主要第一次学, 代码的话也就边抄边学 先把代码放上来
from socket import *
tcpSerPort = 8899
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
tcpSerSock.bind(('', tcpSerPort))
while True:
print('Ready to serve...')
tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
print('Received a connection from: ', addr)
message = tcpCliSock.recv(4096).decode()
filename = message.split()[1].partition("//")[2].replace('/', '_')
fileExist = "false"
f = open(filename, "r")
outputdata = f.readlines()
fileExist = "true"
print('File Exists!')
for i in range(0, len(outputdata)):
print('Read from cache')
except IOError:
print('File Exist: ', fileExist)
if fileExist == "false":
print('Creating socket on proxyserver')
c = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
hostn = message.split()[1].partition("//")[2].partition("/")[0]
print('Host Name: ', hostn)
c.connect((hostn, 80))
print('Socket connected to port 80 of the host')
buff = c.recv(4096)
tmpFile = open("./" + filename, "w")
tmpFile.writelines(buff.decode().replace('\r\n', '\n'))
print("Illegal request")
print('File Not Found...Stupid Andy')
Problem1 python socket.send和sendall()区别
socket.send is a low-level method and basically just the C/syscall method send(3) / send(2). It can send less bytes than you requested, but returns the number of bytes sent.
socket.sendall is a high-level Python-only method that sends the entire buffer you pass or throws an exception. It does that by calling socket.send until everything has been sent or an error occurs.
If you’re using TCP with blocking sockets and don’t want to be bothered by internals (this is the case for most simple network applications), use sendall.
简单来说send一般确定大小, 少于你填的参数比如1024, 4096 sendall将整个缓存给你传过去了 如果不想被中断之类的干扰传输过程, 就用sendll
Problem2 string.split()[].patition()
这个主要是对数据报的切分处理 split() 默认以空格作为切割 [0] 会返回第一个空格/分割符前面的字符串 [1] 返回后面的字符串 patition("//") 将字符串分割成三分 [0] //之前 [1] // [2] //后面
Problem3 file.readlines() writelines()
作为列表返回文件中的所有行,其中每一行都是列表对象中的一项, 通常因为message是分行的在文本文件中 writelines() 将接收到的一行一行写回去
Problem4 HTTP代理服务器的过程
首先定义自身代理服务器的端口8899, 绑定并监听 创建客户端套接字线程去接收服务端的socket, 并获取其地址 打开IE浏览器 设置本地代理8899 当输入http://gaia.cs.umass.edu/wireshark-labs/INTRO-wireshark-file1.html 时向8899 发送请求message 请求HTML文件 其中进行了三次握手 我在这里将客户端接收的请求报文暂存一下来获取目的文件的主机和文件名 ** 为什么请求从客户端套接字获取???因为两个报文都需要手打, 确定前面的是请求报文** 对于服务端来说, 检查该文件 有就直接发送没有的话继续 服务端创建一条线程向源主机gaia.cs.umass.edu建立TCP连接 并将之前客户端接收到的报文message发过去 并将文件给存下来 再次请求时就可以返回该文件了 
problem5 缓存问题
因为以前打开过, 再想打开报文时 发现  此时无法获取目的主机以及文件, 会出现字符串分割错误