must be made. Preference might be given to swapping out of the smallest partition that will hold the incoming process. It is also possible to consider other factors, such as priority, and a preference for swapping out blocked processes versus ready processes. Disadvantages:
Dynamic PartitioningAs time goes on, memory becomes more and more fragmented, and memory utilization declines. External fragmentation: Indicates the memory that is external to all partitions becomes increasingly fragmented. One technique for overcoming external fragmentation is compaction (压缩): From time to time, the OS shifts the processes so they are contiguous and all of the free memory is together in one block. Placement Algorithm3 placement algorithms:
The first-fit algorithm is not only the simplest but usually the best and fastest as well. (简单且性能最好) On the other hand, the first-fit algorithm may litter the front end with small free partitions that need to be searched over on each subsequent first-fit pass. The next-fit algorithm tends to produce slightly worse results than the first-fit. The result is that the largest block of free memory, which usually appears at the end of the memory space, is quickly broken up into small fragments. Thus, compaction may be required more frequently with next-fit. The best-fit algorithm, despite its name, is usually the worst performer. Because this algorithm looks for the smallest block that will satisfy the requirement, it guarantees that the fragment left behind is as small as possible. Although each memory request always wastes the smallest amount of memory, the result is that main memory is quickly littered by blocks too small to satisfy memory allocation request. Thus, memory compaction must be done more frequently than with the other algorithms. Replacement AlgorithmTo avoid wasting processor time waiting for an active process to become unblocked, the OS will swap one of the processes out of main memory to make room for a new process or for a process in a Ready-Suspend state. Buddy SystemIn buddy system, memory blocks are available of size 2 K 2^K 2K words, L ≤ K ≤ U L{\le}K{\le}U L≤K≤U, where:
To begin, the entire space available for allocation is treated as a single block of size 2 U 2^U 2U. If a request of size s s s such that 2 U ? 1 < s ≤ 2 U 2^{U-1}<s{\leq}2^U 2U?1<s≤2U is made, then the entire block is allocated. Otherwise, the block is split into two equal buddies of size 2 U ? 1 2^{U-1} 2U?1. If 2 U ? 1 < s ≤ 2 U 2^{U-1}<s{\leq}2^U 2U?1<s≤2U, then the request is allocated to one of the two buddies. RelocationA simple relocating loader: When the process is first loaded, all relative memory references in the code are replaced by absolute main memory addresses, determined by the base address of the loaded process. A process may occupy different partitions which means different absolute memory locations during execution (from swapping,交换) . Compaction (压缩) will also cause a program to occupy a different partition which means different absolute memory locations. A logical address is a reference to a memory location independent of the current assignment of data to memory; a translation must be made to a physical address before the memory access can be achieved. A relative address is a particular example of logical address, in which the address is expressed as a location relative to some known point, usually a value in a processor register. A physical address, or absolute address, is an actual location in main memory. Programs that employ relative addresses in memory are loaded using dynamic run-time loading. Typically, all of the memory references in the loaded process are relative to the origin of the program. Thus, a hardware mechanism is needed for translating relative addresses to physical main memory addresses at the time of execution of the instruction that contains the reference.
