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去年笔者分享了两篇内存访问越界的定位方法,第一种方法用到了mprotect系统调用设置内存属性,第二种方法则未用到该系统调用。两种方法对于调试用的简单应用都有效,不过笔者编写的调试应用是单线程的。在具体的工作实践中,只用到过第一种方法;因此不确定第二种方法效果如何。笔者认为这两种方法有一些缺点,某些情况下甚至可能会失效,例如系统调用产生的内存访问越界:read(fd, buf, buflen + overflowsize)。此外,第二种方法需要知晓具体的内存分配的数据结构,笔者希望通过本文,进一步解析基于ptmalloc的内存分配数据,为以后调试内存异常补充新的调试方法。



  • 通常情况下,每创建一个新的线程,便为之分配一个新的堆,并通过malloc_state结构体来管理;
  • 每个线程的局部存储变量都存放了一个malloc_state结构体指针,在访问时通过对mutex加锁实现互斥;
  • 主线程的堆空间通常通过brk(或sbrk)系统调用来分配(大内存块的分区可能会用mmap来分配);
  • 子线程的堆空间通过mmap系统调用来分配,单个线程的malloc_state可能包含多个不连续堆空间;


/* glibc-2.31/malloc/malloc.c */
struct malloc_state
  /* Serialize access.  */
  __libc_lock_define (, mutex);

  /* Flags (formerly in max_fast).  */
  int flags;

  /* Set if the fastbin chunks contain recently inserted free blocks.  */
  /* Note this is a bool but not all targets support atomics on booleans.  */
  int have_fastchunks;

  /* Fastbins */
  mfastbinptr fastbinsY[NFASTBINS];

  /* Base of the topmost chunk -- not otherwise kept in a bin */
  mchunkptr top;

  /* The remainder from the most recent split of a small request */
  mchunkptr last_remainder;

  /* Normal bins packed as described above */
  mchunkptr bins[NBINS * 2 - 2];

  /* Bitmap of bins */
  unsigned int binmap[BINMAPSIZE];

  /* Linked list */
  struct malloc_state *next;

  /* Linked list for free arenas.  Access to this field is serialized
     by free_list_lock in arena.c.  */
  struct malloc_state *next_free;

  /* Number of threads attached to this arena.  0 if the arena is on
     the free list.  Access to this field is serialized by
     free_list_lock in arena.c.  */
  INTERNAL_SIZE_T attached_threads;

  /* Memory allocated from the system in this arena.  */
  INTERNAL_SIZE_T system_mem;
  INTERNAL_SIZE_T max_system_mem;


/* glibc-2.31/malloc/malloc.c */
static struct malloc_state main_arena =
  .next = &main_arena,
  .attached_threads = 1




/* glibc-2.31/malloc/arena.c */
/* A heap is a single contiguous memory region holding (coalesceable)
   malloc_chunks.  It is allocated with mmap() and always starts at an
   address aligned to HEAP_MAX_SIZE.  */

typedef struct _heap_info
  mstate ar_ptr; /* Arena for this heap. */
  struct _heap_info *prev; /* Previous heap. */
  size_t size;   /* Current size in bytes. */
  size_t mprotect_size; /* Size in bytes that has been mprotected
                           PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE.  */
  /* Make sure the following data is properly aligned, particularly
     that sizeof (heap_info) + 2 * SIZE_SZ is a multiple of
  char pad[-6 * SIZE_SZ & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK];
} heap_info;


/* glibc-2.31/malloc/arena.c */
static void
dump_heap (heap_info *heap)
  char *ptr;
  mchunkptr p;

  fprintf (stderr, "Heap %p, size %10lx:\n", heap, (long) heap->size);
  ptr = (heap->ar_ptr != (mstate) (heap + 1)) ?
        (char *) (heap + 1) : (char *) (heap + 1) + sizeof (struct malloc_state);
  p = (mchunkptr) (((unsigned long) ptr + MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK) &




