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[系统运维]Linux ARM平台开发系列讲解(IIC) 2.7.3 I2C设备驱动分析

1. 概述


2. I2C设备驱动

I2C 设备驱动重点关注两个数据结构:i2c_clienti2c_driver,根据总线、设备和驱动模型,I2C 总线上一小节已经讲了。还剩下设备和驱动,i2c_client 就是描述设备信息的,i2c_driver 描述驱动内容,类似于 platform_driver

2.1 I2C设备树(以RK3399为例)

&i2c1 { 
	status = "okay"; 
	i2c-scl-rising-time-ns = <265>;
	i2c-scl-falling-time-ns = <11>; 
	clock-frequency = <400000>;
	es8316: es8316@10 {
		#sound-dai-cells = <0>; 
		compatible = "everest,es8316"; 
		reg = <0x10>;
		clocks = <&cru SCLK_I2S_8CH_OUT>; 
		clock-names = "mclk";
		spk-con-gpio = <&gpio0 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		hp-det-gpio = <&gpio4 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

  • clock-frequency: 默认 frequency100k 可不配置,其它 I2C 频率需要配置,最大可配置频率由 i2c-scl-rising-time-ns 决定;例如配置 400kclock-frequency=<400000>
  • i2c-scl-rising-time-nsSCL 上升沿时间由硬件决定,改变上拉电阻可调节该时间,需通过示波器
    量测,参考下图;例如测得 SCL 上升沿 365nsi2c-scl-rising-time-ns=<365>。(默认可以不配
    置,但必须保证当前的上升沿时间不能超过所配置频率下的 I2C 标准所定义的最大上升沿时间)
    i2c-scl-falling-time-ns: SCL 下降沿时间, 一般不变, 等同于 i2c-sda-falling-time-ns。(默认也可以
  • es8316为I2C从设备信息
    • compatible :用于匹配设备driver
    • reg:从设备的从机地址


3. i2c_client 结构体

一个设备对应一个 i2c_client,每检测到一个 I2C 设备就会给这个 I2C 设备分配一个i2c_clienti2c_client 结构体定义在 include/linux/i2c.h 文件中,内容如下:

struct i2c_client {
	unsigned short flags;		/* div., see below		*/
#define I2C_CLIENT_PEC		0x04	/* Use Packet Error Checking */
#define I2C_CLIENT_TEN		0x10	/* we have a ten bit chip address */
					/* Must equal I2C_M_TEN below */
#define I2C_CLIENT_SLAVE	0x20	/* we are the slave */
#define I2C_CLIENT_HOST_NOTIFY	0x40	/* We want to use I2C host notify */
#define I2C_CLIENT_WAKE		0x80	/* for board_info; true iff can wake */
#define I2C_CLIENT_SCCB		0x9000	/* Use Omnivision SCCB protocol */
					/* Must match I2C_M_STOP|IGNORE_NAK */

	unsigned short addr;		/* chip address - NOTE: 7bit	*/
					/* addresses are stored in the	*/
					/* _LOWER_ 7 bits		*/
	char name[I2C_NAME_SIZE];
	struct i2c_adapter *adapter;	/* the adapter we sit on	*/
	struct device dev;		/* the device structure		*/
	int init_irq;			/* irq set at initialization	*/
	int irq;			/* irq issued by device		*/
	struct list_head detected;
	i2c_slave_cb_t slave_cb;	/* callback for slave mode	*/
  • flags: 标志
  • addr: 芯片地址,7 位,存在低 7
  • name:名字
  • adapter: 对应的 I2C 适配器
  • dev:设备结构体
  • irq :中断

4. i2c_driver 结构体

i2c_driver 类似 platform_driver,是我们编写 I2C 设备驱动重点要处理的内容,i2c_driver
构体定义在 include/linux/i2c.h 文件中,内容如下:

struct i2c_driver {
	unsigned int class;

	/* Standard driver model interfaces */
	int (*probe)(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id);
	int (*remove)(struct i2c_client *client);

	/* New driver model interface to aid the seamless removal of the
	 * current probe()'s, more commonly unused than used second parameter.
	int (*probe_new)(struct i2c_client *client);

	/* driver model interfaces that don't relate to enumeration  */
	void (*shutdown)(struct i2c_client *client);

	/* Alert callback, for example for the SMBus alert protocol.
	 * The format and meaning of the data value depends on the protocol.
	 * For the SMBus alert protocol, there is a single bit of data passed
	 * as the alert response's low bit ("event flag").
	 * For the SMBus Host Notify protocol, the data corresponds to the
	 * 16-bit payload data reported by the slave device acting as master.
	void (*alert)(struct i2c_client *client, enum i2c_alert_protocol protocol,
		      unsigned int data);

	/* a ioctl like command that can be used to perform specific functions
	 * with the device.
	int (*command)(struct i2c_client *client, unsigned int cmd, void *arg);

	struct device_driver driver;
	const struct i2c_device_id *id_table;