PagingMain memory is partitioned into equal fixed-size chunks (块) that are relatively small, and each process is also divided into small fixed-size chunks of the same size. Then the chunks of a process, known as pages, could be assigned to available chunks of memory, known as frams (帧,也可以翻译为页框), or page frames. Divide each process into small equal fixed-size chunks which are called pages (页). The size of pages are equal to the size of frames(页的大小与页框的大小一一对应) The page table for each process maintains: The frame location for each page of the process. A simple base address register will no longer suffice (足够). Rather, the OS maintains a page table for each process. The page table shows the frame location for each page of the process. Within the program, each logical address consists of a page number and an offset within the page. Recall that in the case of simple partition, a processor translates that into a physical address. With paging, the logical-to-physical address translation is still done by processor hardware. Now the processor must know how to access the page table of the current process. Presented with a logical address, the processor uses the page table to produce a physical address. With paging, the partitions are rather small; a program may occupy more than one partition; and these partitions need not be contiguous (连续的). To make this paging scheme convenient, let us dictate that the page size, hence the frame size, must be a power of 2. With the use of a page size that is a power of 2, it’s easy to demonstrate that the relative address (which is defined with reference to the origin of the program) and the logical address (expressed as a page number and offset) are the same. To summarize, with simple paging, main memory is divided into many small equl-size frames. Each process is divided into frame-size pages. Smaller processes require fewer pages; larger processes require more. When a process is brought in, all of its pages are loaded into available frams, and a page table is set up. SegmentationIt is not required that all segments of all programs be of the same length, although there is a maximum segment length. As with paging, a logical address using segmentation consists of two parts, in this case, a segment number and an offset. With segmentation a program may occupy more than one partition, and these partitions need not be contiguous. Segmentation eliminates internal fragmentation but, like dynamic partitioning, it suffers from external fragmentation. However, because a process is broken up into a number of smaller pieces, the external fragmentation should be less. Whereas paging is invisible to the programmer, segmentation is usually visible and is provided as a convenience for organizing programs and data. There is no simple relationship between logical addresses and physical address. Analogous (类似) to paging, a simple segmentation scheme would make use of a segment table for each process, and a list of free blocks of main memory. Each segment table entry would have to give the starting address in main memory of the corresponding segment. The entry should also provide the length of the segment to assure that invalid addresses are not used. When a process enters the Running state, the address of its segment table is loaded into a special register used by the memory management hardware. To summerize, with simple segmentation, a process is divided into a number of segments that need not be of equal size. When a process is brought in, all of its segments are loaded into available regions of memory, and a segment table is set up. Chapter 8 - Virtual MemoryHardware and Control Structures
The OS begins by bringing in only one or a few pieces, to include the initial program piece and the initial data piece to which those instructions refer. The portion of a process that is actually in mian memory at any time is called the resident set of the process. As the process executes, things proceed smoothly as long as all memory references are to locations that are in the resident set. Using the segment or page table, the processor always is able to determine whether this is so. When an address is needed that is not in main memory:
It may immediately occur to you to question the efficiency of this maneuver, in which a process may be executing and have to be interrupted for no other reason than that you have failed to load in all of the needed pieces of the process. There are 2 implications:
Real memory: Main memory which a process executes only in. Virtual memory: A programmer or user perceives a potentially much larger memory that which is allcated on disk. The type of memory that allows for very effective multiprogramming and relieves the user of memory size constraints is referred to as: Virtual memory. Locality and Virtual MemoryThrashing: The system spends most of its time swapping pieces rather than executing instructions. For virtual memory to be practical and effective, two ingredients are needed. First, there must be hardware support for the paging and/or segmentation scheme to be employed. Second, the OS must include software for managing the movement of pages and/or segments between secondary memory and main memory. PagingIn the discussion of simple paging, we indicated that each process has its own page table, and when all of its pages are loaded into main memory, the page table for a process is created and loaded into main memory. Each page table entry (PTE) contains the frame number of the corresponding page in main memory. A bit is needed in each PTE to indicate whether the corresponding page is present § in main memory or not. The page table entry includes a modify (M) bit, indicating whether the contents of the corresponding page have been altered since the page was last loaded into main memory. ![]() Page Table StructureThe basic mechanism for reading a word from memory involves the translation of a virtual, or logical, address, consisting of page number and offset, into a physical address, consisting of frame number and offset, using a page table. When a particular process is running, a register holds the starting address of the page table for that process. The page number of a virtual address is used to index that table and look up the corresponding frame number. The is combined with the offset portion of the virtual address to produce the desired real address. In most systems, there is one page table per process. But each process can occupy huge amounts of virtual memory. Invented Page Table (倒排页表)The page number portion of a virtual address is mapped into a hash value using a simple hashing function. The hash value is a pointer to the inverted page table, which contains the page table entries. There is one entry in the inverted page table for each real memory page frame, rather than one per virtual page. Thus, a fixed proportion of real memory is required for the tables regardless of the number of processes or virtual pages supported. Because more than one virtual address may map into the same hash table entry, a chaining technique is used for managing the overflow. The hashing technique results in chains that are typically short - between one and two entries. The page tables’s structure is called inverted because it indexes page table entries by frame number rather than by virtual page number. Translation Lookaside BufferIn principle, every virtual memory reference can cause two physical memory accesses: one to fetch the appropriate page table entry, and another to fetch the desired data. Thus, a straightforward virtual memory scheme would have the effect of doubling the memory access time. To overcome this problem, most virtual memory schemes make use of a special high-speed cache for page table entries, usually called a translation lookaside buffer (TLB). Page SizeThere are several factors to consider.