#!/usr/bin/env python3

class ptmalloc(gdb.Command):
    """Dump GNU Libc ptmalloc state"""
    def __init__(self):
        super(ptmalloc, self).__init__("ptmalloc", gdb.COMMAND_USER)
        # get the type of ulong:
        self.type_ulong          = gdb.lookup_type('unsigned long')
        self.type_ulong_ptr      = self.type_ulong.pointer()
        # get the type of malloc_state:
        self.type_mstate         = gdb.lookup_type('struct malloc_state')
        self.type_mstate_ptr     = self.type_mstate.pointer()
        # get the type of malloc_chunk:
        self.type_mchunk         = gdb.lookup_type('struct malloc_chunk')
        self.type_mchunk_ptr     = self.type_mchunk.pointer()
        # get the type of heap:
        self.type_heap           = gdb.lookup_type('struct _heap_info')
        self.type_heap_ptr       = self.type_heap.pointer()
        # set the address of main_arena
        self.addr_main_arena     = 0x0 # NULL pointer!
        # set the heap maximum size
        self.heap_max_size       = 0x4000000 # 64MB for 64-bit system
        # self.heap_max_size       = 0x0100000 # 1MB for 32-bit system
        # set the heap pointer mask
        self.heap_mask           = self.heap_max_size - 0x1
        # malloc align and mask
        self.malloc_align        = 0x2 * self.type_ulong.sizeof
        self.malloc_align_mask   = self.malloc_align - 0x1

    def get_main_arena(self):
        # `main_arena is defined in malloc/malloc.c
        marena = gdb.lookup_static_symbol('main_arena')
        if marena is None:
            gdb.write('Error, failed to lookup symbol main_arena!\n', gdb.STDERR)
            return None, 0x0
        # get the value of main_arena:
        marena = marena.value()
        # get the address of main_arena
        maddr = int(marena.address.cast(self.type_ulong))
        assert(maddr > 0) # the address must not be NULL
        # update `addr_main_arena
        self.addr_main_arena = maddr
        return marena, maddr

    def check_mstate(self, mstate):
        if mstate is None:
            return None, 0x0
        if not isinstance(mstate, gdb.Value):
            gdb.write("Error, attempt to check unknown type as mstate: {}\n".format(
                str(type(mstate))), gdb.STDERR)
            return None, 0x0
        maddr = int(mstate.cast(self.type_ulong))
        if maddr == 0:
            gdb.write("Warning, null malloc state.\n", gdb.STDERR)
            return None, 0x0
        if maddr == self.addr_main_arena:
            gdb.write("Warning, main arena show up again.\n", gdb.STDERR)
            return None, 0x0
        mstate = mstate.cast(self.type_mstate_ptr).dereference()
        return mstate, maddr

    def dump_size(self, memsize):
        memstr, sepcha = "", ""
        if isinstance(memsize, gdb.Value):
            memsize = int(memsize.cast(self.type_ulong))
        elif not isinstance(memsize, int):
            gdb.write("Error, invalid size type: {}".format(str(type(memsize))), gdb.STDERR)
            return ""
        if memsize >= 0x40000000:
            sepcha = ", "
            memstr = "{0} GB".format(memsize // 0x40000000)
            memsize = memsize & (0x40000000 - 0x1)
        if memsize >= 0x100000:
            if len(sepcha) > 0:
                memstr += sepcha
                sepcha = ", "
            memstr += "{} MB".format(memsize // 0x100000)
            memsize = memsize & (0x100000 - 0x1)
        if len(sepcha) > 0:
            memstr += sepcha
        memstr += "{:.02f} KB".format(memsize / 0x400)
        return memstr

    def is_main_arena(self, arena):
        addr = 0x0
        if isinstance(arena, int):
            addr = arena
        elif isinstance(arena, gdb.Value):
            addr = int(arena.address.cast(self.type_ulong))
            gdb.write("Error, unknown arena type: {}\n".format(
                str(type(arena))), gdb.STDERR)
            return False
        return addr != 0 and self.addr_main_arena == addr

    def dump_fastbins(self, mstate):
        fbins = mstate['fastbinsY']
        ftbins = fbins.type
        if ftbins.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_ARRAY:
            gdb.write("Error, fastbins should be an array: {}\n".format(
                ftbins.code), gdb.STDERR)
            return False
        for count in range(10):
            fbin_ptr = fbins[count]
            fbin_addr = fbin_ptr.cast(self.type_ulong)
            if fbin_addr == 0:
            gdb.write('\tfastbinsY[{}]:     {:#x}\n'.format(count, int(fbin_addr)))
        return True