	/* Device detection callback for automatic device creation */
	int (*detect)(struct i2c_client *client, struct i2c_board_info *info);
	const unsigned short *address_list;
	struct list_head clients;
  • probe:当 I2C 设备和驱动匹配成功以后 probe 函数就会执行,和 platform 驱动一样。
  • device_driver: 驱动结构体,如果使用设备树的话,需要设置 device_driverof_match_table 成员变量,也就是驱动的兼容(compatible)属性。
  • id_table 是传统的、未使用设备树的设备匹配 ID

4.1 i2c_driver的注册

对于我们 I2C 设备驱动编写人来说,重点工作就是构建 i2c_driver,构建完成以后需要向Linux 内核注册这个 i2c_driveri2c_driver 注册函数为 int i2c_register_driver,此函数原型如下:

int i2c_register_driver(struct module *owner, struct i2c_driver *driver)


  • owner:一般为 THIS_MODULE
  • driver:要注册的 i2c_driver
  • 返回值0,成功;负值,失败。

除了i2c_register_driver外,i2c_add_driver 也常常用于注册 i2c_driveri2c_add_driver 是一个宏,i2c_add_driver 就是对 i2c_register_driver 做了一个简单的封装,只有一个参数,就是要注册的 i2c_driver。定义如下:

#define i2c_add_driver(driver) \
i2c_register_driver(THIS_MODULE, driver)

4.2 i2c_driver的注销

注销 I2C 设备驱动的时候需要将前面注册的 i2c_driverLinux 内核中注销掉,需要用到
i2c_del_driver 函数,此函数原型如下:

void i2c_del_driver(struct i2c_driver *driver)


  • driver:要注销的 i2c_driver
  • 返回值:无。

4.3 i2c_driver的注册示例代码如下(出自正点原子):

/* i2c 驱动的 probe 函数 */
static int xxx_probe(struct i2c_client *client,const struct i2c_device_id *id) 
/* 函数具体程序 */
	return 0; 
/* i2c 驱动的 remove 函数 */
static int xxx_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
	/* 函数具体程序 */
	return 0;

 /* 传统匹配方式 ID 列表 */
static const struct i2c_device_id xxx_id[] = {
	{"xxx", 0}, 

 /* 设备树匹配列表 */
 static const struct of_device_id xxx_of_match[] = {
	{ .compatible = "xxx" },
	{ /* Sentinel */ }

 /* i2c 驱动结构体 */
 static struct i2c_driver xxx_driver = {
	.probe = xxx_probe,
	.remove = xxx_remove,
	.driver = {
	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
	.name = "xxx",
	.of_match_table = xxx_of_match,
	.id_table = xxx_id,
 /* 驱动入口函数 */
static int __init xxx_init(void)
	int ret = 0;

	ret = i2c_add_driver(&xxx_driver);
	return ret;

/* 驱动出口函数 */
static void __exit xxx_exit(void)


5. I2C 设备和驱动匹配过程

I2C 设备和驱动的匹配过程是由 I2C 核心来完成的,drivers/i2c/i2c-core.c 就是 I2C 的核心部分,I2C 核心提供了一些与具体硬件无关的 API 函数,比如前面提到的i2c注册和注销函数:
①:i2c_adapter 注册/注销函数

int i2c_add_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
int i2c_add_numbered_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
void i2c_del_adapter(struct i2c_adapter * adap)

②:i2c_driver 注册/注销函数

int i2c_register_driver(struct module *owner, struct i2c_driver *driver)
int i2c_add_driver (struct i2c_driver *driver)
void i2c_del_driver(struct i2c_driver *driver)

设备和驱动的匹配过程也是由 I2C 总线完成的,I2C 总线的数据结构为 i2c_bus_type,定义
drivers/i2c/i2c-core.c 文件,i2c_bus_type 内容如下:

struct bus_type i2c_bus_type = {
	.name		= "i2c",
	.match		= i2c_device_match,
	.probe		= i2c_device_probe,
	.remove		= i2c_device_remove,
	.shutdown	= i2c_device_shutdown,
  • match 就是 I2C 总线的设备和驱动匹配函数,在这里就是 i2c_device_match 这个函数,此
static int i2c_device_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv)
	struct i2c_client	*client = i2c_verify_client(dev);
	struct i2c_driver	*driver;

	/* Attempt an OF style match */
	if (i2c_of_match_device(drv->of_match_table, client))
		return 1;

	/* Then ACPI style match */
	if (acpi_driver_match_device(dev, drv))
		return 1;

	driver = to_i2c_driver(drv);

	/* Finally an I2C match */
	if (i2c_match_id(driver->id_table, client))
		return 1;

	return 0;


  • of_driver_match_device:函数用于完成设备树设备和驱动匹配。比较 I2C 设备节点的 compatible 属性和 of_device_id 中的 compatible 属性是否相等,如果相当的话就表示 I2C设备和驱动匹配
  • acpi_driver_match_device:函数用于 ACPI 形式的匹配。
  • i2c_match_id:函数用于传统的、无设备树的 I2C 设备和驱动匹配过程。比较 I2C设备名字和 i2c_device_idname 字段是否相等,相等的话就说明 I2C 设备和驱动匹配。


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