SegmentationVirtual Memory ImplicationsSegmentation allows the programmer to view memory as consisting of multiple address spaces or segments. ![]() Advantages:
OrgazizationBecause only some of the segments of a process may be in main memory, a bit is needed in each segment table entry to indicate whether the corresponding segment is present in main memory or not. If the bit indicates that the segment is in memory, then the entry also includes the starting address and length of that segment. Another control bit in the segmentation table entry is a modify bit, indicating whether the contents of the corresponding segment have been altered since the segment was last loaded into main memory. If there has been no change, then it is not necessary to write the segment out when it comes time to replace the segment in the frame that it currently occupies. The basic mechanism for reading a word from memory involves the translation of a virtual, or logical, address, consisting of segment number and offset, into a physical address, using a segment table. Because the segment table is of variable length, depending on the size of the process, we cannot expect to hold it in registers. Instead, it must be in main memory to be accessed. Combined Paging and SegmentationPaging, which is transparent to the programmer, eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides efficient use of main memory. In addition, because the pieces that are moved in and out of main memory are of fixed, equal size, it is possible to develop sophisticated memory management algorithms that exploit the behavior of programs. Segmentation, which is visible to the programmer, has the strengths listed earlier, including the ability to handle growing data structures, modularity, and support for sharing and protection. In a combined paging/segmentation system, a user’s address space is broken up into a number of segments, at the discretion of the programmer. Each segment is, in turn, broken up into a number of fixed-size pages, which are equal in length to a main memory frame. In a combined paging/segmentation system, a user’s address space is broken up into a number of: Variable-sized Segments, which are in turn broken down into fixed-size pages. ![]() Protection and SharingBecause each segment table entry includes a length as well as a base address, a program cannot inadvertently access a main memory location beyond the limits of a segment. To achieve sharing, it is possible for a segment to be referenced in the segment tables of more than one process. More sophisticated mechanisms can also be provided. A common scheme is to use a ring-protection structure. OS SoftwareThe design of the memory management portion of an OS depends on three fundamental areas of choice:
Fetch PolicyWith demand paging (请求分页), a page is brought into main memory only when a reference is made to a location on that page. With prepaging (预先分页), pages other than the one demanded by a page fault are brought in. Prepaging exploits the characteristics of most secondary memory devices, such as disks, which have seek times and rotational latency. The prepaging policy could be employed either when a process first starts up, in which case the programmer would somehow have to designate desired pages, or every time a page fault occurs. Placement PolicyThe placement policy determines where in real memory a process piece is to reside.