    def dump_named_chunk(self, mstate, name):
        top_ptr = mstate[name].cast(self.type_mchunk_ptr)
        top_chk = top_ptr.dereference()
        top_ptr = top_ptr.cast(self.type_ulong)
        if top_ptr == 0:
            return False
        gdb.write("\t{} chunk at {:#x}:\n".format(name.title(), int(top_ptr)))
        curr_size = int(top_chk['mchunk_size'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        if (curr_size & 0x1) != 0:
            gdb.write('\t\tPrevious chunk is in use.\n')
            prev_size = int(top_chk['mchunk_prev_size'].cast(self.type_ulong))
            gdb.write('\t\tPrevious chunk size:    {0:#x} ({1})\n'.format(
                prev_size, self.dump_size(prev_size)))
        gdb.write('\t\tmapped:            {}\n'.format(
            (curr_size & 0x2) != 0))
        gdb.write('\t\tnot main arena:    {}\n'.format(
            (curr_size & 0x4) != 0))
        curr_size &= ~0x7
        gdb.write('\t\tchunk size:        {0:#x} ({1})\n'.format(
            curr_size, self.dump_size(curr_size)))
        return True

    def dump_free_chunks(self, mstate):
        binaddr = mstate['bins'][0].address.cast(self.type_ulong)
        binaddr = binaddr - 0x2 * self.type_ulong.sizeof
        mcount, mtotal = 0x0, 0x0
        for idx in range(1, 128):
            bin_ptr = binaddr + (idx - 1) * 0x2 * self.type_ulong.sizeof
            bin_addr = int(bin_ptr)
            bin_at = bin_ptr.cast(self.type_mchunk_ptr).dereference()
            bin_fd_ptr = bin_at['fd'].cast(self.type_mchunk_ptr)
            bin_fd_addr = int(bin_fd_ptr.cast(self.type_ulong))
            if bin_fd_addr == 0 or bin_addr == bin_fd_addr:
            count, total = 0, 0
            while bin_addr != bin_fd_addr:
                count += 1
                bin_fd = bin_fd_ptr.dereference()
                memsize = int(bin_fd['mchunk_size'].cast(self.type_ulong))
                memsize &= ~0x7; total += memsize
                bin_fd_ptr = bin_fd['fd'].cast(self.type_mchunk_ptr)
                bin_fd_addr = int(bin_fd_ptr.cast(self.type_ulong))
                if bin_fd_addr == 0:
                    gdb.write('\t\tWarning, null mchunkptr found at {}\n'.format(
                        count), gdb.STDERR)
            # gdb.write('\t\tchunk at {}, count: {}, total size: {}\n'.format(
            #    idx, count, self.dump_size(total)))
            mcount += count
            mtotal += total
        gdb.write('\tfree chunks:      {}\n'.format(mcount))
        gdb.write('\tfree chunk size:  {:#x} ({})\n'.format(mtotal, self.dump_size(mtotal)))
        return True

    def dump_heaps(self, mstate, maddr):
        if self.is_main_arena(mstate):
            # main_arena does not have associated heap structure ?
            # The answer is: I don't known yet.
            return True
        count = 0
        heap_ptr = mstate['top'].cast(self.type_ulong) & ~self.heap_mask
        heap_addr = heap_ptr
        heap_ptr = heap_ptr.cast(self.type_heap_ptr)
        while heap_addr != 0:
            heap = heap_ptr.dereference()
            m_addr = int(heap['ar_ptr'].cast(self.type_ulong))
            heap_size = int(heap['size'].cast(self.type_ulong))
            chunk_addr = heap_addr + heap.type.sizeof
            if chunk_addr == maddr:
                chunk_addr += mstate.type.sizeof
            if (chunk_addr & self.malloc_align_mask) != 0:
                chunk_addr += self.malloc_align_mask
                chunk_addr &= ~self.malloc_align_mask
            gdb.write('\theap[{}] at address: {:#x}\n'.format(count, int(heap_addr)))
            gdb.write('\t\tchunk for heap:    {:#x}\n'.format(int(chunk_addr)))
            gdb.write('\t\tarena for heap:    {:#x}\n'.format(m_addr))
            gdb.write('\t\tsize for heap:     {:#x} ({})\n'.format(
                heap_size, self.dump_size(heap_size)))
            count += 1
            heap_ptr = heap['prev']
            heap_addr = heap_ptr.cast(self.type_ulong)
        return True

