需要下载两个工具: DOSBox和debug.exe 可以从官网下载,百度直接下载也行 DOSBox官网
如果我们直接输入debug ,那么会提示非法命令 所以这时候我们还需要debug.exe
我们把debug.exe 的文件放到C盘的根目录 下,然后在DOSBox 中挂载它(和linux的挂载一样,不懂的可以不管,但是还是要做这一步)
输入mount c c:\
然后输入debug ,就可以使用了
不过有个缺点,就是每次打开DOSBox 都要挂载,有兴趣的话看看官方文档怎么说的
13. The configuration (options) file:
The configuration file is automatically created the first time you run DOSBox. The file can be found in:
(Windows) "Start/WinLogo Menu"->"All Programs"->DOSBox-0.74-3->Options
(Linux) ~/.dosbox/dosbox-0.74-3.conf
(MAC OS X) "~/Library/Preferences/DOSBox 0.74-3 Preferences"
The file is divided into several sections. Each section starts with a [section name] line. The settings are the property=value lines where value can be altered to customize DOSBox.
# and % indicate comment-lines.
An extra configuration file can be generated by CONFIG.COM, which can be found on the internal DOSBox Z: drive when you start up DOSBox. Look in the Section 4: "Internal programs" for usage of CONFIG.COM. You can start DOSBox with the -conf switch to load the generated file and use its settings.
DOSBox will load configuration files that are specified with -conf. If none were specified, it will try to load "dosbox.conf" from the local directory. If there is none, DOSBox will load the user configuration file. This file will be created if it doesn't exist.
Important!: In Windows Vista/7 the configuration file won't work correctly if it is located in "Windows" or "Program Files" folder or their subfolders, or directly on c:\, so the best place for storing extra configuration files is for example: C:\oldgames