Replacement PolicyPage removed should be the page least likely to be referenced in the near future. Frame LockingOne restriction on replacement policy needs to be mentioned before looking at various algorithms: Some of the frames in main memory may be locked. When a frame is locked, the page currently stored in that frame may not be replaced. It associates a lock bit with each frame. Basic AlgorithmReplacement algorithms that have been discussed in the literature include:
The optimal policy selects for replacement that page for which the time to the next reference is the longest. The LRU policy replaces the page in memory that has not been referenced for the longest time. Each page could be tagged with the time of last reference. This would require a great deal of overhead. The FIFO policy treats the page frames allocated to a process as a circular buffer, and pages are removed in round-robin style. Clock policy:
The page replacement algorithm cycles through all of the pages in the buffer, looking for one that has not been modified since being brought in has the advantage that, because it is unmodified, it does not need to be written back out to secondary memory. Page BufferingAn interesting strategy that can improve paging performance and allow the use of a simpler page replacement policy is page buffering. The VAX VMS approach is representative. The page replacement algorithm is simple FIFO. To improve performance, a replaced page is not lost but rather is assigned to one of two lists: the free page list if the page has not beean modified, or the modified page list if it has. Note the page is not physically moved about in main memory; instead, the entry in the page table for this page is removed and placed in either the free or modified page list. Resident Set ManagementResident Set ManagementHow much main memory to allocate to a particular process. Serveral factors come into play:
A fixed-allocation policy gives a process a fixed number of frames in main memory within which to execute. A variable-allocation policy allows the number of page frames allocated to a process to be varied over the lifetime of the process. Replacement ScopeA local replacement policy chooses only among the resident pages of the process that generated the page fault in selecting a page to replace. A global replacement policy considers all unlocked pages in main memory as candidates for replacement, regardless of which process owns a particular page. Fixed Allocation, Global ScopeFor this case, we have a process that is running in main memory with a fixed number of frames. When a page fault occurs, the OS must choose which page is to be replaced from among the currently resident pages for this process. With a fixed-allocation policy, it is necessary to decide ahead of time the amount of allocation to give to a process. This could be decided on the basis of the type of application and the amount requested by the program. Variable Allocation, Global ScopeThe combination is perhaps the easiest to implement and has been adopted in a number of OSs. At any given time, there are a number of processes in main memory, each with a certain number of frames allocated to it. The difficulty with this approach is in the replacement choice. One way to counter the potential performance problems of a variable-allocation, global-scope policy is to use page buffering. Variable Allocation, Local Scope
With this strategy, the decision to increase or decrease a resident set size is a deliberate one, and is based on an assessment of the likely future demands of active processes. It’s more complex than a simple global replacement policy. However, it may yield better performance. The key elements of the variable-allocation, local-scope strategy are the criteria used to determine resident set size and the timing of changes. The working set strategy would be difficult to implement but is useful to examine it as a baseline for comparison. An algorithm that follows this strategy is the page fault frequency (PFF) algorithm. A major flaw in the PFF approach is that it does not perform well during the transient periods when there is a shift to a new locality. An approach that attempts to deal with the phenomenon of interlocality transition, with a similar relatively low overhead to that of PFF, is the variable-interval sampled working set (VSWS). The VSWS policy evaluates the working set of a process at sampling instances based on elapsed virtual time. Cleaning PolicyCleaning policy is concerning with determining when a modified page should be written out to secondary memory. 2 choices:
A better approach incorporates page buffering: Clean only pages that are replaceable, but decouple the cleaning and replacement operations. Load ControlIf too few processes are resident at any one time, then there will be many occasions when all processes are blocked, and much time will be spent in swapping. On the other hand, if too many processes are resident, then, on average, the size of the resident set of each process will be inadequate and frequent faulting will occur. The result is thrashing (抖动). Multiprogramming Level
Process SuspensionIf the deree of multiprogramming is to be reduced, one or more of the currently resident processes must be suspended (swapped out). The followings are 6 possibilities:
Chapter 9 - Uniprocessor SchedulingThe decision as to which job to admit to the system next can be based on which of the following criteria: Priority, Simple FIFO, I/O requirements. Types of Processor schedulingThe aim of processor scheduling is to assign processes to be executed by the processor or processors over time, in a way that meets system objectives, such as response time (响应事件), throughput (吞吐率), and processor efficiency (处理器效率). In many system, this scheduling activity is broken down into three separate functions: long-, medium-, and short-term scheduling.