    def dump_mstate(self, mstate, maddr):
        mutex          = int(mstate['mutex'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        flags          = int(mstate['flags'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        have_fast      = int(mstate['have_fastchunks'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        naddr          = int(mstate['next'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        nfree          = int(mstate['next_free'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        threads        = int(mstate['attached_threads'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        system_mem     = int(mstate['system_mem'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        max_system_mem = int(mstate['max_system_mem'].cast(self.type_ulong))
        gdb.write('Arena at address {:#x} ->\n'.format(maddr))
        gdb.write('\tmain_arena:       {}\n'.format(self.is_main_arena(maddr)))
        gdb.write('\tmutex:            {}\n'.format(mutex))
        gdb.write('\tflags:            {:#x}\n'.format(flags))
        gdb.write('\thave_fastchunks:  {}\n'.format(have_fast))
        gdb.write('\tattached_threads: {}\n'.format(threads))
        gdb.write('\tsystem_mem:       {0:#x} ({1})\n'.format(
            system_mem, self.dump_size(system_mem)))
        gdb.write('\tmax_mem:          {0:#x} ({1})\n'.format(
            max_system_mem, self.dump_size(max_system_mem)))
        self.dump_heaps(mstate, maddr)
        self.dump_named_chunk(mstate, 'top')
        self.dump_named_chunk(mstate, 'last_remainder')
        gdb.write('\tnext free:        {:#x}\n'.format(nfree))
        gdb.write('\tnext arena:       {:#x}\n'.format(naddr))
        gdb.write('\n'); gdb.flush(gdb.STDOUT)
        return True

    def invoke(self, args, fromtty):
        marena, maddr = self.get_main_arena()
        if marena is None:
            return False
        self.dump_mstate(marena, maddr)
        arena, addr = self.check_mstate(marena["next"])
        while arena is not None:
            self.dump_mstate(arena, addr)
            arena, addr = self.check_mstate(arena["next"])
        return True


(gdb) source
(gdb) ptmalloc
Arena at address 0x7ffff7f82b80 ->
	main_arena:       True
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x0
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x21000 (132.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x21000 (132.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x555555559fa0:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x20060 (128.09 KB)
	free chunks:      0
	free chunk size:  0x0 (0.00 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7fffcc000020

Arena at address 0x7fffcc000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x1144c000 (276 MB, 304.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x11708000 (279 MB, 32.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7fffa4000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffa4000020
		arena for heap:    0x7fffcc000020
		size for heap:     0x15e0000 (21 MB, 896.00 KB)
	heap[1] at address: 0x7fffac000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffac000020
		arena for heap:    0x7fffcc000020
		size for heap:     0x3f9c000 (63 MB, 624.00 KB)
	heap[2] at address: 0x7fffa8000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffa8000020
		arena for heap:    0x7fffcc000020
		size for heap:     0x3f2a000 (63 MB, 168.00 KB)
	heap[3] at address: 0x7fffb8000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffb8000020
		arena for heap:    0x7fffcc000020
		size for heap:     0x3fa6000 (63 MB, 664.00 KB)
	heap[4] at address: 0x7fffcc000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffcc0008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7fffcc000020
		size for heap:     0x4000000 (64 MB, 0.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7fffa55bf1e0:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x20e20 (131.53 KB)
	free chunks:      251
	free chunk size:  0x152ce50 (21 MB, 179.58 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7fffd4000020

