debian source code
debian package
To know what has changed in the home folder: find ~/ -mmin -5 -type f You can change 5 to a smaller number if you wish. In this way, after saving configuration in LXRandr and running this command, the last change recorded is in ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop. That’s it. To open that: gedit ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop It contains something like: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=LXRandR autostart Comment=Start xrandr with settings done in LXRandR Exec=xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1680x1050 --rate 60.1 --output VGA-0 --off OnlyShowIn=LXDE It says that it just starts “xrandr with settings done in LXRandR”. It’s an xrandr configuration. In the example the external display is connected by VGA but shut down. (To activate that configuration by a keybind, the line to be used is the one after Exec=. It will vary according to the active display settings at the moment when LXRandr saved them. Many separate configurations can be saved in this way to be used with different keybinds; but after saving with LXRandr the file lxrandr-autostart.desktop is overwritten.)
find 基础知识
find 在指定目录中查找符合指定规则的文件 -name 按照文件名称查找 find ./ -name ‘passwd’ 表示在当前目录下查找名称为passwd的文件 -size +/-【cbwkMG】(Linux下的文件大小单位) 通过文件大小查找 +表示大于指定大小;-表示小于指定大小; -type 【bcdpflsD】(Linux下不同类型的文件) 通过文件类型查找 Linux下一切皆文件:在Linux中所有的东西都是按照文件来操作的,例如目录可以看作是一个目录类型的文件 -amin/-mmin/-cmin/-ctime/-atime/-mtime 按照时间查找文件(min为分钟,time为天) find -mmine -3 查找3分钟内修改过的文件 (常用于删除过期文件时使用)