Long-term SchedulingThe long-term scheduler determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing. (确定哪些程序被允许进入系统被执行) Thus, it controls the degree of multiprogramming (控制并发度). More processes, smaller percentage of time each process is executed. (进程越多,执行每个进程的时间百分比越小) Medium-term SchedulingMedium-term scheduling is part of the swapping function. The swapping-in decision is based on the need to manage the degree of multiprogramming.(换入决定取决于管理系统并发度需求) Short-term SchedulingThe short-term scheduler, also known as the dispatcher, executes most frequently and makes the fine-grained decision of which process to execute next. The short-term scheduler is invoked whenever an event occurs that may lead to the blocking of the current in favor of another. Examples of such events include:
Scheduling AlgorithmsShort-term Scheduling CriteriaThe main objective of short-term scheduling is to allocate processor time in such a way as to optimize one or more aspects of system behavior. The commonly used criteria can be categorized along two dimensions: user-oriented and system-oriented criteria.
Another dimension along which criteria can be classified is those that are performance related, and those that are not directly performance related. Response time in an interactive system is an example of: User-oriented criteria for short-term scheduling policies. Scheduling Criteria:
The Use of PrioritiesIn many systems, each process is assigned a priority, and the scheduler will always choose a process of higher priority over one of lower priority.
Alternative Scheduling PoliciesTerms:
First-Come-First-ServedAs each process becomes ready, it joins the ready queue.
Round-RobinA clock interrupt is generated at periodic intervals. When the interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in the ready queue, and the next ready job is selected on a FCFS basis. This technique is also known as time slicing, because each process is give a slice of time before being preempted. Round robin is particularly effective in a general-purpose time-sharing system or transaction processing system. 从一个进程切换到另一个进程是需要一定时间进行管理事务处理的——保存和装入寄存器值及内存映像、更新各种表格和列表、清除和重新调入内存高速缓存 等。假如进程切换(process switch),有时称为上下文切换(context switch),需要1ms,包括切换内存映像、清除和重新调入高速缓存等。再假设时间片设为4ms。有了这些参数,则CPU在做完4ms有用的工作之 后,CPU将花费(即浪费)1ms来进行进程切换。因此,CPU时间的20%浪费在管理开销上。很清楚,这一管理时间太多了。 Shortest Process NextThis is a nonpreemptive inherent in which the process with the shortest expected processing time is selected next. Thus, a short process will jump to the head of the queue past longer jobs. One difficulty with the SPN policy is the need to know (or at least estimate) the required processing time of each process. 一种办法是根据进程过去的行为进行推测,并执行估计运行时间最短的那一个。假设某个终端上每条命令的估计运行时间为T0 。现在假设测量到其下一次运行时间为T1 。可以用这两个值的加权和来改进估计时间,即aT0 +(1-a)T1 。通过选择a的值,可以决定是尽快忘掉老的运行时间,还是在一段长时间内始终记住它 们。 有时把这种通过当前测量值和先前估计值进行加权平均而得到下一个估计值的技术称作老化(aging)。它适用于许多预测值必须基于先前值的情况。老化算法在a=1/2时特别容易实现,只需将新值加到当前估计值上,然后除以2(即右移一位)。 A risk with SPN is the possibility of starvation for longer processes, as long as there is a steady supply of shorter processes. On the other hand, although SPN reduces the bias in favor of longer jobs, it still is not desirable for a time-sharing or transaction-processing environment because of the lack of preemption. Shorest Remaining TimeThe shortest remaining time (SRT) policy is a preemptive version of SPN. In this case, the scheduler always chooses the process that has the shortest expected remaining processing time. 调度程序总是选择剩余运行时间最短的那个进程运行。当一个新的作业到达时,其整个时间同当前进程的剩余时间做比较。如果新的进程比当前运行进程需要更少的时间,当前进程就被挂起,而运行新的进程。 Highest Response Ratio NextR = w + s s R=\frac{w+s}{s} R=sw+s?