Arena at address 0x7fffd4000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x8e3f000 (142 MB, 252.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x8e3f000 (142 MB, 252.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7fffa0000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffa0000020
		arena for heap:    0x7fffd4000020
		size for heap:     0xe97000 (14 MB, 604.00 KB)
	heap[1] at address: 0x7fffb4000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffb4000020
		arena for heap:    0x7fffd4000020
		size for heap:     0x3fed000 (63 MB, 948.00 KB)
	heap[2] at address: 0x7fffd4000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffd40008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7fffd4000020
		size for heap:     0x3fbb000 (63 MB, 748.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7fffa0e96f20:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0xe0 (0.22 KB)
	free chunks:      247
	free chunk size:  0xd389d0 (13 MB, 226.45 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7fffd8000020

Arena at address 0x7fffd8000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x4539000 (69 MB, 228.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x4539000 (69 MB, 228.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7fffb0000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffb0000020
		arena for heap:    0x7fffd8000020
		size for heap:     0x54d000 (5 MB, 308.00 KB)
	heap[1] at address: 0x7fffd8000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffd80008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7fffd8000020
		size for heap:     0x3fec000 (63 MB, 944.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7fffb04ee220:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x5ede0 (379.47 KB)
	Last_Remainder chunk at 0x7fffd9655780:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    True
		chunk size:        0xd370 (52.86 KB)
	free chunks:      492
	free chunk size:  0x4accb0 (4 MB, 691.17 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7fffe4000020

Arena at address 0x7fffe4000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x2300000 (35 MB, 0.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x2300000 (35 MB, 0.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7fffe4000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffe40008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7fffe4000020
		size for heap:     0x2300000 (35 MB, 0.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7fffe62ff5f0:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0xa10 (2.52 KB)
	Last_Remainder chunk at 0x7fffe4a888c0:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x20 (0.03 KB)
	free chunks:      490
	free chunk size:  0x2f9130 (2 MB, 996.30 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7fffe0000020

Arena at address 0x7fffe0000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x10f3000 (16 MB, 972.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x10f3000 (16 MB, 972.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7fffe0000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffe00008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7fffe0000020
		size for heap:     0x10f3000 (16 MB, 972.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7fffe10f2d50:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x2b0 (0.67 KB)
	Last_Remainder chunk at 0x7fffe053ef30:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x20 (0.03 KB)
	free chunks:      652
	free chunk size:  0xc3370 (780.86 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7fffec000020

Arena at address 0x7fffec000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x8a9000 (8 MB, 676.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x8a9000 (8 MB, 676.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7fffec000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffec0008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7fffec000020
		size for heap:     0x8a9000 (8 MB, 676.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7fffec8a89b0:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x650 (1.58 KB)
	Last_Remainder chunk at 0x7fffec4cdb60:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x30 (0.05 KB)
	free chunks:      595
	free chunk size:  0x7cc20 (499.03 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7fffe8000020

Arena at address 0x7fffe8000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x451000 (4 MB, 324.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x451000 (4 MB, 324.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7fffe8000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7fffe80008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7fffe8000020
		size for heap:     0x451000 (4 MB, 324.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7fffe8450950:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x6b0 (1.67 KB)
	Last_Remainder chunk at 0x7fffe8089db0:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0xb0 (0.17 KB)
	free chunks:      227
	free chunk size:  0x12140 (72.31 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7ffff0000020

Arena at address 0x7ffff0000020 ->
	main_arena:       False
	mutex:            0
	flags:            0x2
	have_fastchunks:  0
	attached_threads: 1
	system_mem:       0x249000 (2 MB, 292.00 KB)
	max_mem:          0x249000 (2 MB, 292.00 KB)
	heap[0] at address: 0x7ffff0000000
		chunk for heap:    0x7ffff00008c0
		arena for heap:    0x7ffff0000020
		size for heap:     0x249000 (2 MB, 292.00 KB)
	Top chunk at 0x7ffff0248b90:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x470 (1.11 KB)
	Last_Remainder chunk at 0x7ffff014f1f0:
		Previous chunk is in use.
		mapped:            False
		not main arena:    False
		chunk size:        0x40 (0.06 KB)
	free chunks:      30
	free chunk size:  0xf80 (3.88 KB)
	next free:        0x0
	next arena:       0x7ffff7f82b80

Warning, main arena show up again.
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