Introduction to Fuchsia
1. Fuchsia architecture
Zircon是core部分,主要负责system start up & bootstrap等等
其余部分都在user space 并且是独立的,保证principle of least privilege
2. Zircon fundamentals
architecture Zircon uses the microkernal architecture to reduce the amount of trusted code running in the system to a few core functions:
- System_call
- User space processes access system calls through
libzircon.so vDSO,it is in ELF Format
? ELF:https://blog.csdn.net/navyhu/article/details/46004059
- system call 直接链接一个或者多个handle
- Jobs, processes and threads
- Jobs allow “applications” that are composed of more than one process to be controlled as a single entity.
- Inter-process communication
- Event: Signaling interface between two processes.
- Socket: Streaming data transport, similar to a pipe.
- Stream: Streaming data transport that is seekable, like a file.
- Channel: Message-based transport capable of passing both data and a set of handles.
- FIFO: Control plane for shared memory access, optimized for small data payloads.
channels 适合创建新的进程
3. Software isolation model
4. component
- component manager:设定权限、通信等等
- component manifest file :declare components to the system; e.g.
program: {
runner: "elf", #telling component manager that this component requires the ELF runner
binary: "bin/hello",
args: [ "Hello", "World!" ],
Component capabilities: component obtain privileges to access various parts of the wider system through capabilities,Each component can declare new capabilities that they offer to the system and capabilities provided by other components (or the framework) that they require to function. -
component organization: Realms:父component和所有的子component 父component控制capability 如何流动 子component控制capability是否提供给reaml共享 -
capability routing [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-iuI7v6C3-1652189413475)(https://fuchsia.dev/docs/get-started/images/intro/capability-routing.png)]
fuchsia % ffx component list
5. software delivery
Fuchsia components
1. declare components
Component manifests(cml):
// Information about the program to run.
program: {
// Use the built-in ELF runner.
runner: "elf",
// The binary to run for this component.
binary: "bin/hello",
// Program arguments
args: [
// Capabilities used by this component.
//这里可以用Manifest shards代替
use: [
{ protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink" },
Building components : Bazel rules ->build and package software into Fuchsia components
# Build rules provided by the Fuchsia SDK
name = "hello_world",
srcs = [
name = "manifest",
src = "meta/hello_world.cml",
name = "component",
manifest = ":manifest",
deps = [":hello_world"],
name = "pkg",
package_name = "hello_world",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
bazel build --config=fuchsia_x64 //fuchsia-codelab/echo:pkg \
zsh: command not found: bazel
bazel不能直接用,好像是一个外部的库,macos上用brew可以下载 https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/get-started/sdk?hl=en这个里面也有写,如果start with Fuchsia sdk是需要安装dependence,但是按照这个链接里的命令就能运行成功bazel bulid,跟着本文中的test走就不行 报错: WARNING: Invoking Bazel in batch mode since it is not invoked from within a workspace (below a directory having a WORKSPACE file).
ERROR: The 'build' command is only supported from within a workspace (below a directory having a WORKSPACE file).
See documentation at https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/build-ref.html
上面的报错以及warning好解决,在同一级目录下面运行 touch WORKSPACE
但是依旧报错 Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
ERROR: --publish_to=/Users/username/.package_repos/sdk-samples :: Unrecognized option: --publish_to=/Users/username/.package_repos/sdk-samples
明明命令都一样,所以应该还是环境的问题,https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/get-started/sdk?hl=en 的get-starting里面也有fssh,也是之前没有解决的问题之一,应该还是需要配置一下环境
####暂时还没有解决,解决之后会回来弄一下, 暂时使用getting-started里面的代替一下
2. orgnazing components
这里和之前capability routing中说的一样
Components are identified by a URL solved by component resolver -
Component lifecycle:在运行过程中/update changes the component topology时,会产生/销毁component -
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-qIUZDK6Y-1652189413477)(https://fuchsia.dev/docs/get-started/images/components/product.png)]剩下的部分,由于梯子不够强,连不上 “fuchsiapkg://fuchsiasamples.com/hello_world#meta/hello_world.cm”
总是报错:Timeout attempting to reach target “unspecified”
Fuchsia Interface
Fuchsia Interface Definition Language 决定component之间如何交流,用binding来decode和encode -
Component connection 主要是要声明出来,声明的语法在官方文档里有写到 -