FeedbackScheduling is done on a preemptive (at time quantum) basis, and a dynamic priority mechanism is used. Performance ComparisonFair-Share SchedulingScheduling is done on the basis of
The higher the numerical value of the priority the lower the priority. The strategy that schedules processes based on their group affiliation is generally referred to as: Fair share scheduling. Chapter 11 - I/O Management & Disk SchedulingI/O DevicesRoughly grouped into three categories:
Difference in I/O Devices:
An example of the key differences that can exist across (and even in) classes of I/O devices is: Error conditions, Data rate, Data representation. Organization of the I/O Function
The I/O technique where the processor busy waits for an I/O operation to complete is called: Programmed I/O. Evolution of the I/O Function
The bus configuration for DMA that provides no path other than the system bus between the DMA module(s) and I/O devices is: Single bus, detached DMA. OS Design IssuesDesign ObjectivesEfficiency and generality are most important objectives in designing the I/O facility. (效率与通用性)
The primary objective in designing the I/O facility of a computer system that deals with the desire to handle all I/O devices in a uniform manner is referred to as: Generality. I/O BufferingReasons for buffering:
Define of I/O buffering: Performs input transfers in advance of requests being made, and performs output transfers some time after the request is made. (预输入,缓输出) Two types of I/O devices:
An example of a block-oriented I/O device is: CD-ROM. Single Buffer (单缓冲)OS assigns one buffer in the system space for an I/O request. Block-oriented single buffering
Advantages of block-oriented single buffer:
Disadvantages of block-oriented single buffer:
Stream-oriented single buffer
Double BufferUse two system buffers instead of one. A process can transfer data to or from one buffer while the OS empties or fills the other buffer. Circular BufferMore than two buffers are used. Each individual buffer is one unit in a circular buffer. Used when I/O operation must keep up with process. Disk SchedulingDisk Performance ParametersTo read or write, the disk head must be positioned at the desired track (磁道) and at the beginning of the desired sector (扇区).
The total average access time can be expressed as: T a = T s + 1 2 r + b r N T_a=T_s+{\frac{1}{2r}+{\frac{b}{rN}}} Ta?=Ts?+2r1?+rNb? Disk Scheduling PoliciesSeek time and rotational delay are the reasons for differences in performance. Random scheduling:
The following disk scheduling policy is useful as a benchmark against which to evaluate other disk scheduling policies because it provides a worst-case scenario: Random scheduling. FIFOProcess request sequentially. Fair to all processes. Approaches random scheduling in performance if there are many processes. Priority
LIFOGood for transaction processing systems. Possibility of starvation since a job may never regain the head of the line unless the queue in front of it empties. Shortest Service Time First (SSTF)Select the disk I/O request that requires the least movement of the disk arm from its current position. Always choose the minimum Seek time. SCANArm moves in one direction only, satisfying all outstanding requests until it reaches the last track in that direction. The service direction is then reversed and the scan proceeds in the opposite direction, again picking up all requests in order. C-SCAN (circular SCAN)Restricts scanning to one direction only. When the last track has been visited in one direction, the arm is returned to the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins again. N-step-SCANN-step-SCAN segments the disk request queue into subqueues of length N. Subqueues are processed one at a time, using SCAN. New requests added to other queue when queue is processed To solve: If one or a few processes have high access rates to one track, they can monopolize the entire device by repeated requests to that track. FSCANFSCAN is a policy that uses two subqueues. One queue is empty for new requests. The disk scheduling algorithm that implements two subqueues in a measure to avoid the problem of “arm stickiness” is the: FSCAN. RAID
Disk CacheBuffer in main memory for disk sectors. Contains a copy of some of the sectors on the disk. Two design issues:
Design ConsiderationsLRU
The disk cache replacement strategy that replaces the block that has experienced the fewest references is called: Least Frequently Used (LFU). Chapter 12 - File ManagementOverviewFile and File SystemsFile Management
File System Properties
File Operations
File StructureA field is the basic element of data. A record is a collection of related fields that can be treated as a unit by some application. A file is a collection of similar records. A database is a collection of related data. File Management SystemsFile System Architecture
The level of the file system architecture that enables users and applications to access file records is called the: Logical I/O level. File Management Functions
File Organization and AccessCriteria for File Organization:
The PileData are collected in the order in which they arrive. The purpose of the pile is simply to accumulate the mass of data and save it. Each record consists of one burst of data. No structure. Record access is by exhaustive search. (彻底的搜索) The Sequential FileAll records are of the same length, consisting of the same number of fixed-length fields in a particular order. One particular field, usually the first field in each record, is referred to as the key field. New records are placed in a log file or transaction file. Batch update is performed to merge the log file with the master file. Sequential files are typically used in batch applications and are generally optimum for such applications if they involve the processing of all the records. The Indexed Sequential FileSequential file + index + overflow file Index provides a lookup capability to quickly reach the vicinity of the desired revord.
