2022-03-05 08:53:23,164 [main] ERROR com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool - HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:303)
2022-03-05 08:53:25,187 [main] ERROR o.s.boot.SpringApplication - Application run failed
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start web server; nested exception is org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServerException: Unable to start embedded Tomcat
at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.onRefresh(ServletWebServerApplicationContext.java:161)
pg_ctl: could not open PID file "/data/db/postmaster.pid": Operation not permitted
I think this is due to postgres not being properly shut down when the container is stopped; this leaves a stale postmaster.pid file in the data/db directory, which on the next run causes pg_ctl to try talking to a non-existing daemon and ultimately failing to start the db server. Deleting that file prior to starting the container reliably fixes the problem in my case.
I have no idea why this is happening. It looks to me that the TB process is ignoring (or simply not getting) the SIGTERM that Docker sends to initiate a graceful shutdown of the container, so after the default 10s shutdown timeout expires everything gets killed without stop-db.sh having had a chance to run.
$ docker exec -it mytb stop-db.sh
$ docker exec -it mytb killall postgres
$ docker exec -it mytb bash
$ killall postgres