The Indexed FileUse multiple indexes for defferent key fields.
Index files itself are sequential file. The Direct or Hashed FileDirectly access a block at a known address. Key field required for each record. Hash based on the key field. Direct files are often used where very rapid access is required, where fixed-length records are used, and where records are always accessed one at a time. File DirectoriesContentsContains information about files:
Directory itself is a file owned by the OS. Provides mapping between file names and the files themselves.
StructureSimple Structure for a DirectoryRepresented by a simple sequential file with the name of the file serving as the key. (用顺序文件代表目录,该目录下的文件名做该顺序文件的关键字) Forces user to be careful not to use the same name for two different files. (文件不能重名) Two-level Scheme for a Directory
However, it still provides users with no help in structuring collections of files. Hierarchical, or Tree-Structure DirectoryFiles can be located by following a path from the root, or master, directory down various branches. NamingFiles can be located (文件定位) by following a path from the root, or master, directory down various branches(文件可以通过从根目录或主目录到各个分支的路径来定位) Can have several files with the same file name (文件同名) as long as they have unique path names (文件名可以重复,只要唯一的路径名) Current directory is the working directory. Files are referenced relative to the working directory. In a tree-structured directory, the series of directory names that culminates in a file name is referred to as the: Pathname. File SharingIn multiuser system, allow files to be shared among users. Two issues:
Access Rights
These rights can be considered to constitute (构成) a hierarchy, with each right implying those that precede it. (这些权限构成了一个层次,每项权限都隐含着它前面的那些权限) Owners
Simultaneous AccessUser may lock entire file when it is to be updated. (文件锁定) User may lock the individual records during the update. (记录锁定) Mutual exclusion and deadlock are issues for shared access. (互斥和死锁的问题) Record Blocking (记录组块)
Fixed blocking is the common mode for sequential files with fixed-length records. Variable-length spanned blocking is efficient of storage and does not limit the size of records. However, this technique is difficult to implement. Records that span two blocks require two I/O operations, and files are difficult to update, regardless of the organization. Variable-length unspanned blocking results in wasted space and limits record size to the size of a block. Secondary Storage ManagementFile AllocationFile allocation table (FAT) is used to track portions allocated to files.(FAT用于跟踪分配给文件的分区) Preallocation vs Dynamic Allocation
File Allocation MethodsContiguous AllocationSingle set of blocks is allocated to a file at the time of creation. Only a single entry in the file allocation table. (Starting block and length of the file) External fragmentation will occur. (Need to perform compaction,需要压缩算法) Chained AllcationAllocation on basis of individual block. (基于单个块进行分配) Each block contains a pointer to the next block in the chain. (每个块有一个指针指向下一个块) Only single entry in the file allocation table. (文件分配表中只有一项) No external fragmentation. Best for sequential files. No accommodation of the principle of locality (局部性原理不再适用),so consolidation (迁移、集结) is need to move blocks adjacent each other. Indexed AllocationFile allocation table contains a separate one-level index for each file (每个文件在文件分配表中有一个一级索引) The file allocation table contains block number for the index (文件分配表指向该文件在磁盘上的索引块) The index has one entry for each portion allocated to the file (分配给文件的每个分区都在索引中都有一个表项) Indexed allocation supports both sequential and direct access to the file and thus is the most popular form of file allocation.(索引分配支持对文件的顺序和直接访问,因此是最流行的文件分配形式) Free Space Management
ReliabilityUse a lock to prevent interfere among processes and make sure of consistent of space allocation(使用锁来防止进程之间的干扰,并确保空间分配的一致性) |
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